Displaying 1 - 29 out of 29 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. L. K. Wade 8195 Sep 1966 Papua New Guinea Slopes west of Lake Pinde,… 04115751 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. W. B. Schofield 45621 21 Jul 1971 Canada British Columbia Mt. Logan Station, cliffs banking… 152244
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. D. T. Steel 23(b) 12 Jul 1972 Ethiopia Bale, near the warden's house,… 01260392 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. D. T. Steel 127B 31 Jul 1972 Ethiopia Bale Mts., 1 km W… 01260337 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. D. T. Steel 244(b) 13 Aug 1972 Ethiopia Bale Mts., S side of… 03662126 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. D. T. Steel 307(b) 19 Aug 1972 Ethiopia Bale Mts., S side of… 03662141 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. D. T. Steel 308(b) 19 Aug 1972 Ethiopia Bale Mts., S side of… 03662142 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. D. T. Steel 384(b) 05 Sep 1972 Ethiopia Bale Mts., Garbre Guracha 03662168 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. D. H. Vitt 25930 05 Aug 1980 Canada Alberta Jasper National Park: Just inside… 152246
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. P. L. Redfearn, Jr. 35198 04 Sep 1988 China Sichuan Songpan. Steep NW-facing slope of… 02211376
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. W. R. Buck 28075 03 Aug 1995 Canada British Columbia Mt. Robson Provincial Park area,… 152245
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. B. Goffinet 5831 05 Nov 1998 Chile Magallanes Brunswick Peninsula, SW of Punta… 02032923
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. R. R. Ireland, Jr. 35664 03 Dec 2002 Chile Region VIII: Prov. Bío-Bío. Ralco… 2083344
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. E. Fuertes 3 30 Nov 2005 Argentina Neuquén Parque Nacional Lanín, pr. San… 2083342
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. J. R. Shevock 28272 20 May 2006 China Yunnan Tengchong. W slopes of the… 02032708
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. H.-J. Zündorf 23392 02 Sep 2006 Georgia Grosser Kaukasus: Zentralteil, Chewsuretien, Kharokis… 01817225
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. E. Fuertes 5 19 Sep 2006 Argentina Chubut parque Nacional de Los Alerces… 2083341
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. H.-J. Zündorf 25425 11 Sep 2009 Georgia Tush.-Pshav.-Khevsureti. Grosser Kaukasus, Zentralteil, Mutso,… 01817224
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. H.-J. Zündorf 27223 26 Jul 2012 Georgia Tush.-Pshav.-Khevsureti. Grosser Kaukasus: Zentralteil, Arghun-Tal… 02176039
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. M. J. Cano 6717 20 Oct 2012 Spain Asturias Caso, pr. Pendones 02090860
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. L. Hedenäs 11 Sep 2013 Sweden Västernorrland Ångermanland. Viksjö. E slope of… 02515122
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. Cunningham 195 s.d. Sandy Point, Magellan possible type 1195728 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. J. B. Hatcher s.n. 1896-1897 Patagonia. 02083340
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. W. Lechler 1170 s.d. Sandy Point in [?] Magellan possible type 1195727 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. Canada Portage River 152247
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. Canada Portage River 152248
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. 39 Canada Rivulet N side of W.… 152249
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. 38 Canada Western Creek 152250
Bartramia halleriana Hedw. W. Lechler s.n. s.d. Cape negro in [?] Magellan,… type 1195726 Bartramia halleriana Hedw.