Displaying 626 - 675 out of 738 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Aleurodiscus amorphus Rabenh. R. F. Cain 17 Sep 1964 Canada Ontario Muskoka Reg. Mun. University of… 525695
Aleurodiscus oakesii Berk. P. A. Lemke 15 Sep 1961 Canada Ontario Muskoka Reg. Mun. Sand Lake,… 535125
Aleurodiscus oakesii Berk. P. A. Lemke 41788 16 Sep 1964 Canada Ontario Muskoka Reg. Mun. University of… 535123
Aleurodiscus amorphus Rabenh. P. A. Lemke 12 Sep 1961 Canada Ontario Muskoka Reg. Mun. University forest… 525693
Aleurodiscus oakesii Berk. P. A. Lemke 15 Sep 1961 Canada Ontario Muskoka Reg. Mun. University Forest,… 535100
Aleurodiscus abietis H.S.Jacks. & P.A.Lemke R. F. Cain 12 Sep 1961 Canada Ontario Muskoka Reg. Mun. Univ. Forest,… paratype 576162 Aleurodiscus abietis H.S.Jacks. & P.A.Lemke
Aleurodiscus abietis H.S.Jacks. & P.A.Lemke P. A. Lemke 12 Sep 1961 Canada Ontario Muskoka Reg. Mun. Univ. Forest,… paratype 576161 Aleurodiscus abietis H.S.Jacks. & P.A.Lemke
Aleurodiscus paraphysatus (Burt) D.P.Rogers & P.A.Lemke G. O. A. Malme Paraguay Exped. 1mae Regnellian 535019
Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt J. Rick 174 s.d. Brazil São Leopoldo. 1986392 Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt
Aleurodiscus mirabilis (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Höhn. J. Rick s.n. 1906 Brazil São Leopoldo. 1986519 Aleurodiscus mirabilis (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Höhn.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. Macoun s.n. 05 May 1893 Canada British Columbia 1986297 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus minnsiae Jackson J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 16 Jun 1930 Canada British Columbia D'Arcy. 1986488 Aleurodiscus minnsiae Jackson
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. Macoun s.n. s.d. Canada 1986324 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. Macoun 199 13 Jul 1884 Canada Ontario Lake Nipigon. 1986296 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus paraphysatus (Burt) D.P.Rogers & P.A.Lemke M. M. Ross 12 27 Nov 1948 Guam Tumon Bay. 1986613 Aleurodiscus paraphysatus (Burt) D.P.Rogers & P.A.Lemke
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. P. Sydow s.n. Jun 1893 Finland Mustiala. 1986343 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus lividocoeruleus (P.Karst.) P.A.Lemke M. Laurila 4027 25 Aug 1940 Finland Prov: Satakunta; Par.: Kankaapää; Venesjärvi,… 1986477 Aleurodiscus lividocoeruleus (P.Karst.) P.A.Lemke
Aleurodiscus aurantius Pers.:Fr. G. Bresadola s.n. 1900 Germany "Westfalia" [Westphalen; a region in… 1986371 Aleurodiscus aurantius Pers.:Fr.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. G. Bresadola s.n. 1902 Italy Pr. Trento 1986360 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus cerussatus (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch. G. Bresadola s.n. s.d. Italy Tridenta [Trento/Trentino] 1986436 Aleurodiscus cerussatus (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch.
Aleurodiscus subgiganteus (Berk.) Höhn. Collector unspecified s.n. [More than one date: Oct. 1880 &1881] United States of America 1986645 Aleurodiscus subgiganteus (Berk.) Höhn.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 05 Apr 1933 United States of America Connecticut Goshen 1986244 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 08 Jun 1933 United States of America Maine Gilead. 1986247 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough 977 19 Jul 1932 United States of America New Hampshire Cherry Mt., Carroll. 1986248 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 22 Jun 1933 United States of America New Hampshire Johnston Brook; Thornton. 1986250 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 11 Jun 1934 United States of America Maine Indian Town. 1986251 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. H. G. Eno s.n. 10 Jul 1934 United States of America New Hampshire [Bemis] 1986260 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 20 Jul 1932 United States of America New Hampshire Gale River Exp't. Station. Bethlehem. 1986262 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 09 Jun 1933 United States of America New Hampshire Chatham. 1986265 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 16 Aug 1933 United States of America Maine Andover. 1986269 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 05 Jun 1933 United States of America New Hampshire Yale Forest; Keene. 1986276 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 12 Aug 1933 United States of America New Hampshire Waterville. 1986278 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. Leibig s.n. Apr 1891 United States of America Idaho [Lake] Pend d'Oreil. 1986291 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. Leibig s.n. Apr 1891 United States of America Idaho [Lake] Pend d'Oreil. 1986292 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. Leibig s.n. Apr 1891 United States of America Idaho [Lake] Pend d'Oreil. 1986325 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 11 May 1931 United States of America Oregon Bennett Pass on Mt. Hood;… 1986338 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 31 Mar 1932 United States of America Oregon 5 miles N. of Linnton. 1986340 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. Leibig s.n. Apr 1891 United States of America Idaho [Lake] Pend d'Oreil. 1986341 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 11 Sep 1931 United States of America Oregon Near Pamelia Lake, Santiam National… 1986347 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. L. Mielk s.n. 26 Dec 1929 United States of America Oregon Kingston. 1986348 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 11 May 1931 United States of America Oregon Hood River Co. Near Horse… 1986349 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers. J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 14 Dec 1930 United States of America Oregon Neat Zig Zag Ranger Station,… 1986350 Aleurodiscus amorphus Pers.
Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt R. L. McClain 1550 02 Mar 1935 United States of America New York Ithaca. 1986434 Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt
Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 04 Aug 1932 United States of America Connecticut Salisbury. 1986435 Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt
Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 11 Jun 1934 United States of America Maine Indian Town. 1986462 Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt
Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 09 Jun 1933 United States of America New Hampshire Chattham. 1986468 Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt
Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 26 Jul 1933 United States of America New York Cornell Camp, Newcomb. 1986470 Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt
Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 16 Jul 1933 United States of America New Hampshire Waterville. 1986472 Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt
Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt J. R. Hansbrough s.n. 27 Jul 1933 United States of America New York Lot 7 always upper Hudson… 1986473 Aleurodiscus farlowii Burt
Aleurodiscus minnsiae Jackson J. R. Hansbrough 1896 27 Sep 1935 United States of America Vermont Shoreham. 1986483 Aleurodiscus minnsiae Jackson