Displaying 26 - 50 out of 263 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Poa cuspidata Nutt. M. E. Wharton 1590 28 Mar 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. near Halton Creek;… 1790500 Poa cuspidata Nutt.
Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume M. E. Wharton 1597 28 Mar 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. 2½ miles SE.… 2511097 Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume
Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees M. E. Wharton 1660 01 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Estill Co. 2½ mi. SE.… 2511780 Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees
Epigaea repens L. M. E. Wharton 1699 02 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Estill Co. 1 mile SW… 2521600 Epigaea repens L.
Cornus florida L. M. E. Wharton 1816 19 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Banks of Slate Creek; 2… 2504663 Cornus florida L.
Polygonatum biflorum (Walter) Elliott M. E. Wharton 1831a 19 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Montgomery Co. 2½ miles east… 3572988 Polygonatum biflorum (Walter) Elliott
Salix nigra Marshall M. E. Wharton 1878 22 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Montgomery Co. 1 3/4 miles… 2061339 Salix nigra Marshall
Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt. M. E. Wharton 1885 22 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Montgomery Co. 1 3/4 mi… 290668
Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt. M. E. Wharton 1885 22 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Montgomery Co. 1.75 mi SE… 290985
Hamamelis virginiana L. M. E. Wharton 1940 29 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. 2½ miles SE.… 2515306 Hamamelis virginiana L.
Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott M. E. Wharton 1912 29 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. Turkey Knob. 2… 03539294 Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott
Ctenidium malacodes Mitt. M. E. Wharton 1918 29 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. 2 1/2 mi.… 577905
Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link M. E. Wharton 1915 29 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. 2½ miles SE… 3571230 Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link
Arisaema atrorubens (Aiton) Blume M. E. Wharton 1914a 29 Apr 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. 2½ miles SE… 3693922 Arisaema atrorubens (Aiton) Blume
Cornus florida L. M. E. Wharton 1983 02 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Bath Co. 3/4 Mi NW… 2504666 Cornus florida L.
Carex lurida Wahlenb. M. E. Wharton 2080 06 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. Black Shale Region.… 2289653 Carex lurida Wahlenb.
Salix nigra Marshall M. E. Wharton 2081 06 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Bank of small stream. 3/4… 2061337 Salix nigra Marshall
Bignonia capreolata L. M. E. Wharton 2067 06 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. 1½ miles NW… 2584289 Bignonia capreolata L.
Celastrus scandens L. M. E. Wharton 2096 10 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Lincoln Co. 3 miles southeast… 01110485 Celastrus scandens L.
Carex gracilescens Steud. M. E. Wharton 2105 10 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Lincoln Co. 3 miles SE… 2277987 Carex gracilescens Steud.
Vaccinium stamineum L. M. E. Wharton 2180a 11 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Rockcastle Co. 1¼ miles SE… 2548907 Vaccinium stamineum L.
Bromus commutatus Schrad. M. E. Wharton 2234 May 17, 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. Black Shale Region;… 1635475 Bromus commutatus Schrad.
Celtis occidentalis L. M. E. Wharton 2250 17 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. 1 1/4 miles… 2464328 Celtis occidentalis L.
Woodsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr. M. E. Wharton 2225 17 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Powell Co. 1 1/4 miles… 3810615 Woodsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr.
Carex laxiflora Lam. M. E. Wharton 2318 19 May 1938 United States of America Kentucky Estill Co. 1 mile SE.… 2195045 Carex laxiflora Lam.