Juncus alpinus Vill.
M. E. Barkworth 198.0 [1993] |
12 Sep 1993 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Rich Co. SW end of… |
— |
2378106 |
Lupinus aridus subsp. loloensis B.J.Cox
M. E. Barkworth 769 |
09 Jun 1973 |
United States of America |
Idaho |
Idaho Co. 1.5 mi W… |
— |
02588228 |
Lupinus sericeus Pursh
M. E. Barkworth 405 |
25 Jun 1972 |
United States of America |
Washington |
Stevens Co. 5 mi N… |
— |
2601506 |
Osmorhiza occidentalis (Nutt.) Torr.
M. E. Barkworth 2625 |
13 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Cache Co. Between Turner Campground… |
— |
02912195 |
Picrothamnus desertorum Nutt.
M. E. Barkworth 2589 |
02 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Box Elder Co. 18 miles… |
— |
3129070 |
Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & A.Gray
M. E. Barkworth 94.139 |
17 Aug 1994 |
United States of America |
Idaho |
Valley Co. Boise National Forest;… |
— |
3319076 |
Erythronium grandiflorum Pursh
M. E. Barkworth 2614 |
13 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Cache Co. Between Turner Campground… |
— |
3533757 |
Roemeria refracta DC.
M. E. Barkworth 2556 |
01 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Cache Co. 300 yards east… |
— |
3702796 |
Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Newman
M. E. Barkworth 439 |
01 Jul 1972 |
United States of America |
Washington |
Garfield Co. Tucannon River area.… |
— |
3798938 |
Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.
M. E. Barkworth 5157 |
23 Sep 1988 |
United States of America |
Texas |
Jeff Davis Co. on highway… |
— |
1643008 |
Astragalus wingatanus S.Watson
M. E. Barkworth 2645 |
04 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Emery Co. Horse Canyon turnoff… |
— |
701945 |
Lepidium montanum var. jonesii (Rydb.) C.L.Hitchc.
M. E. Barkworth 2642 |
04 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Emery Co. Horse Canyon turnoff… |
— |
76443 |
Linanthus pungens (Torr.) J.M.Porter & L.A.Johnson
M. E. Barkworth 2649 |
04 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Emery Co. Horse Canyon turnoff… |
— |
01012107 |
Penstemon subglaber Rydb.
M. E. Barkworth 2652 |
04 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Emery Co. Horse Canyon turnoff… |
— |
661698 |
Astragalus mollissimus var. thompsonae (S.Watson) Barneby
M. E. Barkworth 2646 |
04 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Emery Co. Horse Canyon turnoff… |
— |
676818 |
Camassia quamash (Pursh) Greene subsp. quamash
M. E. Barkworth 765 |
09 Jun 1973 |
United States of America |
Idaho |
Idaho Co. 1 mi east… |
— |
3544954 |
Syntrichia ruralis (Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr
M. E. Barkworth 683 |
30 Mar 1973 |
United States of America |
Washington |
Klickitat Co. A quarter of… |
— |
370041 |
Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.
M. E. Barkworth 678 |
15 Mar 1973 |
United States of America |
Washington |
Skamania Co. Ca 1 mi… |
— |
403946 |
Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth
M. E. Barkworth 3382 |
15 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Sanpete Co. 2.3 miles E… |
— |
1758297 |
Fagus orientalis Lipsky
M. E. Barkworth s.n. |
22 Jun 2003 |
Armenia |
Tavuš |
Ijevan (distr.) c. 6 km… |
— |
03476707 |
Acer macrophyllum Pursh
M. E. Barkworth 3446 |
16 Jul 1981 |
United States of America |
California |
Nevada Co. 5.6 mi west… |
— |
2484701 |
Acer pseudoplatanus L.
M. E. Barkworth 97.58 |
23 Aug 1997 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Cache Co. SW portion of… |
— |
2487837 |
Pediomelum castoreum (S.Watson) Rydb.
M. E. Barkworth 2535 |
10 May 1980 |
United States of America |
Arizona |
Mohave Co. North of intersection… |
— |
802449 |
Carex lupulina Muhl. ex Willd.
M. E. Barkworth 934 |
01 Sep 1975 |
Canada |
Ontario |
Carleton Co. East of North… |
— |
2288947 |
Carex lupulina Muhl. ex Willd.
M. E. Barkworth 934 |
01 Sep 1975 |
Canada |
Ontario |
Carleton Co. East of North… |
— |
2288948 |
Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey
M. E. Barkworth 3349 |
— |
United States of America |
Utah |
Uintah Co. 1.4 miles n… |
— |
1655102 |
Elymus elymoides subsp. californicus (J.G.Sm.) Barkworth
M. E. Barkworth 3466 |
18 Jul 1981 |
United States of America |
California |
Mono Co. Ca. 5 mi… |
— |
1673631 |
Elymus lanceolatus subsp. lanceolatus
M. E. Barkworth 3291 |
12 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Wyoming |
Sweetwater Co. Along dirt road… |
— |
1674518 |
Elymus repens (L.) Gould
M. E. Barkworth 4290 |
21 Jul 1983 |
United States of America |
Wyoming |
Lincoln Co. Kemmerer Coal Mine,… |
— |
1677678 |
Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners
M. E. Barkworth 94.141 |
17 Aug 1994 |
United States of America |
Idaho |
Valley Co. Boise National Forest;… |
— |
1677908 |
Elymus trachycaulus subsp. trachycaulus
M. E. Barkworth 3336 |
13 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Uintah Co. Red Ash road,… |
— |
1678589 |
Danthonia intermedia Vasey
M. E. Barkworth 94.140 |
17 1994 [month not on label] |
United States of America |
Idaho |
Valley Co. Boise National Forest;… |
— |
1587875 |
Deschampsia elongata (Hook.) Munro
M. E. Barkworth 436 |
01 Jul 1972 |
United States of America |
Washington |
Garfield Co. Tucannon River |
— |
1590282 |
Festuca rubra L.
M. E. Barkworth 432 |
01 Jul 1972 |
United States of America |
Washington |
Garfield Co. Tucannon River |
— |
1693797 |
Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth
M. E. Barkworth 3341 |
13 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Uintah Co. 7.9 miles N… |
— |
1701811 |
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
M. E. Barkworth 3340 |
13 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Uintah Co. 7.9 miles N… |
— |
1728100 |
Hilaria rigida (Thurb.) Benth. ex Scribn.
M. E. Barkworth 2500 |
09 May 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Washington Co. Paradise Canyon, approx.… |
— |
1728308 |
Leymus salina (M.E.Jones) Á.Löve
M. E. Barkworth 3362 |
14 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
San Juan Co. 9 miles… |
— |
1736957 |
Leymus salina (M.E.Jones) Á.Löve
M. E. Barkworth 3368 |
15 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Emery Co. Joes Reservoir campground… |
— |
1737009 |
Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á.Löve
M. E. Barkworth 3339 |
13 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Uintah Co. 7.9 miles N… |
— |
1764868 |
Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á.Löve
M. E. Barkworth 3332 |
13 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Uintah Co. N. entrance to… |
— |
1764869 |
Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski
M. E. Barkworth 4295 |
21 Jul 1983 |
United States of America |
Wyoming |
Lincoln Co. Kemmerer Coal Mine,… |
— |
1785706 |
Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski
M. E. Barkworth 3300 |
12 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Daggett Co. 6 miles S… |
— |
1785711 |
Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á.Löve
M. E. Barkworth 3367 |
14 Jun 1981 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Emery Co. Joe Valley campground… |
— |
1811972 |
Schismus arabicus Nees
M. E. Barkworth 2523 |
09 May 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Washington Co. 2 mi. south… |
— |
1813320 |
Vulpia octoflora (Walter) Rydb.
M. E. Barkworth 2560 |
01 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Box Elder Co. 9 miles… |
— |
1822761 |
Baileya multiradiata Harv. & A.Gray
M. E. Barkworth 2492 |
09 May 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Washington Co. Viewpoint off Highway… |
— |
1923447 |
Chaenactis douglasii var. achilleifolia (Hook. & Arn.) A.Nelson
M. E. Barkworth 2565 |
01 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Box Elder Co. 9 miles… |
— |
2033837 |
Crepis acuminata Nutt.
M. E. Barkworth 2377 |
03 Jun 1979 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Cache Co. Green Canyon @… |
— |
2067829 |
Crepis modocensis Greene
M. E. Barkworth 2713 |
26 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Cache Co. Ridge above Preston… |
— |
2068606 |
Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt.
M. E. Barkworth 535 |
29 Aug 1972 |
United States of America |
Idaho |
Nez Perce Co. 1 mi… |
— |
2745407 |
Schoenoplectus pungens var. longispicatus (Britton) S.G.Sm.
M. E. Barkworth 191 |
Sep 1993 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Rich Co. Southwest end of… |
— |
2888955 |
Tetradymia nuttallii Torr. & A.Gray
M. E. Barkworth 2583 |
02 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Box Elder Co. 17 miles… |
— |
2737061 |
Townsendia florifer (Hook.) A.Gray
M. E. Barkworth 2595 |
02 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Box Elder Co. 22 mi.… |
— |
2922742 |
Lygodesmia grandiflora (Nutt.) Torr. & A.Gray
M. E. Barkworth 2722 |
13 Jul 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Cache Co. ¾ mile north… |
— |
3044678 |
Machaeranthera canescens (Pursh) A.Gray var. canescens
M. E. Barkworth 2746 |
31 Aug 1980 |
United States of America |
Colorado |
Grand Co. 1/4 mi. SE… |
— |
3046404 |
Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) A.Nelson
M. E. Barkworth 2700 |
08 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Washington Co. 8 miles north… |
— |
3073043 |
Senecio eremophilus var. kingii Greenm.
M. E. Barkworth 2747 |
31 Aug 1980 |
United States of America |
Colorado |
Grand Co. 1/2 mi. SE… |
— |
3081507 |
Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus (Nutt.) Cronquist
M. E. Barkworth 2551 |
16 May 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Cache Co. 1.4 mi. west… |
— |
3083997 |
Senecio multicapitatus Greenm. ex Rydb.
M. E. Barkworth 2498 |
09 May 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Washington Co. Paradise Canyon, approx.… |
— |
3084989 |
Packera multilobata (Torr. & A.Gray) W.A.Weber & Á.Löve
M. E. Barkworth 2672 |
06 Jun 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
San Juan Co. Viewpoint 12… |
— |
3117205 |
Psilostrophe cooperi (A.Gray) Greene
M. E. Barkworth 2517 |
10 May 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Washington Co. 2 mi. south… |
— |
3112247 |
Psorothamnus fremontii (Torr. ex A.Gray) Barneby var. fremontii
M. E. Barkworth 2505 |
09 May 1980 |
United States of America |
Utah |
Washington Co. Paradise Canyon, approx.… |
— |
702708 |
Equisetum telmateia Ehrh.
M. E. Barkworth 97.063 |
31 Aug 1997 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Surrey: 17780 92nd Ave; in… |
— |
3518274 |
Dendrolycopodium obscurum (L.) A.Haines
M. E. Barkworth 2149 |
04 Jul 1977 |
Canada |
Ontario |
South River: 3 miles north… |
— |
3148007 |
Osmunda cinnamomea L.
M. E. Barkworth 2016 |
23 Jun 1977 |
Canada |
Ontario |
Algoma Mills: Lauzon Airport Road |
— |
3553976 |