Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Hygrohypnum eugyrium (Schimp.) Loeske M. L. Hicks 6249 16 Apr 1977 United States of America South Carolina Congaree Swamp near Columbia. 02490002 Hygrohypnum eugyrium (Schimp.) Loeske
Radula pulchella Mitt. M. L. Hicks 10879 17 Jun 1982 Australia Queensland Mt. Hypipamee National Park, Atherton… 840806 Radula pulchella Mitt.
Hygrohypnum eugyrium (Schimp.) Loeske M. L. Hicks 9006 7/3/1979 United States of America South Carolina Pickens Co. along Eastatoe Creek… 02564935 Hygrohypnum eugyrium (Schimp.) Loeske