Displaying 51 - 100 out of 549 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Xylopia L. K. Larsen 33014 06 Mar 1974 Thailand Narathiwat Peninsula: Naratiwat: Sungei Kolok, Nikom… 4728321 Xylopia L.
Vittaria elongata Sw. K. Larsen 45553 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 01137170 Vittaria elongata Sw.
Lygodium longifolium (Willd.) Sw. K. Larsen 45554 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 03891735 Lygodium longifolium (Willd.) Sw.
Taenitis K. Larsen 45544 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 3914405 Taenitis
Taenitis K. Larsen 45545 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 3914406 Taenitis
Trichomanes K. Larsen 45558 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 3934846 Trichomanes
Trichomanes K. Larsen 45547 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 3934847 Trichomanes
Haplopteris elongata (Sw.) E.H.Crane K. Larsen 45553 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 03936764 Haplopteris elongata (Sw.) E.H.Crane
Microsorum nigrescens (Blume) Copel. K. Larsen 45549 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 3947988 Microsorum nigrescens (Blume) Copel.
Microsorum K. Larsen 45555 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 3948064 Microsorum
Selliguea heterocarpa (Blume) Blume K. Larsen 45539 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 03952266 Selliguea heterocarpa (Blume) Blume
Loxogramme avenia C.Presl K. Larsen 45561 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 03989325 Loxogramme avenia C.Presl
Thelypteris ciliata (Wall. & Benth.) Ching K. Larsen 45540 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 04035539 Thelypteris ciliata (Wall. & Benth.) Ching
Asplenium pellucidum Lam. K. Larsen 45542 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 04052071 Asplenium pellucidum Lam.
Diplazium K. Larsen 45538 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 4062066 Diplazium
Blechnopsis finlaysoniana C.Presl K. Larsen 45548 15 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Chatwarin Falls 4167446 Blechnopsis finlaysoniana C.Presl
Bolbitis K. Larsen 45629 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 01138863 Bolbitis
Ctenitis K. Larsen 45625 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 03305942 Ctenitis
Trichomanes K. Larsen 45632 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 3934844 Trichomanes
Trichomanes K. Larsen 45630 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 3934852 Trichomanes
Haplopteris ensiformis (Sw.) E.H.Crane K. Larsen 45636 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 3936777 Haplopteris ensiformis (Sw.) E.H.Crane
Drymoglossum piloselloides (L.) C.Presl K. Larsen 45634 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 3947697 Drymoglossum piloselloides (L.) C.Presl
Microsorum heterocarpum Ching K. Larsen 45628 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 03947951 Microsorum heterocarpum Ching
Microsorum punctatum (L.) Copel. K. Larsen 45626 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 3948021 Microsorum punctatum (L.) Copel.
Pleopeltis longifolia (Blume) Bedd. K. Larsen 45640 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng.… 03960924 Pleopeltis longifolia (Blume) Bedd.
Loxogramme subecostata C.Chr. K. Larsen 45639 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 03989359 Loxogramme subecostata C.Chr.
Thelypteris K. Larsen 45637 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 4035996 Thelypteris
Bolbitis heteroclita (C.Presl) Ching K. Larsen 45635 16 Aug 1995 Thailand Narathiwat Ban Bala south of Waeng. 4154320 Bolbitis heteroclita (C.Presl) Ching
Cryptocarya pustulata Kosterm. K. Larsen 32603 25 Feb 1974 Thailand Narathiwat Peninsula: Naratiwat: Sungei Kolok, Nikom… 04731818 Cryptocarya pustulata Kosterm.
Pothos K. Larsen 32619 26 Feb 1974 Thailand Narathiwat Peninsula: Naratiwat: Sungei Kolok, Nikom… 3802301 Pothos
Cinnamomum iners Reinw. K. Larsen 32646 26 Feb 1974 Thailand Narathiwat Peninsula: Naratiwat: Sungei Kolok, Nikom… 4723335 Cinnamomum iners Reinw.
Xylopia L. K. Larsen 32654 26 Feb 1974 Thailand Narathiwat Peninsula: Naratiwat: Sungei Kolok, Nikom… 4728320 Xylopia L.
Xylopia L. K. Larsen 32650 26 Feb 1974 Thailand Narathiwat Peninsula: Naratiwat: Sungei Kolok, Nikom… 4728323 Xylopia L.
Scleria ciliaris Nees K. Larsen 32748 28 Feb 1974 Thailand Narathiwat Peninsula: Naratiwat: Sungei Kolok, Nikom… 04349177 Scleria ciliaris Nees
Scleria purpurascens Steud. K. Larsen 32749 28 Feb 1974 Thailand Narathiwat Peninsula: Naratiwat: Sungei Kolok, Nikom… 4349283 Scleria purpurascens Steud.
Adiantum zollingeri Mett. ex Kuhn K. Larsen 46471 15 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon 03923390 Adiantum zollingeri Mett. ex Kuhn
Lindsaea ensifolia Sw. K. Larsen 46452 15 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon 4022990 Lindsaea ensifolia Sw.
Lindsaea ensifolia Sw. K. Larsen 46453 15 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon 4022991 Lindsaea ensifolia Sw.
Sphenomeris chinensis (L.) Maxon K. Larsen 46454 15 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon 04023676 Sphenomeris chinensis (L.) Maxon
Thelypteris arida (D.Don) C.V.Morton K. Larsen 46468 15 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon. 4035489 Thelypteris arida (D.Don) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris siamensis Tagawa & K.Iwats. K. Larsen 46502 15 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Wachiratharn Waterfall on Doi Intanon. 04035834 Thelypteris siamensis Tagawa & K.Iwats.
Pleopeltis nuda Hook. K. Larsen 46544 16 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon. 03960942 Pleopeltis nuda Hook.
Asplenium ensiforme Wall. ex Hook. & Grev. K. Larsen 46518 16 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon. 4051860 Asplenium ensiforme Wall. ex Hook. & Grev.
Diplazium muricatum Alderw. K. Larsen 46517 16 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon. 04061667 Diplazium muricatum Alderw.
Dryopteris neochrysocoma Ching K. Larsen 46520 16 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon. 04153196 Dryopteris neochrysocoma Ching
Araiostegia clarkei (Baker) Copel. K. Larsen 46539 16 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Intanon. 04163096 Araiostegia clarkei (Baker) Copel.
Thelypteris molliuscula (Kuhn) K.Iwats. K. Larsen 46593 17 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Mae Lao - Mae Sae… 04035725 Thelypteris molliuscula (Kuhn) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris K. Larsen 46562 17 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Mae Lao - Mae Sae… 4035981 Thelypteris
Pyrrosia tonkinensis (Giesenh.) Ching K. Larsen 46660 18 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Rock Tower Mountain, Mae Sa,… 03947255 Pyrrosia tonkinensis (Giesenh.) Ching
Crypsinus laciniatus Holttum K. Larsen 46649 18 Sep 1995 Thailand Chiang Mai Rock Tower Mountain, Mae Sa,… 03952011 Crypsinus laciniatus Holttum