Displaying 76 - 100 out of 311 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Parmotrema recipiendum (Nyl.) Hale J. A. Elix 23076 31 May 1990 Australia New South Wales Bimbi State Forest, 23 km… 04440602 Parmotrema recipiendum (Nyl.) Hale
Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Essl. J. A. Elix 23126 11 Sep 1990 Australia New South Wales Abercrombie Caves, 43 km south-south-east… 04440604 Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Essl.
Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis (Nyl.) D.J.Galloway & P.James J. A. Elix 22925 26 Apr 1990 Australia New South Wales Moppy Lookout, Barrington Tops State… 04440605 Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis (Nyl.) D.J.Galloway & P.James
Hypocenomyce foveata Timdal J. A. Elix 27483 12 Sep 1990 Australia New South Wales Great Dividing Range, Tuena-Binda road,… 04440619 Hypocenomyce foveata Timdal
Lecanactis microcarpella (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr. J. A. Elix 22626 04 Aug 1988 Australia New South Wales Buckenbowra River Estuary, 7.5 km… 04440645 Lecanactis microcarpella (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Menegazzia platytrema (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant. J. A. Elix 10982 13 Mar 1983 Australia New South Wales Great Dividing Range, 2 km… 04440649 Menegazzia platytrema (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant.
Hypogymnia pulverata (Nyl. ex Cromb.) Elix J. A. Elix 2963 23 Mar 1977 Australia New South Wales Great Dividing Range, 12.6 km… 04591572 Hypogymnia pulverata (Nyl. ex Cromb.) Elix
Hypogymnia subphysodes (Kremp.) Filson var. subphysodes J. A. Elix 3080 30 Mar 1977 Australia New South Wales Morton National Park, 8 km… 04591574 Hypogymnia subphysodes (Kremp.) Filson var. subphysodes
Menegazzia platytrema (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant. J. A. Elix 9682 22 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales Kosciusko National Park, northern face… 04591576 Menegazzia platytrema (Müll.Arg.) R.Sant.
Parmelia metastrigosa Elix J. A. Elix 9636 02 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales northern slopes of Mount Canobolas,… 04591583 Parmelia metastrigosa Elix
Parmelia reptans Kurok. J. A. Elix 9698 24 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales 2 km north of Bredbo 04591586 Parmelia reptans Kurok.
Chondropsis semiviridis (Nyl.) Nyl. J. A. Elix 10883 24 Feb 1983 Australia New South Wales 2 km north of Bredbo 04591642 Chondropsis semiviridis (Nyl.) Nyl.
Parmelia tenuirima Hook.f. & Taylor J. A. Elix 10891 03 Mar 1983 Australia New South Wales Great Dividing Range, 6 km… 04591663 Parmelia tenuirima Hook.f. & Taylor
Hypogymnia lugubris var. compactior (Zahlbr.) Elix J. A. Elix 9683 22 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales Kosciusko National Park, northern face… 04591568 Hypogymnia lugubris var. compactior (Zahlbr.) Elix
Hypogymnia billardieri (Mont.) Filson J. A. Elix 10901 02 Apr 1983 Australia New South Wales Jerrabomberra Hill, 2km south-west of… 04591645 Hypogymnia billardieri (Mont.) Filson
Pannoparmelia wilsonii (Räsänen) D.J.Galloway J. A. Elix 9672 18 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales Brown Mountain, 14 km south-east… 04591577 Pannoparmelia wilsonii (Räsänen) D.J.Galloway
Heterodea beaugleholei Filson J. A. Elix 10900 02 Apr 1983 Australia New South Wales Jerrabomberra Hill, 2km south-west of… 04591643 Heterodea beaugleholei Filson
Hypogymnia enteromorphoides Elix J. A. Elix 9693 24 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales Kosciusko National Park, Wilsons Valley,… 04591569 Hypogymnia enteromorphoides Elix
Parmelia flavescentireagens Gyeln. J. A. Elix 9694 24 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales Kosciusko National Park, Wilsons Valley,… 04591581 Parmelia flavescentireagens Gyeln.
Hypogymnia kosciuskoensis Elix J. A. Elix 9684 22 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales Kosciusko National Park, northern slopes… 04591646 Hypogymnia kosciuskoensis Elix
Parmelia dichotoma Müll.Arg. J. A. Elix 10446 02 Oct 1982 Australia New South Wales Black Flat, Currowan State Forest,… 04591648 Parmelia dichotoma Müll.Arg.
Hypogymnia mundata (Nyl.) Oxner ex Rass. J. A. Elix 9693b 24 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales Kosciusko National Park, Wilsons Valley,… 04591570 Hypogymnia mundata (Nyl.) Oxner ex Rass.
Parmelia substrigosa Hale J. A. Elix 10160 21 Mar 1982 Australia New South Wales Blue Range, 29 km west… 04591588 Parmelia substrigosa Hale
Parmelia viridosoredians Elix J. A. Elix 9681 22 Feb 1982 Australia New South Wales Kosciusko National Park, Charlottes Pass 04591591 Parmelia viridosoredians Elix
Parmeliella J. A. Elix 40848 06 Aug 1994 Australia New South Wales Rutherfords Creek, 11 km SE… 04667568 Parmeliella