Displaying 26 - 48 out of 48 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S.E.Carp. J. R. Kienholz K115 07 Jun 1933 United States of America Oregon Hood River 3416904 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S.E.Carp.
Crocicreas amenti (Batsch) S.E.Carp. J. R. Kienholz KD104 21 Feb 1939 United States of America Oregon Tucker Road above bridge. Hood… 3418287 Crocicreas amenti (Batsch) S.E.Carp.
Helotium fastidiosum Peck J. R. Kienholz s.n. 26 Aug 1933 United States of America Oregon Tilly Jane Creek (Hood River) 03419625 Helotium fastidiosum Peck
Hymenoscyphus J. R. Kienholz s.n. 14 Aug 1933 United States of America Oregon Dee (Hood River) 3420033 Hymenoscyphus
Hymenoscyphus J. R. Kienholz K144 20 Oct 1933 United States of America Oregon Whiskey Creek, Hood River 3420085 Hymenoscyphus
Hymenoscyphus J. R. Kienholz K126 s.d. United States of America Oregon Dee (Hood River) 3420295 Hymenoscyphus
Hymenoscyphus scutulus (Pers.) W.Phillips J. R. Kienholz K143 20 Oct 1933 United States of America Oregon Whiskey Creek, Hood River 3421145 Hymenoscyphus scutulus (Pers.) W.Phillips
Chlorosplenium aeruginosum (Oeder) De Not. J. R. Kienholz K55 04 Feb 1933 United States of America Oregon 2 mi. E. Dee 3423383 Chlorosplenium aeruginosum (Oeder) De Not.
Ciboria J. R. Kienholz K113 02 Jun 1933 United States of America Oregon Dee 3423739 Ciboria
Ciboria caucus (Rebent.) Fuckel J. R. Kienholz KPD669 20 Feb 1935 United States of America Oregon Dee 3424140 Ciboria caucus (Rebent.) Fuckel
Mitella stauropetala Piper J. R. Kienholz 15 12 May 1927 United States of America Idaho Benewah Co. Coniferous wooded slope… 3472175 Mitella stauropetala Piper
Luzula campestris (L.) DC. J. R. Kienholz 25 12 May 1927 United States of America Idaho Benewah Co. Chatcolet 3735992 Luzula campestris (L.) DC.
Disporum hookeri var. oreganum (S.Watson) Q.Jones J. R. Kienholz 23 12 May 1927 United States of America Idaho Benewah Co. Chatcolet 3744628 Disporum hookeri var. oreganum (S.Watson) Q.Jones
Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S.E.Carp. J. R. Kienholz K139 18 Sep 1933 United States of America Oregon Hood River. Green Point 3417075 Bisporella citrina (Batsch) Korf & S.E.Carp.
Helotium albuminum (Cooke & Peck) Sacc. J. R. Kienholz s.n. 11 Nov 1931 United States of America Oregon Hood River. 03419438 Helotium albuminum (Cooke & Peck) Sacc.
Hymenoscyphus J. R. Kienholz K140 30 Aug 1933 United States of America Oregon Hood River. 3420084 Hymenoscyphus
Hymenoscyphus J. R. Kienholz K127 s.d. United States of America Oregon Hood River. 3420271 Hymenoscyphus
Lanzia luteovirescens (Roberge ex Desm.) Dumont & Korf J. R. Kienholz K141 01 Sep 1933 United States of America Oregon Hood River. 3424960 Lanzia luteovirescens (Roberge ex Desm.) Dumont & Korf
Thecotheus apiculatus Kimbr. J. R. Kienholz K64 28 Oct 1932 United States of America Oregon Hood River lectotype 00914970 Thecotheus apiculatus Kimbr.
Scleroderma cepa (Vaill.) Pers. J. R. Kienholz 8408 07 Oct 1937 United States of America Oregon Hood River. 02762384 Scleroderma cepa (Vaill.) Pers.
Clematis occidentalis var. grosseserrata (Rydb.) J.S.Pringle J. R. Kienholz 24 12 May 1927 United States of America Idaho Benewah Co. Twining. Chatcolet. 2745760 Clematis occidentalis var. grosseserrata (Rydb.) J.S.Pringle
Thalictrum occidentale A.Gray J. R. Kienholz 22 12 May 1927 United States of America Idaho Benewah Co. Chatcolet 2801484 Thalictrum occidentale A.Gray
Fragaria virginiana var. platypetala (Rydb.) H.M.Hall J. R. Kienholz 16 12 May 1927 United States of America Idaho Benewah Co. Chatcolet 2799887 Fragaria virginiana var. platypetala (Rydb.) H.M.Hall