Displaying 51 - 125 out of 351 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Solidago arguta Aiton I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep. 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. [Inferred county… 2336403 Solidago arguta Aiton
Calamovilfa brevipilis (Torr.) Scribn. I. C. Martindale s.n. 31 Aug 1879 United States of America New Jersey Atsion. 719974 Calamovilfa brevipilis (Torr.) Scribn.
Solidago arguta subsp. arguta I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug 1870 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Byberry. [Inferred county… 2336567 Solidago arguta subsp. arguta
Solidago caesia var. caesia I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug 1876 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. 2337562 Solidago caesia var. caesia
Solidago canadensis L. I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep 1875 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2338006 Solidago canadensis L.
Solidago lanceolata L. I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2353379 Solidago lanceolata L.
Solidago nemoralis var. nemoralis I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2355277 Solidago nemoralis var. nemoralis
Solidago odora Aiton I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug 1875 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2368691 Solidago odora Aiton
Solidago pilosa Walter I. C. Martindale s.n. 18 Sep 1873 United States of America New Jersey Ocean Co. Manchester. 2369235 Solidago pilosa Walter
Solidago puberula Nutt. I. C. Martindale s.n. Sept. 1876 United States of America New Jersey Gloucester Co. Woodbury. 2370504 Solidago puberula Nutt.
Solidago rugosa Mill. I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep. 1875 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2371083 Solidago rugosa Mill.
Solidago sempervirens L. I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug. 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2371450 Solidago sempervirens L.
Solidago serotina Aiton I. C. Martindale s.n. Sept. 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2369435 Solidago serotina Aiton
Solidago speciosa Nutt. var. speciosa I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep. 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Schuylkill Co. Falls of Schuylkill. 2372142 Solidago speciosa Nutt. var. speciosa
Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. I. C. Martindale 3045 Jul 1878 United States of America Pennsylvania Ballast ground, Pennsylvania. 02373249 Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop.
Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. I. C. Martindale s.n. Jul 1877 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Ballast, Philadelphia. 02373264 Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop.
Juncus articulatus var. articulatus I. C. Martindale s.n. Sept. 1877 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Ballast grounds, Camden. 2379048 Juncus articulatus var. articulatus
Rorippa amphibia (L.) Besser I. C. Martindale s.n. Jun 1877 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Grand Pt. Ballast 00915401 Rorippa amphibia (L.) Besser
Juncus gerardii Loisel. I. C. Martindale 1943 Jun 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2394511 Juncus gerardii Loisel.
Juncus militaris Bigelow I. C. Martindale s.n. 31 May 1887 United States of America New Jersey Ocean Co. Tom's River. 2396677 Juncus militaris Bigelow
Juncus militaris Bigelow I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep. 1875 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Albion. 2396706 Juncus militaris Bigelow
Rorippa palustris subsp. hispida (Desv.) Jonsell I. C. Martindale s.n. Jun 1877 Girard Pt. Ballast Phila 2406031 Rorippa palustris subsp. hispida (Desv.) Jonsell
Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Besser I. C. Martindale s.n. July 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Ballast, Camden. 2406503 Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Besser
Rumex acetosella L. I. C. Martindale 2725 Jul 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2406939 Rumex acetosella L.
Salix alba L. I. C. Martindale s.n. May 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Byberry. 2404157 Salix alba L.
Rumex maritimus var. maritimus I. C. Martindale s.n. Jul 1877 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2408752 Rumex maritimus var. maritimus
Salix caroliniana Michx. I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1870 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2412195 Salix caroliniana Michx.
Salix discolor Muhl. I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Byberry. 2413048 Salix discolor Muhl.
Salix humilis Marshall I. C. Martindale s.n. May and June 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Byberry. 2451805 Salix humilis Marshall
Salix caroliniana Michx. I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2453381 Salix caroliniana Michx.
Salix lucida Muhl. I. C. Martindale s.n. 05 Jun 1866 United States of America Pennsylvania [Chelton Mills]. 2453530 Salix lucida Muhl.
Salix lucida Muhl. I. C. Martindale s.n. 02 Jun 1866 United States of America Pennsylvania Montgomery Co. Near [Shoemakertown]. 2453666 Salix lucida Muhl.
Salix nigra Marshall I. C. Martindale 2515 Jun 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Byberry 2061183 Salix nigra Marshall
Salix sericea Marshall I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1866 United States of America Pennsylvania [Chelton Mills]. 2427028 Salix sericea Marshall
Salix nigra var. falcata (Pursh) Torr. I. C. Martindale 2512 Jun 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Byberry 02058480 Salix nigra var. falcata (Pursh) Torr.
Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1877 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Girard Pt., Ballast. 2428321 Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill
Myosotis micrantha Pall. ex Lehm. I. C. Martindale s.n. July 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Ballast, Camden. 2431820 Myosotis micrantha Pall. ex Lehm.
Myosotis verna Nutt. I. C. Martindale 7450 May 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2433886 Myosotis verna Nutt.
Mentha canadensis L. I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug. 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2430193 Mentha canadensis L.
Diervilla lonicera Mill. I. C. Martindale 8479 Aug 1870 United States of America Pennsylvania falls of Schuylkill 2435010 Diervilla lonicera Mill.
Celtis occidentalis L. I. C. Martindale 3258 Jun 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2464315 Celtis occidentalis L.
Betula alba var. populifolia (Marshall) Spach I. C. Martindale 2580 Jul 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Byberry Pa. 02475356 Betula alba var. populifolia (Marshall) Spach
Betula nigra L. I. C. Martindale 2599 Aug 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Byberry. 2476501 Betula nigra L.
Corylus avellana L. I. C. Martindale 2572 June 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Bayberry 2478596 Corylus avellana L.
Corylus cornuta var. californica (A.DC.) Sharp I. C. Martindale 2575 Jul 1866 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2482864 Corylus cornuta var. californica (A.DC.) Sharp
Xyris jupicai Rich. I. C. Martindale 1852 August 1875 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 02444822 Xyris jupicai Rich.
Fraxinus americana L. I. C. Martindale s.n. Jul 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Byberry 2499675 Fraxinus americana L.
Fraxinus nigra Marshall I. C. Martindale s.n. Jul 1876 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Byberry 2500763 Fraxinus nigra Marshall
Fraxinus profunda (Bush) Bush I. C. Martindale s.n. Jul 1876 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Byberry 2501433 Fraxinus profunda (Bush) Bush
Cornus alternifolia L.f. I. C. Martindale s.n. Jun 1877 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Bartram Garden 2502533 Cornus alternifolia L.f.
Cornus alternifolia L.f. I. C. Martindale s.n. 04 Jun 1866 United States of America Pennsylvania Falls of Schuylkill 2502669 Cornus alternifolia L.f.
Cornus alternifolia L.f. I. C. Martindale 6602 May 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Byberry 2502713 Cornus alternifolia L.f.
Cornus racemosa Lam. I. C. Martindale 6610 Jun 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Byberry 2505026 Cornus racemosa Lam.
Cornus sericea L. I. C. Martindale 6616 Jul 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2505668 Cornus sericea L.
Magnolia acuminata (L.) L. I. C. Martindale s.n. 10 Jul 1877 United States of America Massachusetts Middlesex Co. Cambridge Botanic Garden 2510299 Magnolia acuminata (L.) L.
Magnolia fraseri Walter I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Delaware Co. John Evens garden 2510394 Magnolia fraseri Walter
Morus alba L. I. C. Martindale 17054 Aug 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2512995 Morus alba L.
Morus microphylla Buckley I. C. Martindale s.n. 5/21/72 United States of America Texas Travis Co. 2513142 Morus microphylla Buckley
Morus rubra L. I. C. Martindale 17057 Jul 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2513607 Morus rubra L.
Kalmia angustifolia L. I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1875 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2523911 Kalmia angustifolia L.
Aralia spinosa L. I. C. Martindale 6443 Jun 1865 United States of America Pennsylvania Byberry 2558551 Aralia spinosa L.
Amorpha fruticosa L. I. C. Martindale s.n. June 15/65 Quarry, near Columbia Bridge 2559138 Amorpha fruticosa L.
Arachis hypogaea L. I. C. Martindale s.n. 8/79 2560638 Arachis hypogaea L.
Desmodium rigidum (Elliott) DC. I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug 1875 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. 2568209 Desmodium rigidum (Elliott) DC.
Lathyrus aphaca L. I. C. Martindale s.n. 8/79 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Philadelphia, ballast. 2574743 Lathyrus aphaca L.
Tecoma jasminoides Lindl. I. C. Martindale s.n. Sep 1876 United States of America Pennsylvania Germantown 02589860 Tecoma jasminoides Lindl.
Lupinus perennis L. I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2600229 Lupinus perennis L.
Medicago monspeliaca (L.) Trautv. I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug 1879 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Ballast. Philadelphia 02615095 Medicago monspeliaca (L.) Trautv.
Melilotus altissimus Thuill. I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug 1877 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. "Phila. Ballast", in… 2615873 Melilotus altissimus Thuill.
Ononis spinosa L. I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug 1879 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Phila Ballast 2616392 Ononis spinosa L.
Ononis spinosa L. I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug 1877 United States of America Pennsylvania Philadelphia Co. Ballast. Philadelphia 2616402 Ononis spinosa L.
Iris pseudacorus L. I. C. Martindale s.n. 6/79 United States of America New Jersey Del. River above Camden. 2058642 Iris pseudacorus L.
Potamogeton crispus L. I. C. Martindale s.n. Aug. 1876 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2431042 Potamogeton crispus L.
Potamogeton crispus L. I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1879 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2431092 Potamogeton crispus L.
Potamogeton crispus L. I. C. Martindale s.n. June 1879 United States of America New Jersey Camden Co. Camden. 2431103 Potamogeton crispus L.