Displaying 51 - 75 out of 145 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Isopterygium tenerum (Sw.) Mitt. G. D. Hulst United States of America Florida Lake Winnemissett near De Land 654966
Isopterygium tenerum (Sw.) Mitt. G. D. Hulst 18 19 Mar 1891 United States of America Florida Beresford 654967
Sphagnum rubellum Wilson G. D. Hulst Aug 1898 United States of America New York Lake George 302432
Sphagnum portoricense Hampe G. D. Hulst 8 25 Mar 1891 United States of America Florida Beresford 294803
Sphagnum portoricense Hampe G. D. Hulst 8 25 Mar 1891 United States of America Florida Beresford 294802
Bryum caespiticium Hedw. G. D. Hulst May 1898 United States of America Woodham 385472
Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. G. D. Hulst 21 12 Dec 1899 United States of America Florida 1 1/2 miles East of… 279303
Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. G. D. Hulst 16 Mar 1891 United States of America Florida Winnemisett 279305
Marchantia polymorpha L. G. D. Hulst November 1898 United States of America New York Lake George 241093
Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus (Brid.) Kanda G. D. Hulst May 1898 United States of America New York Queens Co. Long Island 302002
Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus (Brid.) Kanda G. D. Hulst Nov 1898 United States of America New York Lake George 302012
Polytrichum piliferum Hedw. G. D. Hulst May 1898 United States of America New York Woodhaven, Long Island 465314
Brachythecium acuminatum (Hedw.) Austin G. D. Hulst Nov 1891 United States of America New York Dutchess Co. 517511
Dicranum undulatum Schrad. ex Brid. G. D. Hulst United States of America New York Dark Bay. Lake George 331868
Pireella pohlii (Schwägr.) Cardot G. D. Hulst 25 Mar 1891 United States of America Florida Bensford 289937
Campylophyllum hispidulum (Brid.) Hedenäs G. D. Hulst Aug 1898 United States of America New York Lake George 302008
Mnium spinulosum Bruch & Schimp. G. D. Hulst Aug 1898 United States of America Lake George. See location note 379819
Entodon seductrix (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. G. D. Hulst 5 Mar 1891 United States of America Florida Volusia Co. 479614
Entodon seductrix (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. G. D. Hulst Nov 1898 United States of America New York Dutchess Co. 479727
Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske G. D. Hulst Jun 1898 United States of America Richmond Hill. L. Id. 577606
Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske G. D. Hulst Aug 1898 United States of America New York Lake George 577649
Bryoandersonia illecebra (Hedw.) H.Rob. G. D. Hulst Jun 1898 United States of America New York Richmond Hill, Long Island 781176
Bryoandersonia illecebra (Hedw.) H.Rob. G. D. Hulst Aug 1898 United States of America New York Warren Co. 781167
Sphagnum strictum Sull. G. D. Hulst 3 Mar 1891 United States of America Florida Winnemisett 274081
Weissia controversa var. australis (Austin) Breen G. D. Hulst 25 Mar 1891 United States of America Florida Rensford 365003