Displaying 1 - 25 out of 816 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Vernonia huairacajana Hieron. F. C. Lehmann 4692 Oct Ecuador Guairacaja, Cauca isotype 274845 Vernonia huairacajana Hieron.
Cissus lehmannii Burret F. C. Lehmann 9028 1899 Colombia On Rio Trinbiqui [spelling?] isotype 38735 Cissus lehmannii Burret
Stelis cordibractea Schltr. F. C. Lehmann 8218 s.d. Ecuador Chimborazo Chimborazo isotype 9393 Stelis cordibractea Schltr.
Stelis citrina Schltr. F. C. Lehmann 3692 21 Feb 1884 Colombia Cauca Western slopes of Sotava isotype 9392 Stelis citrina Schltr.
Cestrum lehmannii Francey F. C. Lehmann B.T.495 s.d. Colombia Las Delicias holotype 7320 Cestrum lehmannii Francey
Stelis caucae Schltr. F. C. Lehmann 6923 Colombia Valle del Cauca West Andes of Cali isotype 9391 Stelis caucae Schltr.
Clidemia calcarata Cogn. & Gleason F. C. Lehmann 5472 Colombia [Western slopes of the West… isotype 221533 Clidemia calcarata Cogn. & Gleason
Masdevallia chrysoneura K.Ueda F. C. Lehmann 6753 1886 Colombia Paramo dar Guanacas isotype 9051 Masdevallia chrysoneura K.Ueda
Pentagonia magnifica K.Krause F. C. Lehmann 8886 Mar 1899 Colombia Río Timbiquí. isotype 132471 Pentagonia magnifica K.Krause
Masdevallia stenantha K.Ueda F. C. Lehmann 6740 Colombia Poblazon isotype 9066 Masdevallia stenantha K.Ueda
Palicourea salmonea K.Schum. & K.Krause F. C. Lehmann 5112 Oct & Nov Colombia Forests in the highlands of… type 115264 Palicourea salmonea K.Schum. & K.Krause
Stelis pachypus K.Ueda F. C. Lehmann 3176 20 Sep 1883 Colombia Antioquia Between the Rio Peidro and… isotype 9405 Stelis pachypus K.Ueda
Piper semperflorens C.DC. F. C. Lehmann 5624 Colombia Tolima Rio Paez isotype 251768 Piper semperflorens C.DC.
Masdevallia gomeziana K.Ueda F. C. Lehmann 2700 Mar 1883 Colombia Central Andes of Popayan type 9055 Masdevallia gomeziana K.Ueda
Cephaelis longiflora Standl. F. C. Lehmann B.T.990 s.d. Colombia [literature has Colombia as the… type 131023 Cephaelis longiflora Standl.
Stevia lehmannii Hieron. F. C. Lehmann 5199 [Feb.] [From protologue: South America: in… isotype 260184 Stevia lehmannii Hieron.
Masdevallia carruthersiana K.Ueda F. C. Lehmann 6530 s.d. Ecuador Chiguinda, east Andes of Sigsig isotype 9049 Masdevallia carruthersiana K.Ueda
Peperomia blephariphylla Trel. & Yunck. F. C. Lehmann 1034 Colombia Timbiqui paratype 222681 Peperomia blephariphylla Trel. & Yunck.
Piper obovatilimbum C.DC. F. C. Lehmann 9004 Mar 1899 Colombia Cauca Forsts of Coteje on Rio… isotype 251545 Piper obovatilimbum C.DC.
Aristolochia costaricensis var. zamorensis Hieron. F. C. Lehmann 4827 Ecuador Loja Zamora, near Loja type 285546 Aristolochia costaricensis var. zamorensis Hieron.
Cryptocentrum minus Schltr. F. C. Lehmann 6078 Bl. Mar-May, and Oct Colombia Highlands of Popayan isoneotype 73805 Cryptocentrum minus Schltr.
Cryptophoranthus argus Kraenzl. F. C. Lehmann 7050 Colombia West Andes of Turquerres 9044 Cryptophoranthus argus Kraenzl.
Gymnogramma verticalis var. frigida Hieron. F. C. Lehmann 5002 s.d. Colombia Western Andes, Popoyán isotype 144493 Gymnogramma verticalis var. frigida Hieron.
Odontoglossum aspidorhinum F.Lehm. F. C. Lehmann 10021 Colombia Western Andes of the Cauca isotype 9117 Odontoglossum aspidorhinum F.Lehm.
Chamaecrista lehmannii Britton & Rose F. C. Lehmann B. T.1095 Colombia Huila Guágua holotype 4182 Chamaecrista lehmannii Britton & Rose