Displaying 1 - 75 out of 4457 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Astragalus convallarius Greene var. convallarius F. Tweedy 261 Jul 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek; Teton Forest Reserve 802990 Astragalus convallarius Greene var. convallarius
Polygonum kelloggii var. watsonii (S.Watson) Reveal F. Tweedy 97 July 1898 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Headwaters of Tongue… 412964 Polygonum kelloggii var. watsonii (S.Watson) Reveal
Lupinus lucidulus Rydb. F. Tweedy 271 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek holotype 15936 Lupinus lucidulus Rydb.
Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill F. Tweedy 475 August 1897 United States of America Wyoming Teton Forest Reserve, northwestern Wyoming 404342 Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill
Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill F. Tweedy 93 July 1898 United States of America Wyoming Headwaters of Tongue River, Big… 404343 Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill
Crepis runcinata subsp. alpicola Rydb. F. Tweedy 19 Jul 1898 United States of America Wyoming Headwaters of Tongue River, Big… 167799 Crepis runcinata subsp. alpicola Rydb.
Delphinium macroceratilis Rydb. F. Tweedy s.n. 1879 United States of America Texas Tom Green Co. holotype 353343 Delphinium macroceratilis Rydb.
Aquilegia coerulea var. ochroleuca Hook. F. Tweedy 181 July 1897 United States of America Wyoming Fish Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 485606 Aquilegia coerulea var. ochroleuca Hook.
Penstemon tweedyi Canby & Rose F. Tweedy 35 Jun 1888 United States of America Montana Beaverhead Co. isotype 130539 Penstemon tweedyi Canby & Rose
Penstemon tweedyi Canby & Rose F. Tweedy 35 Jun 1888 United States of America Montana Beaverhead Co. isotype 130540 Penstemon tweedyi Canby & Rose
Penstemon tweedyi Canby & Rose F. Tweedy 35 Jun 1888 United States of America Montana Beaverhead Co. isotype 130541 Penstemon tweedyi Canby & Rose
Lithophragma bulbifera Rydb. F. Tweedy 1411 20 Jun 1901 United States of America Wyoming Carbon Co. Battle, Continental Divide holotype 186091 Lithophragma bulbifera Rydb.
Astragalus reventoides M.E.Jones F. Tweedy 7 Jul 1888 United States of America Montana Beaverhead Co. Grasshopper Creek. isotype 5680 Astragalus reventoides M.E.Jones
Saxifraga subapetala E.E.Nelson F. Tweedy 113 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Gross Ventre River 786505 Saxifraga subapetala E.E.Nelson
Erigeron gracilis Rydb. F. Tweedy 702 Jul 1885 United States of America Wyoming Yellowstone Park: Glough Creek holotype 168453 Erigeron gracilis Rydb.
Penstemon strictus Benth. F. Tweedy 4298 07 Jul 1901 United States of America Colorado Jackson Co. Pearl, Colorado-Wyoming line 661509 Penstemon strictus Benth.
Cerastium beeringianum Cham. & Schltdl. F. Tweedy 129 August 1897 United States of America Wyoming Two-Gwo-Tee Pass, Teton Forest Reserve,… 446510 Cerastium beeringianum Cham. & Schltdl.
Potentilla brunnescens Rydb. F. Tweedy 212 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming NW Wyoming. Spread Creek. type 436310 Potentilla brunnescens Rydb.
Astragalus alpinus L. var. alpinus F. Tweedy 252 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Buffalo Fork, Teton Forest Reserve,… 790923 Astragalus alpinus L. var. alpinus
Lupinus adscendens Rydb. F. Tweedy 129 Jul 1898 United States of America Wyoming Headwaters of Tongue River, Big… holotype 15764 Lupinus adscendens Rydb.
Stellaria longifolia Muhl. ex Willd. F. Tweedy 5525 June 20th - July 10th, 1903 United States of America Colorado Gilpin Co. Eldora to Baltimore 453200 Stellaria longifolia Muhl. ex Willd.
Thalictrum venulosum Trel. F. Tweedy 182 Jul 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 496139 Thalictrum venulosum Trel.
Penstemon secundiflorus Benth. ex A.DC. F. Tweedy 5712 15 Jul 1903-25 Jul 1903 United States of America Colorado Clear Creek Co. Empire 651857 Penstemon secundiflorus Benth. ex A.DC.
Penstemon secundiflorus Benth. ex A.DC. F. Tweedy 5713 15 Jul 1903-25 Jul 1903 United States of America Colorado Clear Creek Co. Empire 651858 Penstemon secundiflorus Benth. ex A.DC.
Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L. F. Tweedy 5593 Jun 1903 United States of America Colorado Boulder Co. Near Boulder 785928 Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L.
Penstemon saxosorum Pennell F. Tweedy 4299 04 Jul 1901 United States of America Colorado Hahn's Peak 651568 Penstemon saxosorum Pennell
Rumex altissimus subsp. ellipticus (Greene) Á.Löve F. Tweedy 473 August 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 413054 Rumex altissimus subsp. ellipticus (Greene) Á.Löve
Aragallus patens Rydb. F. Tweedy 5164 Jul 1902 United States of America Colorado Boulder Co. Plains and foothills… holotype 5197 Aragallus patens Rydb.
Stellaria umbellata Turcz. F. Tweedy 158 July 1898 United States of America Wyoming Headwaters of Tongue River, Big… 453109 Stellaria umbellata Turcz.
Stellaria umbellata Turcz. F. Tweedy 125 August 1897 United States of America Wyoming Gros Ventre River, Teton Forest… 453110 Stellaria umbellata Turcz.
Betula glandulosa Michx. F. Tweedy 344 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Black Rock Creek, Teton Forest… 526240 Betula glandulosa Michx.
Betula glandulosa Michx. F. Tweedy 343 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 526241 Betula glandulosa Michx.
Erigeron laetevirens Rydb. F. Tweedy 2005 Jul 1899 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Big Horn Mountains:… type 168470 Erigeron laetevirens Rydb.
Saxifraga claytoniifolia Canby ex Small F. Tweedy 739 May 1883 United States of America Oregon The Dalles holotype 186174 Saxifraga claytoniifolia Canby ex Small
Elatine rubella Rydb. F. Tweedy 439 Sep 1885 United States of America Wyoming Muddy shore of Yellowstone Lake isotype 532819 Elatine rubella Rydb.
Suaeda calceoliformis (Hook.) Moq. F. Tweedy 352 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Cement Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 540336 Suaeda calceoliformis (Hook.) Moq.
Delphinium bicolor Nutt. F. Tweedy 33 Jun 1888 United States of America Montana Beaverhead Co. Fide Canby 353310 Delphinium bicolor Nutt.
Pedicularis lunata Rydb. F. Tweedy 2317 Aug 1899 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Big Horn Mountains. holotype 90902 Pedicularis lunata Rydb.
Chenopodium chenopodioides (L.) Aellen F. Tweedy 353 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Black Rock Creek, Teton Forest… 536900 Chenopodium chenopodioides (L.) Aellen
Sagina saginoides (L.) H.Karst. F. Tweedy 137 August 1897 United States of America Wyoming Buffalo Fork, Teton Forest Reserve,… 446461 Sagina saginoides (L.) H.Karst.
Stellaria longipes Goldie F. Tweedy 123 August 1897 United States of America Wyoming Buffalo Fork, Teton Forest Reserve,… 483017 Stellaria longipes Goldie
Pinus flexilis E.James F. Tweedy 2675 Jul 1893 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Big Horn Mountains 61337 Pinus flexilis E.James
Pinus flexilis E.James F. Tweedy 2675 01 Jul 1893 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Big Horn Mountains 61338
Penstemon cyathophorus Rydb. F. Tweedy 4307 09 Jul 1901 United States of America Colorado Jackson Co. Colorado-Wyoming line. holotype 91062 Penstemon cyathophorus Rydb.
Saxifraga oppositifolia L. F. Tweedy 117 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Sheep Mountains, northwestern Wyoming 784150 Saxifraga oppositifolia L.
Deyeuxia dubia Scribn. & Tweedy F. Tweedy 248 Aug 1884 United States of America Yellowstone Park isotype 380529 Deyeuxia dubia Scribn. & Tweedy
Atriplex odontoptera Rydb. F. Tweedy 3302 Sep 1900 United States of America Wyoming Buffalo, N Wyoming. Alt. 4000-5000… holotype 6441 Atriplex odontoptera Rydb.
Eriogonum lagopus Rydb. F. Tweedy 2624 Sep 1899 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Dayton holotype 323356 Eriogonum lagopus Rydb.
Stellaria longipes Goldie F. Tweedy 126 July 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 482850 Stellaria longipes Goldie
Draba chrysantha var. hirtacaulis O.E.Schulz F. Tweedy 142 20 Aug 1894 United States of America Colorado San Miguel Co. Telluride isolectotype 185262 Draba chrysantha var. hirtacaulis O.E.Schulz
Plantago tweedyi A.Gray F. Tweedy 452 Aug 1885 United States of America Along East Fork of Yellowstone… probable isotype 278427 Plantago tweedyi A.Gray
Poa subtrivialis Rydb. F. Tweedy 2141 Jul 1899 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Big Horn Mountains isotype 431347 Poa subtrivialis Rydb.
Picea pungens Engelm. F. Tweedy 4550 10 Aug 1901 United States of America Wyoming Carbon Co. Forks of Battle… 30458 Picea pungens Engelm.
Dodecatheon uniflorum Rydb. F. Tweedy 24 Jun 1888 United States of America Montana Beaverhead Co. syntype 329467 Dodecatheon uniflorum Rydb.
Dodecatheon uniflorum Rydb. F. Tweedy 24 Jun 1888 United States of America Montana Beaverhead Co. Rock Creek syntype fragment 329468 Dodecatheon uniflorum Rydb.
Phlox collina Rydb. F. Tweedy 154 May 1888 United States of America Montana Madison Co. holotype 336986 Phlox collina Rydb.
Panax trifolium L. F. Tweedy Apr 1879 United States of America New Jersey Union Co. 198913 Panax trifolium L.
Aconitum columbianum Nutt. subsp. columbianum F. Tweedy 177 August 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 483195 Aconitum columbianum Nutt. subsp. columbianum
Desmodium tweedyi Britton F. Tweedy s.n. 1879 United States of America Texas Tom Green Co. type 7641 Desmodium tweedyi Britton
Saxifraga adscendens L. F. Tweedy 121 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Yount's Peak. Teton Forest Reserve,… 783809 Saxifraga adscendens L.
Ranunculus inamoenus Greene var. inamoenus F. Tweedy 170 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Black Rock Creek, Teton Forest… 494675 Ranunculus inamoenus Greene var. inamoenus
Ranunculus inamoenus Greene var. inamoenus F. Tweedy 171A Jul 1897 United States of America Wyoming Mount Leidy, Teton Forest Reserve,… 494676 Ranunculus inamoenus Greene var. inamoenus
Ranunculus inamoenus Greene var. inamoenus F. Tweedy 171 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 494677 Ranunculus inamoenus Greene var. inamoenus
Gilia spergulifolia Rydb. F. Tweedy 576 Jul 1898 United States of America Wyoming Headwaters of Tongue River, Big… holotype 336889 Gilia spergulifolia Rydb.
Parnassia palustris var. parviflora (DC.) B.Boivin F. Tweedy 3461 Jul 1900 United States of America Wyoming Buffalo 783763 Parnassia palustris var. parviflora (DC.) B.Boivin
Parnassia palustris var. parviflora (DC.) B.Boivin F. Tweedy 111 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Black Rock Creek 783771 Parnassia palustris var. parviflora (DC.) B.Boivin
Mahonia repens (Lindl.) G.Don F. Tweedy 346 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Spread Creek, Teton Forest Reserve,… 00500384 Mahonia repens (Lindl.) G.Don
Atriplex buxifolia Rydb. F. Tweedy 2456 Sep 1899 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Dayton. holotype 6451 Atriplex buxifolia Rydb.
Gilia tweedyi Rydb. F. Tweedy 4422 20 Jun 1901 United States of America Wyoming Carbon Co. Encampment type 336904 Gilia tweedyi Rydb.
Parnassia fimbriata K.D.König F. Tweedy 110 Aug 1897 United States of America Wyoming Buffalo Fork, Northwestern Wyoming 783717 Parnassia fimbriata K.D.König
Agoseris pubescens Rydb. F. Tweedy 578 1897 United States of America Wyoming Teton Forest reserve: Buffalo Fork lectotype 546692 Agoseris pubescens Rydb.
Onosmodium molle var. occidentale (Mack.) I.M.Johnst. F. Tweedy 3576 15 Jun 1900-15 Jul 1900 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Between Sheridan and… 21630 Onosmodium molle var. occidentale (Mack.) I.M.Johnst.
Onosmodium molle var. occidentale (Mack.) I.M.Johnst. F. Tweedy 2096 Sep 1899 United States of America Wyoming Sheridan Co. Dayton 21631 Onosmodium molle var. occidentale (Mack.) I.M.Johnst.
Onosmodium molle var. occidentale (Mack.) I.M.Johnst. F. Tweedy 5216 Jul 1902 United States of America Colorado Boulder Co. Longmont 21635 Onosmodium molle var. occidentale (Mack.) I.M.Johnst.
Erigeron poliospermus A.Gray F. Tweedy s.n. Jul 1883 United States of America Washington Yakima region syntype 168520 Erigeron poliospermus A.Gray