Displaying 51 - 125 out of 223 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Gaultheria lanigera Hook.f. var. lanigera F. Prieto P-301 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2528208 Gaultheria lanigera Hook.f. var. lanigera
Gaultheria reticulata Kunth F. Prieto P-114 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Bayas, valley of rio… 2528351 Gaultheria reticulata Kunth
Gaultheria tomentosa Kunth F. Prieto P-101 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near San Marcos, 10 km… 2528786 Gaultheria tomentosa Kunth
Gaylussacia loxensis Sleumer F. Prieto P-265 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 02529132 Gaylussacia loxensis Sleumer
Macleania benthamiana Walp. F. Prieto P-118 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Bayas: valley of río… 2603289 Macleania benthamiana Walp.
Macleania benthamiana Walp. F. Prieto P-80 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Region of San Marcus, about… 2603297 Macleania benthamiana Walp.
Macleania mollis A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-38 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar… 2603506 Macleania mollis A.C.Sm.
Macleania mollis A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-39 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar… 2603507 Macleania mollis A.C.Sm.
Macleania rupestris (Kunth) A.C.Sm. F. Prieto P-231 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2603741 Macleania rupestris (Kunth) A.C.Sm.
Oreanthes glanduliferus A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-37 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar… 02604238 Oreanthes glanduliferus A.C.Sm.
Pernettya prostrata (Cav.) DC. F. Prieto P-83 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near San Marcos, 10 km… 2605493 Pernettya prostrata (Cav.) DC.
Psammisia ecuadorensis Hoerold F. Prieto CP-12 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near El Corazon, between S.… 2642950 Psammisia ecuadorensis Hoerold
Satyria panurensis (Benth. ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Nied. F. Prieto ChuP-24 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. "Oriente": low hills W… 2644326 Satyria panurensis (Benth. ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Nied.
Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl. F. Prieto ChuP-18 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. "Oriente": low hills W… 2645106 Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl.
Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm. F. Prieto P-270 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2645819 Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm.
Thibaudia parvifolia (Benth.) Hoerold F. Prieto P-305 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2646762 Thibaudia parvifolia (Benth.) Hoerold
Vaccinium crenatum (G.Don) Sleumer F. Prieto P-62 06 Aug 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. ("Oriente"): East of El… 2634892 Vaccinium crenatum (G.Don) Sleumer
Vaccinium floribundum Kunth F. Prieto P-153 29 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Luis Cordero at Ayapamba,… 2635225 Vaccinium floribundum Kunth
Vaccinium floribundum Kunth F. Prieto P-236A 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2635312 Vaccinium floribundum Kunth
Vaccinium floribundum Kunth F. Prieto P-269 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2635328 Vaccinium floribundum Kunth
Pleurothallis F. Prieto W. H. Camp E-2608 13 Aug 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 02693926 Pleurothallis
Disterigma pentandrum S.F.Blake F. Prieto P-271 10 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay Eastern Cordillera, between Oña and… 02152191 Disterigma pentandrum S.F.Blake
Werneria acerosa Cuatrec. F. Prieto P-280 10-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… isotype 04241902
Disterigma pentandrum S.F.Blake F. Prieto CP-40 6 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río Cañar at… 02152197 Disterigma pentandrum S.F.Blake
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Lemoine ex E.Morren) N.E.Br. F. Prieto E-2728 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 528894
Miconia jorgensenii Wurdack F. Prieto JP-58 9-12 Jul 1944 Ecuador Loja Hda. Huilcabamba: slopes NW of… isotype 00229194 Miconia jorgensenii Wurdack
Senna birostris var. campiana H.S.Irwin & Barneby F. Prieto E-2527 10 Apr 1950 Ecuador Azuay Valley of Rí Paute, between… 1730693 Senna birostris var. campiana H.S.Irwin & Barneby
Senna birostris var. campiana H.S.Irwin & Barneby F. Prieto P-176 28 Jan 1945 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Luis Cordero, along trail… 1730695 Senna birostris var. campiana H.S.Irwin & Barneby
Sphyrospermum flaviflorum A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-16 06 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río Cañar, near… isotype 10462 Sphyrospermum flaviflorum A.C.Sm.
Disterigma empetrifolium (Kunth) Drude F. Prieto P-303 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay Eastern Cordillera, between Oña and… 02151790 Disterigma empetrifolium (Kunth) Drude
Solanum aureum Dunal F. Prieto P-309 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 725920
Solanum aureum Dunal F. Prieto P-75 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near San Marcos, 10 km… 725921
Solanum aureum Dunal F. Prieto E-4698 14 Aug 1945 - 16 Aug 1945 Ecuador Azuay The eastern Cordillera, 4-6 km.… 725923
Erigeron tergoalbus Cuatrec. F. Prieto P-275 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay 'Oriente' Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… holotype 77351 Erigeron tergoalbus Cuatrec.
Mittenothamnium reptans (Hedw.) Cardot F. Prieto P-102A 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Region de San Marcos, about… 2314193
Ophioglossum palmatum L. F. Prieto W. H. Camp E-4944 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Eastern slopes of the… 803732 Ophioglossum palmatum L.
Miconia ledifolia (DC.) Naudin F. Prieto P233 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border. Eastern Cordillera, between… 3272563 Miconia ledifolia (DC.) Naudin
Miconia lutescens (Bonpl.) DC. F. Prieto AP30 6 Jul 1944 Ecuador Loja Upper Malacatos valley, about 15-20… 3358600 Miconia lutescens (Bonpl.) DC.
Miconia media subsp. ecuadorensis Wurdack F. Prieto P-119 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Bayas; valley of rio… 3358764 Miconia media subsp. ecuadorensis Wurdack
Miconia media subsp. ecuadorensis Wurdack F. Prieto P-94 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar San Marcos, About 10 km… 3358765 Miconia media subsp. ecuadorensis Wurdack
Oreanthes glanduliferus A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-29 06 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río Cañar at… isotype 10250 Oreanthes glanduliferus A.C.Sm.
Disterigma alaternoides (Kunth) Nied. F. Prieto P-90 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar San Marcos region, ca. 10… 02151406 Disterigma alaternoides (Kunth) Nied.
Lepanthes teaguei Luer F. Prieto P-200 10 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 01393352 Lepanthes teaguei Luer
Miconia crocea (Desr.) Naudin F. Prieto P-115 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Azogues (Canton). Parroquia Bayas; Valley… 3271390 Miconia crocea (Desr.) Naudin
Lycopodium clavatum L. F. Prieto 14 06 Jun 1944 - 10 Jun 1944 Ecuador Provincia Oriente: Trip by Sr.… 3832809 Lycopodium clavatum L.
Phlegmariurus eversum (Poir.) B.Øllg. F. Prieto E4967 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Between Tambo Consuelo and Tambo… 3834695 Phlegmariurus eversum (Poir.) B.Øllg.
Phlegmariurus eversum (Poir.) B.Øllg. F. Prieto E4967 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Between Tambo Consuelo and Tambo… 3834735 Phlegmariurus eversum (Poir.) B.Øllg.
Phlegmariurus tenuis (Bonpl. ex Humb. & Willd.) B.Øllg. F. Prieto E4966 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Between Tambo Consuelo and Tambo… 3835321 Phlegmariurus tenuis (Bonpl. ex Humb. & Willd.) B.Øllg.
Selaginella acanthostachys Baker F. Prieto E4952 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora ("Oriente"): Eastern slopes… 3843650 Selaginella acanthostachys Baker
Selaginella sericea A.Braun F. Prieto E4941 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora ("Oriente"): Eastern slopes… 3845286 Selaginella sericea A.Braun
Trichomanes dactylites Sodiro F. Prieto E4927 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 3928927 Trichomanes dactylites Sodiro
Trichomanes lucens Sw. F. Prieto E4951 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 3929575 Trichomanes lucens Sw.
Trichomanes radicans var. giganteum (Bory) Hieron. F. Prieto E4939 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 03933901 Trichomanes radicans var. giganteum (Bory) Hieron.
Radiovittaria remota (Fée) E.H.Crane F. Prieto E4907 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 3936526 Radiovittaria remota (Fée) E.H.Crane
Lellingeria subsessilis (Baker) A.R.Sm. & R.C.Moran F. Prieto E4903 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 3984908 Lellingeria subsessilis (Baker) A.R.Sm. & R.C.Moran
Terpsichore oligosora Moguel F. Prieto E4904 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 03989039 Terpsichore oligosora Moguel
Acianthera discophylla (Luer & Carnevali) Luer F. Prieto Chup-1 20 Nov 1944 Ecuador Morona-Santiago. Santiago-Zamora: Low hills west… 3988827 Acianthera discophylla (Luer & Carnevali) Luer
Cranichis schlimii Rchb.f. F. Prieto E4065 06 Jul 1945 - 09 Jul 1945 Ecuador Chimborazo - Cañar border (wester… 04038694 Cranichis schlimii Rchb.f.
Diplazium ferulaceum (Hook. ex T.Moore) Lellinger F. Prieto E4940 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 04060696 Diplazium ferulaceum (Hook. ex T.Moore) Lellinger
Lepanthes nummularia Rchb.f. F. Prieto E-4914 20 Aug 1945 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora ("Oriente"). Eastern slopes… 04098338 Lepanthes nummularia Rchb.f.
Lepanthes trachysepala Schltr. F. Prieto P-304 10 Nov 1945 Ecuador Azuay “Oriente” Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 04098349 Lepanthes trachysepala Schltr.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938C 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142289 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938B 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142290 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938B 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142291 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938B 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142292 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938A 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142293 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938A 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142294 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938A 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142295 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Rhodobryum grandifolium (Taylor) Schimp. F. Prieto P-107 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Region de San Marcos, about… 2082537 Rhodobryum grandifolium (Taylor) Schimp.
Miconia theaezans (Bonpl.) Cogn. F. Prieto E-4921 20 Aug 1945 Ecuador Morona Santiago Near junction of rios Pailas… 3460517 Miconia theaezans (Bonpl.) Cogn.
Miconia asclepiadea Triana F. Prieto E-4901 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Zamora Chinchipe ("Oriente") Eastern slopes of the… 3241575 Miconia asclepiadea Triana
Miconia aspergillaris (Bonpl.) Naudin F. Prieto P-86 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Region of San Marcos, about… 3241600 Miconia aspergillaris (Bonpl.) Naudin
Miconia aspergillaris (Bonpl.) Naudin F. Prieto E-2645 14 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Near union… 3241621 Miconia aspergillaris (Bonpl.) Naudin
Stelis superbiens Lindl. F. Prieto CHuP-9 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora: Low hills west… 4203569 Stelis superbiens Lindl.
Andinia spiralis (Ruiz & Pav.) Karremans & Mark Wilson F. Prieto E-2606 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Canar Azogues (Canton). Near the village… 3997479 Andinia spiralis (Ruiz & Pav.) Karremans & Mark Wilson