Plagiomnium affine (Blandow ex Funck) T.J.Kop.
E. P. Hutchinson |
02 Jul 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Beside Gorge Brook,… |
— |
385076 |
Plagiomnium affine (Blandow ex Funck) T.J.Kop.
E. P. Hutchinson |
20 Jun 1946 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Canaan |
— |
380143 |
Brachythecium populeum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. P. Hutchinson |
27 May 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. North Path, Brighthollow |
— |
577264 |
Lophozia gracilis (Schleich.) Steph.
E. P. Hutchinson |
08 Nov 1948 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Mt. Cardigan, West… |
— |
244878 |
Amblystegium radicale (P.Beauv.) Mitt.
E. P. Hutchinson 92 |
12 Jul 1948 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow |
— |
562453 |
Bryum capillare Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
29 Nov 1948 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow, near Porcupine… |
— |
385643 |
Bryum capillare Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
05 Oct 1959 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Tewksbury Pond |
— |
391630 |
Sphagnum subtile (Russow) Warnst.
E. P. Hutchinson |
01 Sep 1948 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. By old mill-site;… |
— |
75493 |
Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
22 Apr 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Spruce Rd., Brightollow |
— |
309233 |
Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
15 Jun 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow |
— |
309256 |
Buxbaumia aphylla Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
08 May 1946 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Chafton, Height of land |
— |
309228 |
Ditrichum pallidum (Hedw.) Hampe
E. P. Hutchinson |
01 Nov 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow |
— |
316118 |
Splachnum ampullaceum Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
29 Jun 1950 |
Canada |
— |
Bright hollow, Grafton |
— |
134792 |
Splachnum ampullaceum Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
15 Jul 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow. |
— |
649899 |
Sphagnum magellanicum Brid.
E. P. Hutchinson |
28 Jul 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Back of sugar-house, Brighthollow, Grafton |
— |
279369 |
Marsupella emarginata subsp. tubulosa (Steph.) N.Kitag.
E. P. Hutchinson 261 |
27 May 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Last Ledge, Brighthollow. |
— |
239428 |
Polytrichum piliferum Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
22 Jul 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Moonstone Lodge Height… |
— |
465182 |
Polytrichum piliferum Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
22 Jul 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Moonstone Ledge; Height-of-Land… |
— |
465260 |
Hypnum pratense Koch ex Spruce
E. P. Hutchinson |
May 1948 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Skating Swamp. Brighthollow |
— |
637678 |
Metzgeria conjugata Lindb.
E. P. Hutchinson 307 |
14 May 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow |
— |
248978 |
Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr.
E. P. Hutchinson 402 |
21 Jul 1956 |
United States of America |
— |
— |
394824 |
Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr.
E. P. Hutchinson |
02 Jun 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Near Marigold Pond |
— |
403172 |
Campylophyllum hispidulum (Brid.) Hedenäs
E. P. Hutchinson |
18 Jun 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. |
— |
534956 |
Mnium spinulosum Bruch & Schimp.
E. P. Hutchinson 184 |
18 Sep 1949 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Deer Path, Brighthollow |
— |
379754 |
Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv.
E. P. Hutchinson |
14 Apr 1948 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Near Cliff Path,… |
— |
420839 |
Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv.
E. P. Hutchinson |
18 Apr 1948 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Gorge near Cilff… |
— |
420848 |
Rhizomnium appalachianum T.J.Kop.
E. P. Hutchinson |
21 Jul 1956 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Probably Cannan |
— |
408073 |
Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
05 Oct 1957 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Growing in Boggy… |
— |
458373 |
Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. P. Hutchinson S826 |
13 Apr 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow, Ravine Brook |
— |
585127 |
Hypnum imponens Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson 410 |
Jul 1956 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton |
— |
621029 |
Rhabdoweisia crispata (Dicks. ex With.) Lindb.
E. P. Hutchinson 257 |
15 Oct 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. South Ridge Trail,… |
— |
303087 |
Barbula convoluta Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
10 Oct 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
On Powell Farm, Enfield |
— |
343158 |
Barbula convoluta Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
10 Oct 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. On Powell Farm,… |
— |
343160 |
Barbula convoluta Hedw.
E. P. Hutchinson |
10 Jun 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. On Powell Farm,… |
— |
343159 |
Eurhynchium pulchellum (Hedw.) Jenn.
E. P. Hutchinson |
31 Aug 1932 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Bath |
— |
681770 |
Eurhynchium pulchellum (Hedw.) Jenn.
E. P. Hutchinson |
04 May 1950 |
United States of America |
Vermont |
Windsor Co. |
— |
692588 |
Hygroamblystegium fluviatile (Hedw.) Loeske
E. P. Hutchinson |
27 Jun 1949 |
United States of America |
Vermont |
Windsor Co. Quechee Gorge |
— |
714853 |
Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst.
E. P. Hutchinson s.n. |
12 Aug 1956 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow |
— |
674023 |
Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst.
E. P. Hutchinson s.n. |
02 Aug 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Spectacle Pond, Enfield |
— |
831456 |
Rhynchostegium serrulatum (Hedw.) A.Jaeger
E. P. Hutchinson s.n. |
24 Oct 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow, New Garden |
— |
844592 |
Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske
E. P. Hutchinson s.n. |
18 Sep 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Beside W side… |
— |
936483 |
Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske
E. P. Hutchinson s.n. |
18 Sep 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brook beside W-side… |
— |
936598 |
Lophocolea heterophylla (Schrad.) Dumort.
E. P. Hutchinson 259 |
— |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow |
— |
1020920 |
Marsupella sphacelata var. erythrorhiza (Limpr.) Loitl.
E. P. Hutchinson 261 |
27 May 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Last Ledge, Brighthollow |
— |
1020921 |
Blepharostoma trichophyllum (L.) Dumort.
E. P. Hutchinson 258 |
27 May 1950 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. New Ledge, Brighthollow |
— |
1020923 |
Bacidia schweinitzii (Fr. ex Tuck.) A.Schneid.
E. P. Hutchinson |
Dec 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Bright Hollow |
— |
1543091 |
Arcyria incarnata (Pers.) Pers.
E. P. Hutchinson s.n. |
Oct 1945 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Bright Hollow |
— |
02630667 |
Hypoxylon fragiforme (Pers.) J.Kickx f.
E. P. Hutchinson s.n. |
29 Oct 1945 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Grafton Co. Brighthollow |
— |
3390573 |
Sphagnum magellanicum Brid.
E. P. Hutchinson |
28 Oct 1947 |
United States of America |
New Hampshire |
Ravine Brook near Mushroom Wood.… |
— |
279288 |
Climacium dendroides (Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr
E. P. Hutchinson |
23 Oct 1952 |
United States of America |
Maine |
Cumberland Co. Limerick |
— |
518635 |