Chiloscyphus polyanthos var. fragilis (Roth) Müll.Frib.
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
254202 |
Pylaisiadelpha recurvans (Michx.) W.R.Buck
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
529690 |
Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
524836 |
Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
524595 |
Pylaisia selwynii Kindb.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
665493 |
Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedw.) Loeske
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
326642 |
Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedw.) Loeske
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
326643 |
Brachythecium rivulare Schimp.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. Label only stated… |
— |
588885 |
Fissidens dubius P.Beauv.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
304844 |
Fissidens dubius P.Beauv.
E. Clark |
01 Sep 1947 |
United States of America |
New York |
Clinton Co. Ausable Chasm (Keesville) |
— |
313621 |
Leucobryum glaucum (Hedw.) Ångstr.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
301044 |
Sphagnum girgensohnii Russow
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
272933 |
Sphagnum capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw.
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
272441 |
Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid.
E. Clark |
03 May 1942 |
United States of America |
New Jersey |
Palisades |
— |
321771 |
Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid.
E. Clark |
04 Jun 1944 |
United States of America |
Massachusetts |
Southampton |
— |
321189 |
Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
321210 |
Funaria hygrometrica Hedw.
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
354509 |
Funaria hygrometrica Hedw.
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
354510 |
Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostre (Hedw.) P.C.Chen
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
349172 |
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus (Hedw.) Warnst.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
292778 |
Tortella fragilis (Hook. & Wilson) Limpr.
E. Clark |
— |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
346620 |
Polytrichum commune Hedw.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
451379 |
Polytrichum ohioense Renauld & Cardot
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
432397 |
Encalypta ciliata Hedw.
E. Clark |
22 Aug 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
339139 |
Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Hübener
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
509774 |
Frullania bolanderi Austin
E. Clark |
01 Aug 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
252751 |
Callicladium haldanianum (Grev.) H.A.Crum
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
563082 |
Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. Clark |
04 Jun 1944 |
United States of America |
Massachusetts |
Southampton |
— |
474213 |
Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
474391 |
Neckera pennata Hedw.
E. Clark |
summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
472792 |
Hypnum pallescens (Hedw.) P.Beauv.
E. Clark |
01 Aug 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
624872 |
Schistidium apocarpum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
350310 |
Bazzania trilobata (L.) Gray
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
234561 |
Plagiomnium drummondii (Bruch & Schimp.) T.J.Kop.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
401496 |
Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
288648 |
Ptilidium ciliare (L.) Hampe
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
261729 |
Pseudo-calliergon trifarium (F.Weber & D.Mohr) Loeske
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. Cheboygan |
— |
244698 |
Anomodon viticulosus (Hedw.) Hook. & Taylor
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
523487 |
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
392444 |
Cinclidium stygium Sw.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
371043 |
Lejeunea cavifolia (Ehrh.) Lindb.
E. Clark |
22 Aug 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
35504 |
Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
291025 |
Plagiomnium ciliare (Müll.Hal.) T.J.Kop.
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
389324 |
Cladopodiella fluitans (Nees) Jörg.
E. Clark |
Summer 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
235891 |
Dicranum scoparium Hedw.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan Co. |
— |
308848 |
Oncophorus wahlenbergii Brid.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
327234 |
Oncophorus wahlenbergii Brid.
E. Clark |
Summer of 1941 |
United States of America |
Michigan |
Cheboygan |
— |
327237 |
Hyophiladelphus agrarius (Hedw.) R.H.Zander
E. Clark |
13 Feb 1949 |
Bahamas |
Bimini |
South Bimini Island. |
— |
652950 |
Hyophiladelphus agrarius (Hedw.) R.H.Zander
E. Clark |
13 Feb 1944 |
Bahamas |
Bimini |
South Bimini Island. |
— |
652951 |
Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb.
E. Clark |
04 Jun 1944 |
United States of America |
Massachusetts |
Hampshire Co. |
— |
567321 |