Displaying 1 - 18 out of 18 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Clerodendrum triplinerve Rolfe G. Couteaux 210 12 May 1937 Democratic Republic of the Congo Eala 5002497 Clerodendrum triplinerve Rolfe
Ochthocosmus africanus Hook.f. G. Couteaux 135 13 Feb 1937 Democratic Republic of the Congo Equateur, Coquilhatsville, Eala 4821581 Ochthocosmus africanus Hook.f.
Clerodendrum welwitschii Gürke G. Couteaux 377 21 Oct 1937 Democratic Republic of the Congo 5002207 Clerodendrum welwitschii Gürke
Lovoa trichilioides Harms G. Couteaux 112 23 Jul 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Eala, entré Jard. Botan. 4827614 Lovoa trichilioides Harms
Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf G. Couteaux 107 23 Sep 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Eala-près Pauki 2073165 Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf
Weihea africana Benth. ex Oliv. G. Couteaux 36 25 Jul 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Boutai, près à Eala 4963873 Weihea africana Benth. ex Oliv.
Clerodendrum umbellatum var. asperifolium Moldenke G. Couteaux G.6 Jul 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Forêt sèche chemin d'Eala a… 5002159 Clerodendrum umbellatum var. asperifolium Moldenke
Kalaharia uncinata (Schinz) Moldenke G. Couteaux 1040 Jul 1944 Democratic Republic of the Congo Leopoldville 05002243 Kalaharia uncinata (Schinz) Moldenke
Vitex ferruginea Schumach. & Thonn. G. Couteaux 392 28 Oct 1937 Democratic Republic of the Congo Eala 05030363 Vitex ferruginea Schumach. & Thonn.
Clerodendrum splendens Don G. Couteaux 336 28 Sep 1937 Democratic Republic of the Congo Kongolo, N'Kundu. Eala 5002099 Clerodendrum splendens Don
Clerodendrum thyrsoideum Gürke G. Couteaux 287 29 Aug 1937 Democratic Republic of the Congo rive droite Ruki 5002469 Clerodendrum thyrsoideum Gürke
Maesobotrya pynaertii (De Wild.) Pax G. Couteaux 102 30 Jul 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo che[?]ia d'Eala à Bautoie, rive… 04079397 Maesobotrya pynaertii (De Wild.) Pax
Morinda lucida A.Gray G. Couteaux 399 30 Oct 1937 Democratic Republic of the Congo Equateur Coquilhatville Eala 5022736 Morinda lucida A.Gray
Andropogon brazzae Franch. G. Couteaux 564 Jul 1939 Democratic Republic of the Congo Equateur Ikelembe I[?]ia 04406780 Andropogon brazzae Franch.
Andropogon brazzae Franch. G. Couteaux 564 Jul 1939 Democratic Republic of the Congo Equateur Ikelemba, Ionia 04406779 Andropogon brazzae Franch.
Allophylus africanus P.Beauv. G. Couteaux 416 04 Nov 1937 Democratic Republic of the Congo Equateur Coquilhatville Eala 4830405 Allophylus africanus P.Beauv.
Albizia altissima Hook.f. G. Couteaux 72 1936 Democratic Republic of the Congo Eala 04793095 Albizia altissima Hook.f.
Hyparrhenia filipendula (Hochst.) Stapf G. Couteaux 1074 Dec 1944 Democratic Republic of the Congo Léopoldville 4265275 Hyparrhenia filipendula (Hochst.) Stapf