Displaying 51 - 75 out of 75 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4145594 Arachniodes festina (Hance) Ching
Polystichum hancockii (Hance) Diels T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4143634 Polystichum hancockii (Hance) Diels
Diplazium T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 04061740 Diplazium
Diplazium subsinuatum (Wall. ex Hook. & Grev.) Tagawa T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4061698 Diplazium subsinuatum (Wall. ex Hook. & Grev.) Tagawa
Diplazium donianum (Mett.) Tardieu T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4061526 Diplazium donianum (Mett.) Tardieu
Thelypteris T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4035455 Thelypteris
Thelypteris T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4035454 Thelypteris
Thelypteris decursive-pinnata (H.C.Hall) Ching T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4034596 Thelypteris decursive-pinnata (H.C.Hall) Ching
Phlegmariurus fordii (Baker) Ching T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 03835502 Phlegmariurus fordii (Baker) Ching
Aglaomorpha coronans (Wall. ex Mett.) Copel. T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 03939724 Aglaomorpha coronans (Wall. ex Mett.) Copel.
Trichomanes naseanum Christ T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 03934632 Trichomanes naseanum Christ
Hymenophyllum T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 03957586 Hymenophyllum
Plagiogyria euphlebia (Kunze) Mett. T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 3882224 Plagiogyria euphlebia (Kunze) Mett.
Microsorum dilatatum (Bedd.) Sledge T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 03947771 Microsorum dilatatum (Bedd.) Sledge
Microsorum dilatatum (Bedd.) Sledge T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 03947772 Microsorum dilatatum (Bedd.) Sledge
Microsorum fortunei (Moore) Ching T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 3947788 Microsorum fortunei (Moore) Ching
Microsorum henryi (Christ) C.M.Kuo T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 03947842 Microsorum henryi (Christ) C.M.Kuo
Thelypteris griffithii (T.Moore) C.F.Reed T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 04035040 Thelypteris griffithii (T.Moore) C.F.Reed
Asplenium antiquum Makino T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4051254 Asplenium antiquum Makino
Asplenium T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4051749 Asplenium
Calanthe masuca (D.Don) Lindl. T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Cryptomeria Forest to N. Cha-Tien… 04012662 Calanthe masuca (D.Don) Lindl.
Odontochilus inabae (Hayata) T.P.Lin T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 04109619 Odontochilus inabae (Hayata) T.P.Lin
Selaginella delicatula (Desv. ex Poir.) Alston T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 3864788 Selaginella delicatula (Desv. ex Poir.) Alston
Lindera megaphylla Hemsl. T. H. Hsieh s.n. 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Taipei Hsien (County). Cryptomeria-Forest to… 4732633 Lindera megaphylla Hemsl.
Peperomia tetraphylla (G.Forst.) Hook. & Arn. T. H. Hsieh 15 Aug 1988 Taiwan Taipei Taipei-Hsien. Cryptomeria Forest to N… 04125733 Peperomia tetraphylla (G.Forst.) Hook. & Arn.