Nitophyllum marginatum J.Agardh
D. Lyall s.n. |
Feb 1860 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island, Victoria Harbor, brought… |
photo of type |
02282238 |
Antithamnion americanum (Harv.) Kjellm.
D. Lyall s.n. |
Jan 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island. Esquimalt |
— |
02142684 |
Antithamnion uncinatum N.L.Gardner
D. Lyall s.n. |
Jan 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Greater Vancouver Reg. Distr. Vancouver… |
— |
02142889 |
Antithamnion uncinatum N.L.Gardner
D. Lyall s.n. |
Apr 1858 |
United States of America |
Washington |
San Juan Co. Orcas Island |
— |
02142890 |
Callithamnion polyspermum C.Agardh
D. Lyall s.n. |
Jan 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Greater Vancouver Reg. Distr. Vancouver… |
— |
02156521 |
Costaria turneri Grev.
D. Lyall s.n. |
Dec 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Capital Reg. Distr. Victoria. Esquimalt… |
— |
03207042 |
Fucus edentatus Bach.Pyl.
D. Lyall s.n. |
Feb 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island. Fuca Strait |
— |
02241690 |
Ulva compressa L.
D. Lyall s.n. |
Feb 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island. Fuca Strait |
— |
02138903 |
Halosaccion hydrophorum (Postels & Rupr.) Kütz.
D. Lyall s.n. |
Feb 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island. Fuca Strait |
— |
02181991 |
Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightf. ex Dillwyn) Grev.
D. Lyall s.n. |
Feb 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island. Fuca Strait |
— |
02223114 |
Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenb.
D. Lyall s.n. |
Feb 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island. Fuca Strait |
— |
02221538 |
Antithamnion occidentale Kylin
D. Lyall s.n. |
Feb 1859 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island. Fuca Strait |
— |
02142825 |
Hedenaesia austrina (Hook.f. & Wilson) Huttunen & Ignatov
D. Lyall |
— |
New Zealand |
Otago |
— |
01864703 |
Alsophila tricolor (Colenso) R.M.Tryon
D. Lyall |
1851 |
New Zealand |
— |
Island |
— |
4032888 |
Fontinalis neomexicana Sull. & Lesq.
D. Lyall |
1861 |
United States of America |
Oregon |
From Fort Colville to Rocky… |
— |
491257 |
Dichelyma uncinatum Mitt.
D. Lyall |
1861 |
United States of America |
Oregon |
From Fort Colville to Rocky… |
— |
436941 |
Dichelyma uncinatum Mitt.
D. Lyall |
1861 |
United States of America |
Oregon |
From Fort Colville to Rocky… |
— |
436944 |
Fontinalis neomexicana Sull. & Lesq.
D. Lyall |
1861 |
United States of America |
Oregon |
From Fort Colville to Rocky… |
— |
491254 |
Dichelyma uncinatum Mitt.
D. Lyall |
1858 |
United States of America |
Oregon |
— |
436940 |
Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw.
D. Lyall |
1858 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Vancouver Island |
— |
160497 |
Dichelyma uncinatum Mitt.
D. Lyall |
1861 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Oregon Boundary Commision, From Ft.… |
— |
160403 |
Dichelyma uncinatum Mitt.
D. Lyall |
1861 |
Canada |
British Columbia |
Ft. Colr to Rocky Mountains |
— |
160389 |
Dichelyma uncinatum Mitt.
D. Lyall |
1858 - 1859 |
United States of America |
Oregon |
Near the 49th parallel of… |
— |
436943 |
Fontinalis antipyretica var. oreganensis Renauld & Cardot
D. Lyall |
— |
United States of America |
Oregon |
Near the 49th parallel of… |
— |
447143 |
Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw.
D. Lyall |
1858 - 1859 |
United States of America |
Oregon |
Sumass Prairie |
— |
437176 |