Displaying 126 - 175 out of 300 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Fissidens maschalanthus Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile isotype 966687 Fissidens maschalanthus Mont.
Fissidens maschalanthus Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile Chile austral part of type 966688 Fissidens maschalanthus Mont.
Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl C. Gay s.n. Aug 1828 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Rio Janeiro. 01023543 Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl
Eleusine C. Gay s.n. Oct 1828 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Rio Janeiro 01059913 Eleusine
Eleusine C. Gay s.n. Oct 1828 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Rio Janeiro 01059928 Eleusine
Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit. C. Gay s.n. Aug 1828 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Rio Janeiro. 01023682 Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit.
Rhodymenia chiloensis Montag. C. Gay s.n. 23 Feb 1836 Chile Chiloé Island, Castro Piruquina photo of possible type 01089167 Rhodymenia chiloensis Montag.
Rhodymenia chiloensis Montag. C. Gay s.n. 23 Feb 1836 Chile Chiloé Island, Castro Piruquina photo of possible type 01089168 Rhodymenia chiloensis Montag.
Campylopus leptodus Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile type 1086889 Campylopus leptodus Mont.
Polyachyrus fuscus (Meyen) Meyen & Walp. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile not a type 232559
Aldunatea chilensis J.Rémy C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile possible isotype 1085833 Aldunatea chilensis J.Rémy
Astephanus geminiflorus Decne. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile isotype 1104869 Astephanus geminiflorus Decne.
Cynoctonum undulatum Decne. C. Gay 387 1828 - 1834 Chile isotype 1104870 Cynoctonum undulatum Decne.
Helotium lividum Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile Valdivia type 01179404
Hypnum scorpiurus Mont. C. Gay Chile possible isotype 01206318 Hypnum scorpiurus Mont.
Hypnum acanthophyllum Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile type 01243736 Hypnum acanthophyllum Mont.
Astragalus nudus S.Watson C. Gay s.n. 1828 - 1834 Chile 01267340 Astragalus nudus S.Watson
Cryphaea consimilis Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile type 1273137 Cryphaea consimilis Mont.
Psoralea multifoliolata Clos C. Gay 272 s.d. Chile Ameriq. Merid. Chili possible type 01306786 Psoralea multifoliolata Clos
Aciotis acuminifolia (Mart. ex DC.) Triana C. Gay s.n. Brazil 1253859 Aciotis acuminifolia (Mart. ex DC.) Triana
Peperomia salicifolia C.DC. C. Gay [1834-1842] Chile possible isotype 1731539
Scyphanthus elegans D.Don C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile 1857653
Caiophora coronata (Gillies ex Arn.) Hook. & Arn. C. Gay 854 1828 - 1834 Chile 1857655
Caiophora coronata (Gillies ex Arn.) Hook. & Arn. C. Gay 854 1828 - 1834 Chile 1857656
Caiophora coronata (Gillies ex Arn.) Hook. & Arn. C. Gay 854 1828 - 1834 Chile 1857657
Caiophora coronata (Gillies ex Arn.) Hook. & Arn. C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834 in Chile] Chile 1857661
Caiophora coronata (Gillies ex Arn.) Hook. & Arn. C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834 in Chile] Chile 1857662
Loasa tricolor Ker C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834, in Chile] Chile 1857666
Loasa tricolor Ker C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834, in Chile] Chile 1857665
Mentzelia albescens (Gillies ex Arn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834, when collected in Chile] Chile 1857670
Mentzelia albescens (Gillies ex Arn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834, when collected in Chile] Chile 1857671
Mentzelia albescens (Gillies ex Arn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834, when collected in Chile] Chile 1857672
Mentzelia albescens (Gillies ex Arn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834, when collected in Chile] Chile 1857673
Mentzelia albescens (Gillies ex Arn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834, when collected in Chile] Chile 1857674
Mentzelia albescens (Gillies ex Arn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. C. Gay s.n. [1828-1834, when collected in Chile] Chile 1857675
Dicranum gayanum Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile fragment of probable type 01917594 Dicranum gayanum Mont.
Dicranum gayanum Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile type 1917595 Dicranum gayanum Mont.
Dicranum gayanum Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile type 01917596 Dicranum gayanum Mont.
Senna versicolor (Vogel) H.S.Irwin & Barneby C. Gay s.n. 1839 - 1840 Peru Pérou. 01912534 Senna versicolor (Vogel) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
Astragalus looseri I.M.Johnst. C. Gay 363 s.d. Chile 01912863 Astragalus looseri I.M.Johnst.
Stipa chrysophylla E.Desv. C. Gay 376 01 Nov 1836 Chile Coquimbo isotype 431593 Stipa chrysophylla E.Desv.
Polygala paniculata L. C. Gay s.n. Aug 1828 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Rio Janeiro. 784305 Polygala paniculata L.
Bartramia patens Brid. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile "Chili australis" 2083427 Bartramia patens Brid.
Amphiroa chiloensis Decne. C. Gay s.n. Mar 1836 Chile Cucao photo of type 00937513 Amphiroa chiloensis Decne.
Kallymenia sanguinea Mont. C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile Austral type 02136710 Kallymenia sanguinea Mont.
Conyza bustilloziana J.Rémy C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile type 167640 Conyza bustilloziana J.Rémy
Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy C. Gay s.n. s.d. Chile possible type 167645 Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy
Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy C. Gay 317 1828-1834 Chile possible type 167646 Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy
Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy C. Gay 317 1828-1834 Chile possible type 167647 Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy
Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy C. Gay 317 1828-1834 Chile possible type 167648 Conyza bilbaoana J.Rémy