Displaying 66 - 140 out of 167 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Anisothecium grevilleanum (Brid.) Arnell & C.E.O.Jensen C. L. Lesquereux 64 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the Canadian Pacific Railway… 82198
Anisothecium grevilleanum (Brid.) Arnell & C.E.O.Jensen C. L. Lesquereux 64 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the Canadian Pacific Railway… 82199
Anisothecium palustre (Dicks.) I.Hagen C. L. Lesquereux 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the Canadian Pacific Railway,… 82535
Dicranella cerviculata (Hedw.) Schimp. C. L. Lesquereux 2/8/1890 Canada British Columbia Near the C. P. R.… 93761
Dicranella cerviculata (Hedw.) Schimp. C. L. Lesquereux 2/8/1890 Canada British Columbia Near the C. P. R.… 93762
Dicranella cerviculata (Hedw.) Schimp. C. L. Lesquereux 2/8/1890 Canada British Columbia Near the C. P. R.… 93763
Anisothecium schreberianum (Hedw.) Dixon C. L. Lesquereux 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the C. P. R'y… 82556
Anisothecium schreberianum (Hedw.) Dixon C. L. Lesquereux 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the C. P. R'y… 82557
Anisothecium palustre (Dicks.) I.Hagen C. L. Lesquereux 1890 Canada British Columbia Along the Canadian Pacific Railway,… 82533
Dicranella cerviculata (Hedw.) Schimp. C. L. Lesquereux 1890 Canada British Columbia Near the C. P. R.… 93760
Bartramia ithyphylla Brid. var. ithyphylla C. L. Lesquereux Aug 1979 United States of America Pacific Coast 411360
Pylaisiadelpha recurvans (Michx.) W.R.Buck C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio Franklin Co. 529818
Lewinskya sordida (Sull. & Lesq.) F.Lara, Garilleti & Goffinet C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Massachusetts Middlesex Co. 481839
Silene regia Sims C. L. Lesquereux 329 United States of America Ohio 24209 Silene regia Sims
Silene regia Sims C. L. Lesquereux 329 United States of America Ohio 24210 Silene regia Sims
Desmatodon latifolius (Hedw.) Brid. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America California 341344
Astomum muhlenbergianum (Sw.) Grout C. L. Lesquereux 5 United States of America Ohio 507641
Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Georgia Mts. of Georgia 288507
Orthotrichum ohioense Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New Jersey and New York,… 453833
Orthotrichum ohioense Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New Jersey and New York,… 453834
Physcomitrium immersum Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Pennsylvania 357913
Bryoxiphium norvegicum (Brid.) Mitt. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 294448
Bryoxiphium norvegicum (Brid.) Mitt. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 294447
Bryoxiphium norvegicum (Brid.) Mitt. C. L. Lesquereux 24 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 294446
Sphagnum subsecundum Nees C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Southern New Jersey, also in… 275368
Sphagnum subsecundum Nees C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New Jersey, also in the… 276918
Sphagnum subsecundum Nees C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New Jersey, also in the… 276922
Myurella sibirica (Müll.Hal.) Reimers C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Green Mts.; Connecticut, & Pennsylvania 467460
Forsstroemia trichomitria (Hedw.) Lindb. C. L. Lesquereux 200 United States of America See location note. See specnotes 296689
Schlotheimia rugifolia (Hook.) Schwägr. C. L. Lesquereux s.n. s.d. United States of America Georgia Jonah Mountain 508486
Orthotrichum anomalum Hedw. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America 421511
Isopterygium tenerum (Sw.) Mitt. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Massachusetts 654859
Bryum capillare Hedw. C. L. Lesquereux 284 United States of America California 385627
Bryum capillare Hedw. C. L. Lesquereux 283 United States of America California 385628
Tortula obtusifolia (Schwägr.) Mathieu C. L. Lesquereux 55 United States of America Tennessee Davidson Co. Nashville 349456
Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) W.R.Buck C. L. Lesquereux 167 United States of America Ohio Franklin Co. 530585
Desmatodon arenaceus Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux 83 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. Circa Lancaster type 349462 Desmatodon arenaceus Sull. & Lesq.
Fissidens bryoides Hedw. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio 313824
Sphagnum tenerum Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Alabama Raccoon Mountains isotype 226933
Sphagnum tenerum Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Alabama Raccoon Mountains isotype 226934
Sphagnum tenerum Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Alabama Raccoon Mountains isotype 226935 Sphagnum tenerum Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull.
Sphagnum tenerum Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Alabama Raccoon Mountains isotype 226936 Sphagnum tenerum Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull.
Sarcocyphos alpinus Gottsche ex Husn. C. L. Lesquereux s.n. s.d. Site unspecified. possible type 967578 Sarcocyphos alpinus Gottsche ex Husn.
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux 250 s.d. United States of America Kentucky Southern Kentucky probable type 1272918 Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq.
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux 250 s.d. United States of America Kentucky Southern Kentucky probable type 1272919 Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq.
Carex convoluta Mack. C. L. Lesquereux s.n. United States of America Ohio 2260580 Carex convoluta Mack.
Carex grisea Wahlenb. C. L. Lesquereux s.n. United States of America New York Erie Co. 2279024 Carex grisea Wahlenb.
Betula pumila L. C. L. Lesquereux s.n. United States of America Ohio 2477709 Betula pumila L.
Betula pumila L. C. L. Lesquereux s.n. United States of America Ohio 2477711 Betula pumila L.
Viola rostrata Pursh C. L. Lesquereux 321 s.d. United States of America Pennsylvania 3585847 Viola rostrata Pursh
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Kentucky 490649
Campylopus tallulensis Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Georgia Habersham Co. Cataractae Tallulah Falls… 325437
Serpoleskea confervoides (Brid.) Loeske C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio Scioto Co. 655197
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux 250 s.d. United States of America Kentucky Southern Kentucky type 1272916 Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq.
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux 250 s.d. United States of America Kentucky Southern Kentucky type 1272917 Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq.
Fontinalis disticha var. tenuior Sull. C. L. Lesquereux s.n. s.d. United States of America Kentucky Southern type 1272929 Fontinalis disticha var. tenuior Sull.
Anthoceros punctatus L. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio Lancaster & Columbus 227933
Conostomum tetragonum (Hedw.) Lindb. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New York Essex Co. Summit of Mt.… 438231
Desmatodon porteri James C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Kentucky Near Lexington 349641
Notothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio Franklin Co. 234719
Fontinalis novae-angliae Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Alabama 515724
Fontinalis novae-angliae Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Alabama 515723
Fontinalis novae-angliae Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America [New England] 515904
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Kentucky Southern Kentucky 490641
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Kentucky Southern Kentucky 490646
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Kentucky Etangs du Kentucky 490642
Fontinalis filiformis Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Alabama and Kentucky 490652
Fontinalis neomexicana Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New Mexico 491505
Fontinalis neomexicana Sull. & Lesq. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New Mexico 491336
Dichelyma capillaceum (With.) Myrin C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Alabama 416282
Dichelyma capillaceum (With.) Myrin C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New York Greene Co. Catskill Mountains. [Inferred… 416304
Fontinalis antipyretica var. gigantea (Sull.) Sull. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New England "ruisseaux" 437546
Fontinalis sphagnifolia (Müll.Hal.) Wijk & Margad. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio 516820
Fontinalis sphagnifolia (Müll.Hal.) Wijk & Margad. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America New England 516783
Fontinalis sphagnifolia (Müll.Hal.) Wijk & Margad. C. L. Lesquereux United States of America Ohio 516754