Displaying 26 - 49 out of 49 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Hippomane mancinella L. M. A. Vincent 9276 20 May 2001 Bahamas San Salvador Sandy Hook, at "High Point"… 2531916 Hippomane mancinella L.
Euphorbia graminea Jacq. M. A. Vincent 16503 26 May 2013 Turks and Caicos Islands Providenciales: Government subdivision, between Millenium… 2531926 Euphorbia graminea Jacq.
Piper auritum Kunth M. A. Vincent 10915 30 Dec 2002 Belize Stann Creek 30.3 km south of Sibun… 4128201 Piper auritum Kunth
Piper amalago L. M. A. Vincent 10914 30 Dec 2002 Belize Stann Creek 24.6 km south of the… 4127948 Piper amalago L.
Piper jacquemontianum Kunth M. A. Vincent 30 Dec 2002 Belize Stann Creek 24.6 km south of the… 4129038 Piper jacquemontianum Kunth
Piper fraguanum Trel. M. A. Vincent 10912 30 Dec 2002 Belize Stann Creek 24.6 km south of the… 4128588 Piper fraguanum Trel.
Piper aduncum L. M. A. Vincent 10908 30 Dec 2002 Belize Cayo 8 km south of Blue… 4127792 Piper aduncum L.
Croton lucidus L. M. A. Vincent 16163 04 Mar 2013 Bahamas New Providence Adelaide Village area, Adelaide Road… 2480599 Croton lucidus L.
Koanophyllon villosum (Sw.) R.M.King & H.Rob. M. A. Vincent 10577 19 May 2002 Bahamas North Andros at pineyard along old logging… 2578983 Koanophyllon villosum (Sw.) R.M.King & H.Rob.
Exostema coriaceum (Poir.) Schult. M. A. Vincent 10642 23 May 2002 Bahamas North Andros Behring Point, along road 2578995 Exostema coriaceum (Poir.) Schult.
Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam. M. A. Vincent 10579 20 May 2002 Bahamas North Andros North Andros Island: along Scott/Thompson… 2595223 Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam.
Guapira discolor (Spreng.) Little M. A. Vincent 10639 23 May 2002 Bahamas North Andros Behring Point; west of N24… 2578996 Guapira discolor (Spreng.) Little
Euphorbia cayensis Millsp. M. A. Vincent s.n. 15 Jan 2004 Bahamas Central Abaco Along road north of the… 2594937 Euphorbia cayensis Millsp.
Clematis plukenetii DC. M. A. Vincent s.n. 15 Jan 2004 Bahamas Central Abaco Along the Abaco Highway 2594951 Clematis plukenetii DC.
Angadenia sagraei Miers M. A. Vincent 11459 15 Jan 2004 Bahamas South Abaco Along Abaco Highway north of… 2594949 Angadenia sagraei Miers
Echites umbellatus Jacq. M. A. Vincent 11468 15 Jan 2004 Bahamas South Abaco In pine forest along the… 2594952 Echites umbellatus Jacq.
Euphorbia graminea Jacq. M. A. Vincent 11483 17 Jan 2004 Bahamas Abaco Island. Marsh Harbour. Weedy… 2579002 Euphorbia graminea Jacq.
Croton linearis Jacq. M. A. Vincent 16090 2 Mar 2013 Bahamas New Providence Eastern Point, rocky coast along… 2480585 Croton linearis Jacq.
Astraea lobata (L.) Klotzsch M. A. Vincent 16099 2 Mar 2013 Bahamas New Providence Yamacraw; south of Yamacraw Hill… 2480595 Astraea lobata (L.) Klotzsch
Asclepias nivea L. M. A. Vincent 15481 18 May 2011 Puerto Rico Jayuya Cerro de Punta, above Rt.… 2729138 Asclepias nivea L.
Forsteronia portoricensis Woodson M. A. Vincent 15498 19 May 2011 Puerto Rico Utuado Bosque Estatal de Rio Abajo,… 4185859 Forsteronia portoricensis Woodson
Piper amalago L. M. A. Vincent 15444 17 May 2011 Puerto Rico Adjuntas Garzas Barrio. Along PR Rt.… 4127927 Piper amalago L.
Piper aduncum L. M. A. Vincent 15504 19 May 2011 Puerto Rico Utuado Bosque Estatal de Rio Abajo,… 2729147 Piper aduncum L.
Piper hispidum Sw. M. A. Vincent 15407 15 May 2011 Puerto Rico Rio Grande El Yunque National Forest. Along… 2714910 Piper hispidum Sw.