Displaying 6476 - 6525 out of 6617 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Alafia lucida Stapf B. A. Krukoff 222 01 Feb 1950 Gabon 4159586 Alafia lucida Stapf
Oncinotis glabrata (Baill.) Stapf ex Hiern B. A. Krukoff 223 01 Feb 1950 Gabon 4200331 Oncinotis glabrata (Baill.) Stapf ex Hiern
Alafia lucida Stapf B. A. Krukoff 230 02 Feb 1950 Gabon 4159580 Alafia lucida Stapf
Strophanthus hispidus DC. B. A. Krukoff 226 02 Feb 1950 Gabon 03984096 Strophanthus hispidus DC.
Strophanthus hispidus DC. B. A. Krukoff 226 02 Feb 1950 Gabon 03038800 Strophanthus hispidus DC.
Strophanthus hispidus DC. B. A. Krukoff 228 02 Feb 1950 Gabon 4191482 Strophanthus hispidus DC.
Strophanthus hispidus DC. B. A. Krukoff 017 1949 Nigeria 03038803 Strophanthus hispidus DC.
Strophanthus sarmentosus DC. B. A. Krukoff 018 1949 Nigeria 4191198 Strophanthus sarmentosus DC.
Periploca B. A. Krukoff 083 1949 Nigeria 04201221 Periploca
Strophanthus sarmentosus DC. B. A. Krukoff 011 1949 Nigeria 4191191 Strophanthus sarmentosus DC.
Strophanthus hispidus DC. B. A. Krukoff 009 1949 Nigeria 03984087 Strophanthus hispidus DC.
Strophanthus hispidus DC. B. A. Krukoff 022 1949 Nigeria 03984093 Strophanthus hispidus DC.
Strophanthus hispidus DC. B. A. Krukoff 021 1949 Nigeria 03038808 Strophanthus hispidus DC.
Strophanthus petersianus Klotzsch B. A. Krukoff 002 1949 Nigeria 4191139 Strophanthus petersianus Klotzsch
Strophanthus petersianus Klotzsch B. A. Krukoff 005 1949 Nigeria 4191142 Strophanthus petersianus Klotzsch
Strophanthus petersianus Klotzsch B. A. Krukoff 006 1949 Nigeria 4191154 Strophanthus petersianus Klotzsch
Strophanthus gratus Franch. B. A. Krukoff 014 1949 Nigeria 4191461 Strophanthus gratus Franch.
Strophanthus hispidus DC. B. A. Krukoff 016 1949 Nigeria 4191491 Strophanthus hispidus DC.
Strophanthus barteri Franch. B. A. Krukoff 023 1949 Nigeria 4191624 Strophanthus barteri Franch.
Strophanthus sarmentosus DC. B. A. Krukoff 1949-18 Sep 1949 Ghana Gold Coast, near Ateiku 4191302 Strophanthus sarmentosus DC.
Strophanthus B. A. Krukoff 199 s.d. 4190801 Strophanthus
Beilschmiedia obscura Engl. ex Stapf B. A. Krukoff 161 04 Jul 1930 Cameroon French Kamerun, Region of Central… 04775178 Beilschmiedia obscura Engl. ex Stapf
Khaya ivorensis A.Chev. B. A. Krukoff 159 04 Jul 1930 Cameroon French Kamerun, Region of Central… 4827567 Khaya ivorensis A.Chev.
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 65 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193613 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague B. A. Krukoff 166 05 Jul 1930 Cameroon French Kamerun, Region of Central… 4823436 Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague
Lovoa trichilioides Harms B. A. Krukoff 160 04 Jul 1930 Cameroon French Kamerun, Region of Central… 4827611 Lovoa trichilioides Harms
Entandrophragma utile (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague B. A. Krukoff 173 06 Jul 1930 Cameroon French Kamerun, Region of Central… 4823441 Entandrophragma utile (Dawe & Sprague) Sprague
Strophanthus congoensis Franch. B. A. Krukoff 248 Feb 1949 Cameroon French Cameroons: Douala, (Route de… 4191653 Strophanthus congoensis Franch.
Strophanthus congoensis Franch. B. A. Krukoff 248 Feb 1949 Cameroon French Cameroons: Douala, (Route de… 4191642 Strophanthus congoensis Franch.
Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague B. A. Krukoff 156 30 Jun 1930 Cameroon Region of Northern railroad about… 4823432 Entandrophragma cylindricum Sprague
Strophanthus petersianus Klotzsch B. A. Krukoff 122 01 Dec 1949 Cameroon Fr. Cameroons, Bipindi 4191146 Strophanthus petersianus Klotzsch
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 36 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193602 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 38 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193569 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia foretiana (Pierre ex Jum.) Pichon B. A. Krukoff 80 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193530 Landolphia foretiana (Pierre ex Jum.) Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 35 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 04193559 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 68 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193562 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 42 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193563 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 38 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193565 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 47 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193566 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 35 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193568 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 43 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193570 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 44 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193603 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 36 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193606 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 44 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193607 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 34 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193609 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 39 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193610 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Landolphia jumellei Pichon B. A. Krukoff 40 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4193612 Landolphia jumellei Pichon
Strophanthus sarmentosus DC. B. A. Krukoff 31 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4191195 Strophanthus sarmentosus DC.
Strophanthus sarmentosus DC. B. A. Krukoff 46 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons: Kumba 4191197 Strophanthus sarmentosus DC.
Strophanthus gratus Franch. B. A. Krukoff 49 Nov 1949 Cameroon British Cameroons 4191444 Strophanthus gratus Franch.