Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Avenella flexuosa (L.) Drejer W. P. Conant s.n. 6-22-70 1635124 Avenella flexuosa (L.) Drejer
Poa cuspidata Nutt. W. P. Conant 27 Apr 1884 United States of America District of Columbia High Is. 1790589 Poa cuspidata Nutt.
Poa pratensis L. W. P. Conant s.n. 14 May 1884 United States of America District of Columbia 1793624 Poa pratensis L.
Carex caryophyllea Latourr. W. P. Conant s.n. Jul 1883 United States of America Massachusetts [State inferred from precise loc].… 2254446 Carex caryophyllea Latourr.
Carex emmonsii Dewey ex Torr. W. P. Conant s.n. May 1884 United States of America Maryland High Island, Potomac. 2264725 Carex emmonsii Dewey ex Torr.