Displaying 26 - 41 out of 41 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Arctostaphylos hookeri G.Don W. Lobb s.n. United States of America California Monterey Co. High ground of… 2516670 Arctostaphylos hookeri G.Don
Vulpia myuros var. megalura (Nutt.) Auquier W. Lobb s.n. 1849 - 1857 United States of America California 1822303 Vulpia myuros var. megalura (Nutt.) Auquier
Leptostomum splachnoideum Hook.f. & Arn. W. Lobb 27 s.d. Chile Chiloe 2082728 Leptostomum splachnoideum Hook.f. & Arn.
Psammisia ferruginea A.C.Sm. W. Lobb 89 s.d. Colombia Pilispi. New Granada. holotype fragment 11010 Psammisia ferruginea A.C.Sm.
Hymenodontopsis mnioides (Hook.) N.E.Bell, A.E.Newton & Quandt W. Lobb 43 s.d. Patagonia 02317327
Syrrhopodon elongatus var. glaziovii (Hampe) W.D.Reese W. Lobb 100 S. America 607610
Quercus tinctoria var. californica Torr. W. Lobb s.n. s.d. United States of America California not a type 253627 Quercus tinctoria var. californica Torr.
Pleuropogon californicus (Nees) Benth. ex Vasey W. Lobb s.n. 1849 - 1857 United States of America California 1788890 Pleuropogon californicus (Nees) Benth. ex Vasey
Campylopus acervatus Mitt. W. Lobb 122 s.d. type 1086255 Campylopus acervatus Mitt.
Oreoweisia ligularis Mitt. W. Lobb 125 s.d. syntype 1094563 Oreoweisia ligularis Mitt.
Lewinskya pycnophylla (Schimp.) F.Lara, Garilleti & Goffinet W. Lobb 104 s.d. 02032019
Lewinskya pycnophylla (Schimp.) F.Lara, Garilleti & Goffinet W. Lobb s.n. s.d. Panama 2119963 Lewinskya pycnophylla (Schimp.) F.Lara, Garilleti & Goffinet
Poa secunda J.Presl W. Lobb s.n. 1849-57 United States of America California 1795277 Poa secunda J.Presl
Poa annua L. W. Lobb 23 1849 - 1851 United States of America California 1784259 Poa annua L.
Schlotheimia torquata (Hedw.) Brid. W. Lobb s.n. s.d. Brazil 2120456 Schlotheimia torquata (Hedw.) Brid.
Tetraplodon mnioides (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. W. Lobb 4 s.d. Chile 2080032 Tetraplodon mnioides (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.