Displaying 26 - 50 out of 214 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Triphora trianthophoros (Sw.) Rydb. W. C. Leavenworth s.n. 28 Aug 1938 United States of America Indiana Montgomery Co. Pine Hills 15… 4170128 Triphora trianthophoros (Sw.) Rydb.
Hybanthus verticillatus (Ortega) Baill. W. C. Leavenworth s.n. May + June United States of America Oklahoma 15 or 20 miles of… 3180656 Hybanthus verticillatus (Ortega) Baill.
Lechea san-sabeana (Buckley) Hodgdon W. C. Leavenworth s.n. s.d. United States of America Texas Sabine River 3937784 Lechea san-sabeana (Buckley) Hodgdon
Gutierrezia texana (DC.) Torr. & A.Gray W. C. Leavenworth s.n. s.d. United States of America Texas Red River 2881209 Gutierrezia texana (DC.) Torr. & A.Gray
Senna lindheimeriana (Scheele) H.S.Irwin & Barneby W. C. Leavenworth 150 21 Jun 1940 Mexico Nuevo León Santiago Mun. Villa de Santiago 1583649
Pithecellobium insigne Donn.Sm. W. C. Leavenworth 206 28 Jun 1940 Mexico San Luis Potosí Ciudad Valles Mun. El Banito,… 00551801 Pithecellobium insigne Donn.Sm.
Mimosa asperata L. W. C. Leavenworth 203 27 Jun 1940 Mexico San Luis Potosí Ciudad Valles Mun. Ciudad Valles,… 550665
Mimosa malacophylla A.Gray W. C. Leavenworth 179 21 Jun 1940 Mexico Nuevo León Santiago Mun. Las Adjuntas 551042
Solidago muelleri W. C. Leavenworth 180 21 Jun 1940 Mexico Nuevo León Santiago Mun. Las Adjuntas 368910 Solidago muelleri
Calyptocarpus vialis Less. W. C. Leavenworth 84 15 Jun 1940 Mexico Nuevo León Santiago Mun. Horsetail falls near… 366626
Heterotheca latifolia (Buckley) var. latifolia W. C. Leavenworth 75 15 Jun 1940 Mexico Nuevo León Santiago Mun. Above Horsetail falls 367935
Stevia berlandieri A.Gray W. C. Leavenworth 100 18 Jun 1940 Mexico Nuevo León Santiago Mun. Mpio. Villa de… 368922
Bouteloua diversispicula Columbus W. C. Leavenworth 1482 13 Aug 1941 Mexico Michoacán Apatzingan Mun. Above Apatzingan. Tancitaro… 1630490 Bouteloua diversispicula Columbus
Muhlenbergia tenuifolia (Kunth) Kunth W. C. Leavenworth 1894 26 Aug 1941 Mexico Jalisco Guadalajara Mun. Near Río Grande… 1756545 Muhlenbergia tenuifolia (Kunth) Kunth
Paspalum langei (E.Fourn.) Nash W. C. Leavenworth 1336 5 Aug 1941 Mexico Michoacán Apatzingán Mun. Common along path… 1744084 Paspalum langei (E.Fourn.) Nash
Eragrostis intermedia Hitchc. W. C. Leavenworth 4027 07 Jul 1941 Mexico Michoacán Tancitaro Mun. Tancitaro Region. 1683873 Eragrostis intermedia Hitchc.
Eragrostis pectinacea var. pectinacea W. C. Leavenworth 1569 15 Aug 1941 Mexico Michoacán Apatzingan Mun. Canyon above Apatzingan. 1688995 Eragrostis pectinacea var. pectinacea
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck. W. C. Leavenworth 1153 22 Aug 1941 Mexico Michoacán Tancitaro Mun. On north slope… 1557025 Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck.
Bromus carinatus var. carinatus W. C. Leavenworth 1926 28 August 1941 Mexico México Toluca Mun. Common on plains… 1645089 Bromus carinatus var. carinatus
Arbutus xalapensis (Benth.) Kunth W. C. Leavenworth 569 15 Aug 1940 Mexico Michoacán Tancítaro Mun. 2 mi. south 1875057 Arbutus xalapensis (Benth.) Kunth
Comarostaphylis discolor subsp. rupestris (B.L.Rob. & Seaton) Diggs W. C. Leavenworth 585 16 Aug 1940 Mexico Michoacán Tancítaro Mun. Lava flow 1… 2524738 Comarostaphylis discolor subsp. rupestris (B.L.Rob. & Seaton) Diggs
Comarostaphylis discolor subsp. rupestris (B.L.Rob. & Seaton) Diggs W. C. Leavenworth 585 15 Aug 1940 Mexico Michoacán Tancítaro Mun. 2 mi S… 2524739 Comarostaphylis discolor subsp. rupestris (B.L.Rob. & Seaton) Diggs
Comarostaphylis discolor subsp. rupestris (B.L.Rob. & Seaton) Diggs W. C. Leavenworth 667 19 Aug 1940 Mexico Michoacán Tancítaro Mun. Cerro Tancitaro. 2524740 Comarostaphylis discolor subsp. rupestris (B.L.Rob. & Seaton) Diggs
Pernettya prostrata (Cav.) DC. W. C. Leavenworth 281 17 Jul 1940 Mexico Michoacán Tancítaro Mun. Cerro Tancitaro. 2604555 Pernettya prostrata (Cav.) DC.
Penstemon kunthii G.Don W. C. Leavenworth 678 19 Aug 1940 Mexico Michoacán Tancítaro Mun. Cerro Tancitaro 773138 Penstemon kunthii G.Don