Displaying 1 - 25 out of 527 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Maytenus guatemalensis Lundell W. A. Schipp S-635 10 Jun 1934 Belize Camp 35. B.H.-Guatemala survey isotype 73844 Maytenus guatemalensis Lundell
Coccoloba lancifolia Lundell W. A. Schipp 1200 28 Aug 1933 Belize Jacinto Hills isotype 73843 Coccoloba lancifolia Lundell
Odontadenia schippii Woodson W. A. Schipp S709 01 Jul 1934 Belize Camp 36 B.H.-Guatemala survey isotype 298137 Odontadenia schippii Woodson
Bauhinia emarginella Standl. W. A. Schipp S-630 11 Mar 1934 Belize Camp 32. British Honduras-Guatemala survey.… isotype 3413 Bauhinia emarginella Standl.
Maytenus schippii Standl. W. A. Schipp 1014 26 Sep 1932 Belize "Dixie", Punta Gorda isotype 337402 Maytenus schippii Standl.
Bonamia brevipedicellata Myint & D.B.Ward W. A. Schipp 1210 11 Sep 1933 Belize Machaca isotype 318858 Bonamia brevipedicellata Myint & D.B.Ward
Sapium schippii Croizat W. A. Schipp 1049 28 Sep 1932 Belize "Forest Home," Punta Gorda isotype 83638 Sapium schippii Croizat
Petrea arborea f. albiflora Standl. W. A. Schipp 727 17 Mar 1931 Honduras Sittee River isotype 137881 Petrea arborea f. albiflora Standl.
Lepidozia caespitosa Spruce W. A. Schipp S876 07 May 1934 Belize Camp 34B 636469
Protium schippii Lundell W. A. Schipp 973 06 Jun 1932 Belize 22 Mile Stann Creek River isotype 345716
Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq. W. A. Schipp 636 09 Sep 1930 Honduras Sittee River 486536
Clusia belizensis Standl. W. A. Schipp 1242 10 Apr 1934 Belize Camp 33. B.H.-Guatemala survey. isotype 72361 Clusia belizensis Standl.
Beilschmiedia hondurensis Kosterm. W. A. Schipp 1262 07 Apr 1934 Belize Camp 31. British Honduras-Guatemala survey.… isotype 22162 Beilschmiedia hondurensis Kosterm.
Inga belizensis Standl. W. A. Schipp 24 22 Feb 1929 Belize Cayo Road to El Pilar, ca.… type 2042 Inga belizensis Standl.
Chamaedorea schippii Burret W. A. Schipp S-569 Barlin1222 21 Aug 1933 Belize Jacinto hills isotype 67376 Chamaedorea schippii Burret
Strychnos tabascana Sprague & Sandwith W. A. Schipp S-301 02 Jul Belize Cayo Road to El Pilar, ca.… type fragment 4671 Strychnos tabascana Sprague & Sandwith
Jacquinia paludicola Standl. W. A. Schipp 1028 11 Sep 1932 Belize Britiah Homduras: "Forest Home," Punta… isotype 329390 Jacquinia paludicola Standl.
Spigelia palmeri Rose W. A. Schipp S641 28 Feb 1934 Belize Camp 31 British Honduras-Guatemala surey 297389 Spigelia palmeri Rose
Marcgravia schippii Standl. W. A. Schipp 1273 06 May 1934 Belize Camp 32. British Honduras-Guatemala survey. isotype 4060 Marcgravia schippii Standl.
Calyptranthes megistophylla Standl. W. A. Schipp 1265 07 May 1934 Belize Camp 32.B.H - Guatemala survey type 386749 Calyptranthes megistophylla Standl.
Sebastiania longicuspis Standl. W. A. Schipp 1018 17 Sep 1932 Belize "Eldorado", Punta Gorda isotype 273243 Sebastiania longicuspis Standl.
Diospyros schippii Standl. W. A. Schipp 1281 11 Jun 1934 Belize Camp 34, B[ritish]. H[onduras].-Guatemala survey isotype 38220
Dalechampia schippii Standl. W. A. Schipp S181 23 Dec 1931 Belize Sarawee isotype 263012 Dalechampia schippii Standl.
Faramea belizensis Standl. W. A. Schipp S-721 01 Jul 1934 Belize Camp 36.B.H.-Guatemala survey. type 131312 Faramea belizensis Standl.
Najas multidentata W.Koch W. A. Schipp 991 08 Aug 1932 Belize "Forest Home," Punta Gorda isotype 307465 Najas multidentata W.Koch