Displaying 71 - 95 out of 2088 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Albugo bliti (Biv.) J.E.Kuntze W. A. Kellerman 1660 02 Aug 1883 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 262236
Albugo candida (Pers. ex J.F.Gmel.) Kunze W. A. Kellerman 2847 07 Jul 1890 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 262144
Albugo candida (Pers. ex J.F.Gmel.) Kunze W. A. Kellerman 1505 24 May 1884 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 262158
Albugo candida (Pers. ex J.F.Gmel.) Kunze W. A. Kellerman 1534 25 Apr 1889 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 262148
Albugo candida (Pers. ex J.F.Gmel.) Kunze W. A. Kellerman 1504 Summer 1883 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 262143
Albugo candida (Pers. ex J.F.Gmel.) Kunze W. A. Kellerman 1530 30 Jul 1887 United States of America Kansas Lawrence 262147
Albugo candida (Pers.) Roussel W. A. Kellerman 63 09 May 1903 United States of America Ohio Franklin Co. Columbus 2771350 Albugo candida (Pers.) Roussel
Albugo candida (Pers.) Roussel W. A. Kellerman 63 09 May 1903 United States of America Ohio Franklin Co. Columbus 2771429 Albugo candida (Pers.) Roussel
Albugo candida (Pers.) Roussel W. A. Kellerman 63 09 May 1903 United States of America Ohio Franklin Co. Columbus 2771637 Albugo candida (Pers.) Roussel
Albugo candida (Pers.) Roussel W. A. Kellerman s.n. Sep 1883 United States of America Kansas 2771629 Albugo candida (Pers.) Roussel
Albugo cubicus W. A. Kellerman 25 Sep 1888 United States of America Kentucky Fayette Co. 262254
Albugo cubicus W. A. Kellerman 15 Jul 1880 Germany Gottengen 262253
Albugo ipomoaea-panduratae (C.Schweinf.) D.B.Swingle W. A. Kellerman 1008 Jul 1887 United States of America Missouri Lebanon 2771930 Albugo ipomoaea-panduratae (C.Schweinf.) D.B.Swingle
Albugo ipomoaea-panduratae (C.Schweinf.) D.B.Swingle W. A. Kellerman s.n. 1881 United States of America Kentucky 2771897 Albugo ipomoaea-panduratae (C.Schweinf.) D.B.Swingle
Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae (Schwein.) Swingle W. A. Kellerman 642 20 Aug 1884 United States of America Kansas Garden City 262223
Albugo portulacae (DC.) Kuntze W. A. Kellerman 02 Aug 1883 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 262234
Albugo portulacae (DC.) Kuntze W. A. Kellerman 02 Aug 1881 United States of America Ohio Lancaster. 262230
Albugo portulacae (DC.) Kuntze W. A. Kellerman 02 Aug 1883 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 262233
Albugo tragopogonis (Pers.) Gray W. A. Kellerman 18 Aug 1889 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 262203
Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt W. A. Kellerman 284 Jun 1883 United States of America Ohio 1986401 Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt
Aleurodiscus oakesii Berk. & M.A.Curtis W. A. Kellerman 1156 Oct 1887 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 295124
Allium canadense L. W. A. Kellerman s.n. May 1888 United States of America Kansas Riley Co. 3762122 Allium canadense L.
Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. W. A. Kellerman s.n. June United States of America Wisconsin Winnebago Co. 1637648 Alopecurus aequalis Sobol.
Alopecurus geniculatus L. W. A. Kellerman s.n. 28 May 1890 United States of America Kansas Pottawatomie Co. St. George. 1638065 Alopecurus geniculatus L.
Alsophila myosuroides Liebm. W. A. Kellerman 5083 s.d. Guatemala Izabal Los Amates type fragment 148711 Alsophila myosuroides Liebm.