Displaying 1 - 25 out of 33 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Brachythecium rivulare Schimp. S. Smith 111 Oct 1963 United States of America Iowa Dubuque Co. White Pine Hollow… 588947
Leucobryum glaucum (Hedw.) Ångstr. S. Smith 68 28 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Washington Co. Fern Cliff 300951
Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. S. Smith 51 21 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Delaware Co. Backbone State Park 321031
Dicranella heteromalla (Hedw.) Schimp. S. Smith 113 Oct 1963 United States of America Iowa Dubuque Co. White Pine Hollow… 326082
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus (Hedw.) Warnst. S. Smith 92 Oct 1963 United States of America Iowa White Pine Hollow State Park 292768
Anomodon minor (Hedw.) Lindb. S. Smith 93 Oct 1963 United States of America Iowa White Pine Hollow State Park 513060
Polytrichum commune Hedw. S. Smith 61 28 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Washington Co. Fern Cliff 451614
Porella platyphylla (L.) Pfeiff. S. Smith 9a United States of America Iowa Clayton Co. Bixby Park 249900
Fissidens bryoides var. viridulus (Sw.) Broth. S. Smith 103 Oct 1963 United States of America Iowa Dubuque Co. White Pine Hollow… 315101
Rhytidium rugosum (Ehrh. ex Hedw.) Kindb. S. Smith 49 21 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Delaware Co. Backbone State Park 295532
Climacium americanum Brid. S. Smith 12 21 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Clayton Co. Bixby Park 509173
Dicranum scoparium Hedw. S. Smith 57 28 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Washington Co. Fern Cliff 308665
Encalypta streptocarpa Hedw. S. Smith 48 21 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Delaware Co. Backbone State Park,… 341711
Thuidium recognitum (Hedw.) Lindb. S. Smith 58 28 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Washington Co. Fern Cliff 505974
Atrichum altecristatum (Renauld & Cardot) Smyth & L.Smyth S. Smith Aug 1964 United States of America Minnesota Itasca Co. Itasca State Park 373159
Atrichum altecristatum (Renauld & Cardot) Smyth & L.Smyth S. Smith 78 28 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Washington Co. Fern Cliff 373134
Anomodon rostratus (Hedw.) Schimp. S. Smith 50 21 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Delaware Co. Backbone State Park 513289
Anisothecium varium (Hedw.) Mitt. S. Smith 106 21 Feb 1957 United States of America Virginia Augusta Co. Folly Creek, near… 336130
Brachythecium laetum (Brid.) Schimp. S. Smith 98 01 Oct 1963 United States of America White Pine Hollow State Park 566681
Conocephalum salebrosum Szweyk., Buczkowska & Odrzykoski S. Smith 1 21 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Clayton Co. Bixby Park 264968
Rhodobryum ontariense (Kindb.) Paris S. Smith 7 21 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Clayton Co. Bixby Park 457472
Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) M.Fleisch. S. Smith 53 21 Sep 1963 United States of America Iowa Delaware Co. Backbone State Park 473711
Calliergonella curvifolia (Hedw.) B.H.Allen S. Smith 104 Oct 1963 United States of America Iowa White Pine Hollow State Park 614082
Leskea gracilescens Hedw. S. Smith 79 Oct 1963 United States of America Iowa White Pine Hollow State Park 488897
Brachythecium acuminatum (Hedw.) Austin S. Smith 86 Oct 1963 United States of America Iowa White Pine Hollow State Park 517458