Displaying 1 - 50 out of 187 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Calliergonella curvifolia (Hedw.) B.H.Allen S. E. Jelliffe 24 Jun 1882 United States of America New York Warren Co. Bolton. Lake George.… 614203
Thelia asprella (Schimp.) Sull. S. E. Jelliffe 17 Nov 1887 United States of America New Jersey Alpine 707397
Grimmia pilifera P.Beauv. S. E. Jelliffe 07 Apr 1888 United States of America New Jersey Near Fort Lee 351482
Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Hübener S. E. Jelliffe 27 Apr 1888 United States of America New Jersey Bergen Co. 510135
Anomodon rostratus (Hedw.) Schimp. S. E. Jelliffe 27 Apr 1888 United States of America New York Queens Co. Richmond Hill, Long… 513526
Thelia hirtella (Hedw.) Sull. S. E. Jelliffe 27 Apr 1888 United States of America Richmond Hill - Long Id. 714174
Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr. S. E. Jelliffe May 1888 United States of America New York Lake George 403360
Neckera pennata Hedw. S. E. Jelliffe May 1888 United States of America New York Washington Co. "Cold Spring" Lake… 466178
Pohlia cruda (Hedw.) Lindb. S. E. Jelliffe May 1888 United States of America New York Huletts Landing, L.G. [=Lake George]. 457990
Polytrichum piliferum Hedw. S. E. Jelliffe May 1888 United States of America New York Washington Co. Huletts [=Huletts Landing],… 465298
Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. S. E. Jelliffe 10 May 1888 United States of America New York Stone wall of [Hebrew] Orphan… 354563
Homalia trichomanoides (Hedw.) Schimp. S. E. Jelliffe 01 Jun 1888 United States of America New York Washington Co. "Cold Spring" Lake… 457111
Drummondia prorepens (Hedw.) E.Britton S. E. Jelliffe June 1888 United States of America Huletts Landing, Lake George 376973
Porella platyphylla (L.) Pfeiff. S. E. Jelliffe 16 Jun 1888 United States of America New York Saint Lawrence Co. 249998
Dicranum drummondii Müll.Hal. S. E. Jelliffe Aug 1888 United States of America New York Along Raquette R., Adirondacks 333368
Climacium americanum Brid. S. E. Jelliffe 04 Nov 1888 United States of America Connecticut Fairfield Co. 509419
Cladonia verticillata (Hoffm.) Schaer. S. E. Jelliffe Mar 1889 United States of America Connecticut Fairfield Co. 467901
Buellia stillingiana J.Steiner S. E. Jelliffe Mar 1889 United States of America Connecticut Fairfield Co. 364087
Lecanora hybocarpa (Tuck.) Brodo S. E. Jelliffe Mar 1889 United States of America Connecticut Fairfield Co. 467937
Bangia fuscopurpurea (Dillwyn) Lyngb. S. E. Jelliffe s.n. Mar 1889 United States of America New York Kings Co. Coney Island 02105394 Bangia fuscopurpurea (Dillwyn) Lyngb.
Ectocarpus viridis Harv. S. E. Jelliffe s.n. Mar 1889 United States of America New York Long Island, Bay Ridge 02240965 Ectocarpus viridis Harv.
Homalotheciella subcapillata (Hedw.) Broth. S. E. Jelliffe 19 Mar 1889 United States of America New York Richmond Hill. Long Island 692759
Graphiola phoenicis (Mong.) Poit. S. E. Jelliffe s.n. 21 Mar 1889 United States of America New York Kings Co. Prospect Park 3020508 Graphiola phoenicis (Mong.) Poit.
Bryum argenteum Hedw. S. E. Jelliffe 25 Mar 1889 United States of America New York Prospect Park, Long Island 54390
Dicranum scoparium Hedw. S. E. Jelliffe Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 332327
Desmarestia viridis (O.F.Müll.) J.V.Lamour. S. E. Jelliffe s.n. 09 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Kings Co. Brooklyn, Bay Ridge,… 02230161 Desmarestia viridis (O.F.Müll.) J.V.Lamour.
Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightf. ex Dillwyn) Grev. S. E. Jelliffe s.n. 19 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Long Island, Bay Ridge 02223041 Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightf. ex Dillwyn) Grev.
Enteromorpha clathrata (Roth) Grev. S. E. Jelliffe s.n. 23 Apr 1889 United States of America New York 150th street and North river 03242432 Enteromorpha clathrata (Roth) Grev.
Ectocarpus littoralis (L.) Lyngb. S. E. Jelliffe s.n. 25 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Kings Co. Brooklyn, Bay Ridge 03056189 Ectocarpus littoralis (L.) Lyngb.
Ditrichum pallidum (Hedw.) Hampe S. E. Jelliffe R12 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 316242
Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Hübener S. E. Jelliffe R13 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 510151
Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid. S. E. Jelliffe R24 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 519571
Bryum caespiticium Hedw. S. E. Jelliffe 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rock Lake 379450
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. S. E. Jelliffe R21 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Rockland Lake 388897
Atrichum angustatum (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp. S. E. Jelliffe R8 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Rockland Lake 384425
Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. S. E. Jelliffe 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 321951
Climacium americanum Brid. S. E. Jelliffe 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 509474
Thuidium recognitum (Hedw.) Lindb. S. E. Jelliffe 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 506109
Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedw.) Hampe S. E. Jelliffe 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 358245
Ulota hutchinsiae (Sm.) Hammar S. E. Jelliffe R11 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 519881
Pohlia nutans (Hedw.) Lindb. S. E. Jelliffe R25 28 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 444055
Orthotrichum pusillum Mitt. S. E. Jelliffe R20 29 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 463260
Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. S. E. Jelliffe R14 29 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 419771
Ptychomitrium incurvum (Schwägr.) Spruce S. E. Jelliffe 29 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Rockland Lake 290281
Bryoandersonia illecebra (Hedw.) H.Rob. S. E. Jelliffe Px3 30 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lakes [=Rockland Lake?] 776796
Polytrichum ohioense Renauld & Cardot S. E. Jelliffe 30 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 444837
Polytrichum commune Hedw. S. E. Jelliffe R7 30 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 451504
Porella platyphylla (L.) Pfeiff. S. E. Jelliffe R18 30 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Rockland Lake 249752
Bartramia pomiformis Hedw. var. pomiformis S. E. Jelliffe R2 30 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Co. Rockland Lake 411561
Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedw.) T.J.Kop. S. E. Jelliffe 30 Apr 1889 United States of America New York Rockland Lake 398292