Displaying 26 - 75 out of 246 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Scouleria aquatica Hook. R. I. D. Svihla 2109 29 Aug 1932 United States of America Idaho Boise Co. Banked, Payette Ranch 586449
Plagiomnium insigne (Mitt.) T.J.Kop. R. I. D. Svihla 77 21 Jun 1936 United States of America Washington Island Co. Whidby Island 402306
Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. R. I. D. Svihla 2177 09 Aug 1931 Canada British Columbia Salt Spring Island, off southeastern… 167023
Pogonatum urnigerum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. R. I. D. Svihla 4017 10 Aug 1954 Canada Yukon Haines Highway, 60.0 miles S… 176564
Hypnum subimponens Lesq. R. I. D. Svihla 904 06 Jul 1931 United States of America Washington Clallam Co. Olympic Hot Springs,… 645943
Hypnum subimponens Lesq. R. I. D. Svihla 904 06 Jul 1931 United States of America Washington Clallam Co. Olympic Hot Springs,… 645951
Hypnum subimponens Lesq. R. I. D. Svihla 2042 21 Jul 1932 United States of America Washington Mt. Baker region, Camp Nooksack 645953
Hypnum subimponens Lesq. R. I. D. Svihla 2210 03 Sep 1931 United States of America Washington Kittitas Co. Lake Kachess 645902
Bryum creberrimum Taylor R. I. D. Svihla 3939 08 Aug 1954 Canada British Columbia Laird Hot Springs, along Alcan… 75698
Pohlia cruda (Hedw.) Lindb. R. I. D. Svihla 2030 19 Jul 1932 United States of America Washington Mt. Baker region, Excelsior Camp 457828
Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. R. I. D. Svihla 806 9-5-1930 United States of America Washington Clallam Co. Olympic Hot Springs,… 589025
Lophocolea trapezoidea Mont. R. I. D. Svihla 461 06 Jul 1941 Costa Rica Volcán Irazú, Pacific side. 636545
Rhizomnium punctatum (Hedw.) T.J.Kop. R. I. D. Svihla 2184 01 Sep 1931 United States of America Washington Mt. Rainier, Lake George trail 409345
Polytrichastrum lyallii (Mitt.) G.L.S.Merr. R. I. D. Svihla 2081 07 Aug 1932 United States of America Oregon Crater Lake 432183
Polytrichastrum lyallii (Mitt.) G.L.S.Merr. R. I. D. Svihla 2081 07 Aug 1932 United States of America Oregon Crater Lake 432182
Orthodicranum strictum Broth. R. I. D. Svihla 857 26 Oct 1930 United States of America Washington Whitman Co. Kamiak Butte 317611
Aulacomnium acuminatum (Lindb. & Arnell) Kindb. R. I. D. Svihla 4004 10 Aug 1954 Canada Yukon Mile post 1152 along Alcan… 141899
Bryum capillare Hedw. R. I. D. Svihla 2225 28 Feb 1932 United States of America Idaho Nez Perce Co. Along Snake… 391750
Syntrichia princeps (De Not.) Mitt. R. I. D. Svihla 943 09 Jul 1931 United States of America Washington Clallam Co. Elwaha River 365495
Hypnum bambergeri Schimp. R. I. D. Svihla 4173 20 Aug 1954 Canada Yukon Alcan Highway, mile post 645… 170906
Mnium spinulosum Bruch & Schimp. R. I. D. Svihla 2141 25 Aug 1931 United States of America Washington Mt. Rainier, Paradise Valley 379748
Mnium spinulosum Bruch & Schimp. R. I. D. Svihla 2174 30 Aug 1931 United States of America Washington Mt. Rainier, Paradise Valley, Longmire 379907
Lewinskya speciosa var. killiasii (Nees) ined. R. I. D. Svihla 983 24 Jun 1931 United States of America Washington Clallam Co. Elwha River 481940
Barbula vinealis Brid. R. I. D. Svihla 230 20 Jul 1938 United States of America Washington Skagit Co. Anacortes, Hat Island 347931
Barbula vinealis Brid. R. I. D. Svihla 902 06 Jul 1931 United States of America Washington Clallam Co. Olympic Hot Springs,… 346450
Barbula vinealis Brid. R. I. D. Svihla 846 12 Oct 1930 United States of America Washington Whitman Co. Pullman 346449
Racopilum tomentosum (Hedw.) Brid. R. I. D. Svihla 4851 24 Jan 1957 Mexico Chiapas 10 miles SE of San… 00792375
Homalothecium lutescens (Hedw.) H.Rob. R. I. D. Svihla 2043 21 Jul 1932 United States of America Washington Mt. Baker region, Camp Nooksack 692942
Isothecium stoloniferum Brid. R. I. D. Svihla 2133 25 Aug 1931 United States of America Washington Mt. Rainier, Paradise Valley 706887
Antitrichia curtipendula (Timm ex Hedw.) Brid. R. I. D. Svihla 1093 16 Jul 1932 United States of America Washington Whatcom Co. Bellingham 882976
Antitrichia curtipendula (Timm ex Hedw.) Brid. R. I. D. Svihla 2047 21 Jul 1932 United States of America Washington Mt. Baker region, Camp Nooksack 882982
Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus (Brid.) Kanda R. I. D. Svihla 4852 24 Jan 1957 Mexico Chiapas 10 mi SE of San… 901072
Scleropodium obtusifolium (Mitt.) Kindb. R. I. D. Svihla 764 30 Aug 1930 United States of America Washington Clallam Co. Olympic Hot Springs 1162995
Neckeropsis disticha (Hedw.) Kindb. R. I. D. Svihla 47-771 10 Oct 1947 - 12 Oct 1947 Costa Rica Cartago Atlantic slope, Turrialba, Institute of… 01170409
Neckeropsis undulata (Hedw.) Reichardt R. I. D. Svihla 47-746 10 Oct 1947 - 12 Oct 1947 Costa Rica Cartago Atlantic slope, Turrialba, Institute of… 01170410
Dendroligotrichum tongariroense (Colenso) Tangney R. I. D. Svihla 4991 19 Jan 1958 New Zealand North Island. Mt. Egmont, Dawson… 01220993
Dendroligotrichum tongariroense (Colenso) Tangney R. I. D. Svihla 4991 19 Jan 1958 New Zealand North Island. Mt. Egmont, Dawson… 01220995
Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst. R. I. D. Svihla 45-681 Sep 1945 Guatemala Dept. Suchiata, near Chicacoa, Finca… 1672747 Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst.
Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst. R. I. D. Svihla 45-674 Sep 1945 Guatemala Finca El Naranjo, Dept, Suchiate,… 1672748 Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst.
Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst. R. I. D. Svihla 45-636 18 Sep 1946 Guatemala Department Alta Verapaz, Coban, Finca… 1672749 Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst.
Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst. R. I. D. Svihla 41-503 13 Jul 1941 Costa Rica San Isidoro Colorado 1672750 Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst.
Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst. R. I. D. Svihla 496 13 Jul 1941 Costa Rica San Isidoro Colorado 1672751 Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst.
Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst. R. I. D. Svihla 47-748 10 Oct 1947 Costa Rica Cartago Province Cartago, Atlantic slope, Turrialba,… 1672752 Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst.
Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst. R. I. D. Svihla 47-734 04 Oct 1947 Costa Rica San José Province San Jose, Pacific slope,… 1672753 Brachiolejeunea phyllorhiza (Nees) Kruijt & Gradst.
Bryopteris diffusa (Sw.) Nees R. I. D. Svihla 47-781 10 Oct 1947 Costa Rica Cartago Atlantic slope, Turrialba, Institute of… 1672777 Bryopteris diffusa (Sw.) Nees
Ceratolejeunea cornuta (Lindenb.) Schiffn. R. I. D. Svihla 47-722 04 Oct 1947 Costa Rica San José Province San Jose, Pacific slope,… 1749022 Ceratolejeunea cornuta (Lindenb.) Schiffn.
Ceratolejeunea cornuta (Lindenb.) Schiffn. R. I. D. Svihla 47-729 04 Oct 1947 Costa Rica San José Province San Jose, Pacific slope,… 1749024 Ceratolejeunea cornuta (Lindenb.) Schiffn.
Cheilolejeunea R. I. D. Svihla 45-633 18 Sep 1945 Guatemala Department Alta Verapaz, Coban, Finca… 1749461 Cheilolejeunea
Cheilolejeunea R. I. D. Svihla 45-614 18 Sep 1945 Guatemala Department Alta Verapaz, Coban, Finca… 1749463 Cheilolejeunea
Cheilolejeunea R. I. D. Svihla 45-646 18 Sep 1945 Guatemala Department Alta Verapaz, Coban, Finca… 1749464 Cheilolejeunea