Cyperus ligularis L.

  • Kingdom


  • Division


  • Order


  • Family


  • All Determinations

    Cyperus ligularis L. det L. T. Eiten, 1970

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Lorêto Mun.

  • Locality

    "Ilha de Balsas" region, between the Balsas & Parnaíba Rivers. Santa Bárbara, due SSE of Lorêto, on shore of Rio Parnaíba. Flat river plain, less than 1 km wide, several meters above river level. Property of Dona Luzia.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 140 m. (459 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -7.5, -45.05

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

PheelZ F¿-$1 Pe-fs
flora of Brazil	.fs
Cyperas ligularis L.
(det. Liene T. Ei*fcen,1970)
Municfpio de Loreto: "Ilha de Balsas” region, be-
tween the Balsas & Parnafba Rivers. SANTA BXRBARA,
due SSE of Loreto? on shore of Hio Parnafba. Flat
river plain, less than 1 km* vide, several meters
above river level, covered with dense babagu palm
grove. Alt. HO m. 7*30*S. 45»3*W.
Property of Dona Luzia.
Main vegetation types of region: CO’Vjhapada", decid-
uous to evergreen xeromorphic tree woodland (*cerra-
daott) on tops & sides of sandstone plateaus & some
low flat land; (2)*tabuleiro"f deciduous lew^tree
woodland (another type of ,,eerradao,,) on upper parts
of rolling terrain; (3)^ataH, closed, deciduous to
evergreen forest, in galleries; GO"caatinga", open
deciduous forest on lower parts of rolling terrain;
^'•varjao", scattered deciduous forest-type trees
on low flat land; (¿^cocal^denae babagu palm
groves on Parnafba River terrace & some brook vaL-
leys. Dry season 4~5 months with almost no rain;
brooks intermittent. Annual fires & cattle grazing
in all areas. Sam sgpots with dense secondary cha-
pada sc nib (Hcarrascon) $ much tabuleiro cleared to
form grassy pasture; much mats, caatinga & varjao
in shifting cultivation.
This habitats river1« edge» on steep bank 1 1/2
meters above present water level. Soil pink brown
silt without humus. All specimens of this number
taken from one clump* ik	27 Hay 1962
leg. George Biten & Liene T. Eiten, n® ¿759A
Distributed by the Instituto de Botfinica, S8o Paulo / ,