Scytonema subgelatinosum N.L.Gardner
Filed As
Scytonema subgelatinosum N.L.Gardner ( paratype ) -
J. N. F. Wille 1066, 13 Feb 1915
Puerto Rico. Maricao, on rocks by the road to Monte Montora.
On rocks. On rocks.
Specimen Notes
Mounted with the holotype Wille 108 (barcode 00953347), and the paratypes Wille 174 (barcode 00953348), and Wille 1246 (barcode 00953345).
NY Barcode: 00953346
Occurrence ID: bfb84cdd-d9ae-4e72-b939-f36b327d5874
All Determinations
Scytonema subgelatinosum N.L.Gardner
Scytonema hofmannii C.Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Scytonema guyanense Bornet & Flahault det L. R. Almodóvar, 23 Sep 1957
Type Details
paratype of Scytonema subgelatinosum N.L.Gardner
West Indies
Puerto Rico
Maricao, on rocks by the road to Monte Montora
3 4 6 7 8 9 10txtv The New York copyright reserved Botanical Garden No. £*-0 n/ K Tiùh^à- ./?¥? hyis vw ? Z -P*> - ^ Azíuz ________1 m ' ,sí¿.-<í¿Si'?y9-cts...... tj&JstesyrO'CLs - (¿^4 29. Scytontma subcjelatinosimi Portions of filaments showing, variations in char- acter of the cells in different parts...................................... x 250 %:Vuk. Mvul- U U -fci 'f£ f #' f^7. Scytonema subgelatinosum sp. nov. Plate 15, figure 29 Filaments erect for the most part, more or less fasciculate, sparsely branched, about 1 mm. long, 10-13 m diam.; trichomes clavate at the outer apical end, 3-5 p diam. in the older parts, 6-9 p diam. at the apices; cells up to 24 m long, cylindrical or slightly d olio form in the middle and older parts, decidedly dolio- form at the apices in some of the younger filaments, pale aeru- ginous, homogeneous; cross-walls very inconspicuous; hetero- cysts of the same size and shape as the cells; sheath relatively thick, subgelatmous, homogeneous, hyaline; branching mostly single but some geminate. Growing on rocks by a water reservoir in Rio Piedras, no. 108, type; on rocks at the Experiment Station, Rio Piedras, uq. 174; on rocks by the road to Monte Montoro, Mariacao, no. 1066; north of Maricao, no. 1246. Aj[. TSMÏ7I Determined by Francis Drouet GARDEN D '0 RICO WILLE t_ 1Q1& Annotated ..... ^ .............. 19. .5T7.. . by 0 MA<j, Determined by Francis Drouet f? lìlt GARDEN D RICO VILLE 1915 «, O O NEW ^ O % co s BOTA7S cn § CO • z GARIwi P != CD o > XI o Annotated M..........IX.......... Æ W..................... //UhtX^ THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN DARIUS OGDEN MILLS FUND - FRESH WATER ALGAE OF PORTO RICO COLLECTED BY PROFESSOR N. WILLE Rio Piedras December 31, 1914 NEW YORK BOTANIC T GJ. vr '
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Scytonema subgelatinosum N.L.Gardner