Stigonema spiniferum N.L.Gardner
Filed As
Stigonema spiniferum N.L.Gardner ( holotype ) -
J. N. F. Wille 1229, 19 Feb 1915
Puerto Rico. Maricao. On shaded earth near the "Campo".
On shaded earth. On shaded earth.
NY Barcode: 00953621
Occurrence ID: ba1f63e4-d29a-4138-b721-15ebbc55bb28
All Determinations
Stigonema spiniferum N.L.Gardner
Scytonema hofmannii C.Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Nostoc microscopicum Carmich. ex Bornet & Flahault det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Stigonema panniforme (C.Agardh) Harv. det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Note: (TYPE of S. spiniferum Gardn.) rare among Nostoc microscopicum Carm. and Scytonema hofmannii Ag. -
Type Details
holotype of Stigonema spiniferum N.L.Gardner
West Indies
Puerto Rico
Maricao. On shaded earth near the "Campo".
18.1724, -66.9437
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates of geogr. center of Maricao. Measured from coord. to farthest extent of the region to find linear ext. (11470 m). Used MaNIS Georef. Calculator to find uncertainty (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
4 NEW YORK BOTANIC ' gj vr 6 7 8 9 10 T XT v The New York copyright reserved Botanical Garden NEW YORK BOTANIC AT GARr ~,st « tn. (<nf Determined by Francis ^Jrouet ' 56. Stigonema spiniferum Portion of a typical plant with hormogonii'erous branches and, T, a cross-section............................................. x 250 Stigonema spiniferum sp. nov Plate 22, figure 56 Filaments 500-700 u long, 35-45 y (up to 60 p) diam.,, very irregularly and profusely branched, no distinction into main ’ fronds and branches; all branches more or less attenuated and i - • • terminating in more or less curved, spine-like, hormogonial por- tions; cells multiseriate in part but usually 4-seriate, in distinct Modular clusters, when numerous subsphetical, usually the lon- gitudinal diameter longer than the cross diameter, olive-green, homogeneous; sheath 10-15 ¡j thick, hyaline, homogeneous, in age the teguments of the individual cells and groups of cells yellow- ish; the hormogoniferous apical portions, or branches, thick, white, attenuated to a very sharp jwint, 60-90 p long; hormo- gonia usually clavate and uni seriate, larger at the ou ter end, escaping by rupture of the outer end of the spine; heterocysts sparse and inconspicuous. Growing on soil at “Campo,” Maricao, wo. 1229, type. Stigonema spiniferum is closely related to 8. cornutum of this paper, but differs from that species in having larger cells, fewer series of cells, and particularly in having all of the vege- tative branches terminating in long, more or less curved, hyaline spines, bearing the hormogonia, whereas in 8. cornutum the hor- mogoniferous branches are specialized. DC' < C3! _|' < o o m * cc o >- 3 CM CO CO in CT) :o o NEW YOR r BOTANV r THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN DARIUS OGDEN MILLS FUND FRESHWATER ALGAE OF PORTO COLLECTED BY PROFESSOR N. WI Maricao February 32-16? 1 No ./joLoLf 00953621
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Stigonema spiniferum N.L.Gardner