Liagora mucosa M.Howe
Filed As
Liagora mucosa M.Howe ( microslide of holotype ) -
M. A. Howe 5717, 21 Dec 1907
Bahamas. at West end of Little Inagua, on rocks at low-water mark.
On rocks at low-water mark. On rocks at low-water mark.
Specimen Notes
Mounted with slides from the paratype Howe 3399 (barcode 00900291).
NY Barcode: 00900290
Occurrence ID: 39f78635-6bc6-4cca-816d-46fd74b02fe4
All Determinations
Type Details
microslide of holotype of Liagora mucosa M.Howe
West Indies
at West end of Little Inagua, on rocks at low-water mark
21.4956, -72.9992
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates of geogr. center of Little Inagua Island. Measured from coord. to farthest extent of the island to find linear ext. (9710 m). Used MaNIS Georef. Calculator to find uncertainty (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
t^t,. J¿^^¿y. S?0S sv/n VL . £,/ /fd 7 <^^r'- (/^¿S CLS^d^-^X~y . — ~yz-4£& - '¿ls> ?3 ff. W/3*JLa^^ $7/7 . vt^gr fA NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 00900291 NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 00900290 ?4-4- J- %» 6'^7 £> X X •Os. &7P7 e/M^ 181*. £ £ 7 % r VRSC BOTANICAL ^ardeH 6 7 8 9 10 X XT V The New York Copyright reserved Botanical Garden 6. Liagora mucosa M. A. Howe, sp. now Thallus very soft and mucous, lightly and irregularly calcified, 5-20 cm. long or high, irregularly monopodia!-, the main divisions paniculate or pyramido- paniculate, the calcification beginning near the central axis and often extending into the extra-peripheral mucus as mostly isolated flocculent granules, the sur- face in dry state pulverulent, farinaceous, or sometimes minutely alveolate; brandies for the most part progressively shorter, varying from rather sparse to moderately crowded, tapering slightly to obtuse or subaeute apex, 0.32-0.6 mm. broad towards apex (not including hairs) ; central axis in basal parts 0.7—1.25 mm. in diameter, lightly calcified, often denudate, in ultimate branches mostly 45—125 p, in diameter, readily visible, commonly reduced to three or four rather easily separable filaments towards apex, the cells subcylindric 01* fusiform, mostly 52—300/it X 11—75 u, descending rhizoids 3-8 /i in diameter few ii* younger parts; fascicles of assimilatory lifarnents mostly 150-300 n long, 3 or 4 times diehotomous, intermingled in older parts with simple or subsimple fila- ments 8—15 cells long, all beautifully moniliate or submoniliate in distal parts at least, the distal or subdistal cells subglobose or bitruncate-subglobose to ellipsoid or obovoid, 13-24 (j. long, 13-19 fx broad; apical hairs very numerous, becoming 300-800 \x long, eylindrie-capitate, gelatinizing and leaving in con» spicuous vestigia; dioicous; antheridia forming rather compact subglobose or subhemispheric tufts 25—50 ix. broad, crowning ultimate and penultimate seg- ments; carpogonial branch slightly curved, 15-28 ^ broad, of four cells (often with conspicuous intercellular spaces), situated latero-terminally 011 the second or third (rarely first or fourth) segment of the fascicle; cystocarp compact, subhemispheric or subglobose, 100-200 /x broad, with a few rather inconspicuous ascending involucral filaments; carpospores obovoid to pyriform-clavate, 25- 32 a* X 14-18 tx. ()<n more or less exposed rocks. at or near the low-water mark (also found washed ashore), Little Inagua (lloirc .>7/7—type), Bose Island, Whale Cay, Ureat Stirrup Cay, (ireat Bahama:—Florida (Key West. Mrs. O. .1. Hall. Mrs. F. A. Cur- tins) : Barbados (Vickers, Aig. Barb. Mi—a coarse form). Liauora mucosa resembles L. pedicel!ata so much in general habit that a microscopic examination is commonly necessary for their distinction, yet it differs constantly in being dioicous, in the larger tufts of antheridia. in the less distal and more lateral insertion of tlie more curved carpogonial branch, and in the presence of a proper, even though rather inconspicu- ous. ascending involucre for the cystocarp. It differs less constantly in the shorter, more moniliform assimilatory filaments and in the more axial, less extra-peripheral calcification. From LUiyora pinnata llarv.. the species differs in being dioicous, in being less calcified, in its greater mucosit.v, in its shorter, more moniliform assimilative fila- ments. etc. . From Lhtyoru meyaiynn Borg., recently described from St. Croix, L. tinicosa dif- fers in being much more flaccid and mucous, in being less calcified, in the long and numerous apical hairs, in the fascicles of the more moniliate assimilatory filaments being about one half as long, in the absence of rh|zoidal trichomes on the assimilatory tilameiits (except for the decurrent rhizoid springing from the basal segment), in the more curved, usually less stout, and more proximally situated carpogonial branches, etc. "7^cfc>4 / 9<2$- 00900291 00900290
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Liagora mucosa M.Howe