Hypnea nidulans Setch.
Filed As
Hypnea nidulans Setch. ( isotype ) -
W. A. Setchell 1084, 12 Jun 1920
Samoa. Tutuila Island, Aua Reef.
Forming dense clumps among clusters of staghorn corals (Acropora phaeronis).
Notes (shown on label)
Collected by W. A. Setchell, under the auspices of the Division of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., Alfred G. Mayor, Director, June and July 1920.
NY Barcode: 00900256
Occurrence ID: 16cddbb9-a1ee-4f38-9409-04d33aca803e
All Determinations
Type Details
isotype of Hypnea nidulans Setch.
Tutuila Island, Aua Reef
NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN "TT Plants of Tutuila Island, Samoa Collected by W. A. Setchei/l, under the auspices of the Division of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.O., Amred 6. Mayor, Director, June and July, 1920. Hypnea nidulans s.. nov. forming dense clumps anon?* clusters of staghorn corals (Aero;.ora phaeronis), Aua lieef June I'2,1920 with tetrasPoran<ria 1084 No. Plants of Tahiti, Society Islands Collected by W. A. Setchell and H. E. Parks, under the auspices of the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C., May, June, and July, 1922. Hypnea nidulans Setchell Reef at Tahara Mountain June 18 no. 5186 Hypnea nidulans sp. nov. Fig. 30. Frondibus laxe intricatis, cespitosis, in Acroporis phaeronis nidulantibus, 5-6 nun. altis, decomposito ramosis, leviter compressis atrorubescentibus ; axi primario plus H » i - - 162 VEGETATION OF TUTUILA ISLAND. minusve percurrente, alterne ramoso; ramis primariis longioribus et brevioribus, ramosis aut simplicibus, apice abrupte attenuatis, acutis; cellulis internis magnis, ad superficiem diminuendis, omnibus hyalinis, strato superficiali parvis cellulis coloratis unistratosis composito; tetrasporangiis in nematheciis stricte delimitatis, ephippioformibus infra apicibus ramulorum imponentibus, zonatim divisis, para- physibus linearibus paucicellulatis commitatis; antheridiis cystocarpiisque ignotis. No. 1084, forming dense clumps among clusters of staghorn corals (Acropora phaeronis), Aua Reef (June 12, 1920, with tetrasporangia!). Fig. 30.—Hypnea nidulans sp. nov. (No. 1084). 1. Habit of portion of branches. X 1.33 + 2. Portion showing position and shape of nemathecia. X 5.33+ 3. Enlarged tip of branch, forming a nemathecium. X 83.33 + 4. Surface view of slightly crushed nemathecium to show tetrasporangia and paraphyses. X 333.33+ 5. Transverse section through a branch. X 333.33 + This very distinct species has been distributed by Harvey (Friendly Island Algæ, No. 44) as Hypnea pannosa J. Ag., which it certainly is not. It is one of the most interesting of the pholadophytes of the reef moat. It usually nestles, or snuggles, down under a compact mass of branches of staghorn coral, such as the natives assemble and stack in low windrows in the reef moat for fish traps. Well down in the pile, the Hypnea nidulans nestles in bunches in such fashion as to seemingly avoid the extreme illumination. It is frequent on the Aua Reef and probably also on the other exposed reefs. lOflH VSO TYPE OF: Vta?N£A S>ETOÆLL dfifrtVZtotL 3À>iT. (mH\ Xauisr CcfoNeao I fal «2ody. 00900256
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Hypnea nidulans Setch.