Grallatoria reptans M.Howe
Filed As
Grallatoria reptans M.Howe ( paratype ) -
M. A. Howe 5766, 24 Dec 1907
Bahamas. Great Ragged Island, on rocks near low tide mark.
Making a soft, dark red, lubricous coating in shadded crevices of surf-beaten rocks. on rocks.
Specimen Notes
Mounted with the holotype Howe 5784 (barcode 00900145),
NY Barcode: 00900146
Occurrence ID: 57ddf3d3-181f-4223-bbe9-e0cc8980ad5f
All Determinations
Type Details
paratype of Grallatoria reptans M.Howe
West Indies
Great Ragged Island, on rocks near low tide mark
22.2027, -75.7271
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates of geogr. center of Great Ragged Island. Measured from coordinates to farthest extent of the cay to find linear extent (3790 m). Input information into MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find uncertainty radius (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
7^ % * «iji ft: | «3 1 > .-? * .¿ 4 - ' H $3 $ v> 40 ? IVfl i s - : ^ £ * ’ •i I U ¿tj ^ J i V/ *> ? & ..." -v <§ ~s> x>~ S?&6 PARATYPE OF: 6?iZAUATTO«.<A '&£?TAnS, YVA. HoU)S ^\o£US**3> }H ? mON V( 1LLSS4D6H - \°lZO *T\ie ^»¡u+ttnA. ^ f-SfcO. >av^ 200}. )4oij0 TYPE OF: S7iH (2?RALLATO^iA HA Hovae Vk&JUStfcb M - ^l\TTOH i- YUuA*M>fcH^ 1^20 Tv*c ^AHavia Fusa ^ p. sto. _SCxt/ig?^ Ca^Kzao (n^, t\<K%OQ7. 2. GRALLATORIA M. A. Howe, gen. now ?Thallus filiform, monosiphonous, the primary filaments dorso-ventrally or- ganized, repent, uneortieated, the ramuli (“short branches”) lateral and dorsal in origin, in threes or falsely fives and semi-verticillate, or in opposite pairs; opposite lateral ramuli commonly each forking in its basal cell, the two mem- bers simple or subsimple, few-celled, one of each pair ascending, the other de- flexed and terminating in stelliform or avipedate haptera, giving the primary filaments the appearance of walking on stilts; dorsal ramuli comparatively stout, erect, repeatedly ramified, the branching somewhat secundly subdichot- omous or occasionally subtrichotomous. Chromatopbore in the younger cells an irregular subspiral band, in the older apparently consisting of numerous minute, more or less confluent granules. Sporangia on ramelli of the dorsal ramuli, usually tetrahedrally divided (tripartite). Other parts unknown. 1. Grallatoria reptans M. A. Howe, sp. nov. Repent primary filaments simple or sparingly dichotomous, sinuous, 38—66 fi in diameter, their cells 1.5-2 times as long as broad, often bulging slightly above the septum, their walls 5-13 n thick, opposite lateral ramuli from nearly every segment of the primary filament, the ascending prong simple, 200-400 /* (4-8 cells) long, tapering, about 20 /j- in diameter near base, about 8 p- at apex, the deflexed stilt-like prong simple or once furcate, mostly 150-450 fi (4-6 cells) long, slightly tapering, 20-26 /j. in diameter; dorsal erect ramuli 1-4 nun. high, springing usually from every second segment of the primary filament, their main axes 34—46/* in diameter near base, the basal cell 1.5—2 times as long as broad, the succeeding cells mostly 3—6 times as long as broad, the penicillate, or dimidio- subfastigiate terminal divisions subsecund along the inner (anterior) faces of the divisions; tetrasporangia obovoid or pyriform, solitary, or in twos or rarely threes, 52-64 X 40-50 p. (including wall, which is 6—8 /t thick), tripartite or sometimes irregularly divided, mostly on one-celled pedicels; ovoid, globose or pyriform densely granular cysts 60—150 in diameter occasional, especially near the distal ends of the deflexed gralliform filaments; color of plants vinaceous-purple to dark vinaceous-brown (near the color of Wrangelia Argus). Forming a soft purple or reddish-brown lubricous velutinous coating in crevices of surf-beaten rocks near the low-water mark, covering small shells, crustaceous or prostrate algae, etc. In size and habit, the plant bears some superficial resemblance to species of Acfoohaetium or to Rhodoclvovtou RotJiii, but its affinities are apparently with Wranfjelia, from which, however, it amply differs in the cMracters indicated. Great Ragged Island (Ilowe 578.)—type—and ANIOAL O O 3 o o ?a -sj < -i <n 3" 00
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Grallatoria reptans M.Howe