Phormidium interruptum var. rigidum N.L.Gardner
Filed As
Phormidium interruptum var. rigidum N.L.Gardner -
J. N. F. Wille 300 e, 07 Jan 1915
Puerto Rico. Coamo Springs, on bark of tree.
On bark of trees. On bark of trees.
NY Barcode: 00953602
Occurrence ID: a97b57ec-8381-4d9c-aeb8-0bd880eed346
All Determinations
Phormidium interruptum var. rigidum N.L.Gardner
Schizothrix rubella Gomont det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Note: (TYPE of Phormidium interruptum var. rigidum Gardn.)Schizothrix calcicola (C.Agardh) Gomont det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Note: some...Scytonema hofmannii C.Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Note: some...Anacystis montana (Lightf.) F.E.Drouet & W.A.Daily det F. E. Drouet, Apr 1971
Note: some...Fischerella ambigua (Kütz. ex Bornet & Flahault) Gomont det F. E. Drouet, 02 Jun 1938
Note: (TYPE of Phormidium interruptum var. rigidum Gardn.) -
Type Details
holotype of Dactylococcopsis interruptum var. rigidum N.L.Gardner
West Indies
Puerto Rico
Coamo Springs, on bark of tree
18.0372, -66.3736
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coord. of geogr. center of Coamo Thermal Hot Springs. Meas. from coord. to farthest extent of the springs to find linear ext. (143 m). Input info. into MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find uncert. radius (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN W 1'î'*)6Tryw . ( fw/pe Wivu,(^ v FRANCIS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 q 1fi The New York cm copyright reserved botanical Garden THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN DARIUS OGDEN MILLS FUND FRESH-WATER ALGAE OF Phormidium interruptum rigidum var. nov. Filaments considerably tortuous, rigid; trichome 4.8-5.2 (j diam., not constricted; cells up to 2 times as long as broad; end cell rounded and end wall very slightly thickened, color very pale purplish-olive; sheath relatively thick, smooth, firm, hyaline to dark brown at maturity. Growing on bark of trees, Coamo Springs, no. 300 e, type; and on the wall of a church, Sabana Grande, no. 952; on rocks near Coamo Springs, no. 358 a. The variety rigidum differs from the species in having longer „ cells and a firm, rigid, brown sheath. T'VUywv. VLcrb. ^Lc^jcLl^ cJti4 srm*» ouUs. Det^rmin^^y*Francis Drouet 00953602
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Phormidium interruptum var. rigidum N.L.Gardner