Ceramium leptozonum M.Howe
Filed As
Ceramium leptozonum M.Howe ( holotype ) -
M. A. Howe 99, 14 Jun 1900
Bermuda. in the ponds of Walsingham.
In a pond.
Specimen Notes
1) Form. Iodine Poor. 2) Form. Tetrasp. 3) Form. Eosin. 4) Säure violett. 5) Form Tet. 6) Soaket out. 7) Form.
NY Barcode: 00900014
Occurrence ID: 75bf7a2b-3ef0-4e03-a70e-54ce76e316a2
All Determinations
Type Details
holotype of Ceramium leptozonum M.Howe
North America
in the ponds of Walsingham
32.3484, -64.7115
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates of geogr. center of Idwal Hughes Nature Reserve. Measured from coord. to farthest extent of the park to find linear ext. (480 m). Used MaNIS Georef. Calculator to find uncertainty (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
T<^ > c> 31 ? 1*1/%. Ceramiutti leptozonum M. A. Howe, sp. nov. Plants delicate, Indian a e 01 deep purplish-vinaceous, c^icspitose, diehotomous, fastigiate, 14-3 cm. * ? ma,ln filaments 40?7>2 x in diameter, lightly corticated at nodes only, the 1(r. řtřmies acute, the apices slightly forcipate or subereet; internodal cells cy indrie below^ and 14-4 times as long as broad, becoming ovoid and shorter a ove, all provided with conspicuous fibrillar chromatophores, becoming decol- orate below; nodal bands of corticating cells very narrow, slightly protuberant, mostly only one cell wide (high), the cells with their longer axes (20-40 m) usually directed lengthwise of the filament, about four cells measuring the diameter of the filament, irregular smaller cells sometimes forming an imper- fect second (upper) row; tetrasporangia solitary or 2 or 3 at a node, mostly secund along the outer side of the filament, occasionally subverticillate, 50-65 m in maximum diameter, the primary wholly naked, the secondary (formed by regeneration) subtended by 2-4 small sterile cells and thereby often much exserted or substipitate, the tetraspores somewhat tetrahedrally disposed. Type from a pond at Walsingham, having subterranean communication with the sea, (Hoive 99, in herb. N. Y. Botanical Garden). Ceramium leptozonum is related to C. byssoideum and the plants currently known as C. tenuissimum, but seems to be amply distinct in having ordinarily only a single row of corticating cells at the nodes, these cells nearly always elongate in the direction of the filament, and in the naked primary tetra- sporangia. In the narrow nodal zones, the regenerating tetrasporangia, and the rather persistent coloring of the protoplasts of the large internodal cells, the species is slightly suggestive of Ceramothamnion Codii, from which it is easily distinguished by the apparently non-repent habit, the diehotomous stouter and taller filaments, the usually single instead of double row of nodal cells, which are also more elongate, the relatively smaller naked primary tetrasporangia, etc. Ceramium cruciatum and C. tenuissimum also sometimes show persistently colored fibrillar chromatophores in the internodal cells. In soaked-out dried specimens, the nodal cells often appear to be more numerous than they really are, owing to the segregation of chromatophores or to the purely optical cutting of these cells by the nodal diaphragm. The tetraspores ^ sometimes gerbinate in situ, giving rise to small proliferations. The species is apparently endemic. BERMUDA ALGAE Collected in the Bermuda Islands by Marshall A. Howe, June 5 - July 7, 1900 ^EW BOTANICAL ¨L 'yu In the ponds of Walsingham (having subterranean communication with the sea) TYPE HERBARIUM ? F THE NEW YORK B OTAN ICAL BARDEN NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN ALGAE DF BERMUDA 009000 99. Ceramium leptozonum M. A. HOWE In the ponds of Walsingham (having subterranean communication with the sea) June 5 - July 7, 1900 Collected by M. A. Howe WOLO TYPE OF: Ce^AHiOM LEVT03.0HUH H- ?v*MS*?b in }W\%. Fk*A OF &*®***, f. S2>) ( N^VtW zool. HERBARIUM BF THE NEW YORK BUTANICAL GARDEN ALGAE OF BERMUDA 99. Ceramium leptozonum M. A. Howe In the ponds of Walsingham. (having subterranean communication with the sea) June 5 - July 7, 1900 Collected by m. A. Howe ilium _ _T I JL ţi ţţ ţţ W?Z J^H�Z ţBri jsgsiL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The New York cm copyright reserved Botanical Garden SLIDES HERBARIUM BF THE NEW YD R K BOTANICAL BARDEN ALGAE DF BERMUDA 99. Ceramium leptozonum M. A. Howe In the ponds of Walsingham. (having subterranean communication with the sea) June 5 - July 7, 1900 SLIDES HERBARIUM DF ?THE NEW YBRK BBTANICAL GARDEN ALGAE GF BERMUDA
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Ceramium leptozonum M.Howe