Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Filed As
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe ( holotype ) -
Collector unknown s.n., Dec 1913
Bermuda. Smith's Bay.
Notes (shown on label)
comm. F. S. Collins as No. 8005 under name Callithamnion hookeri.
Specimen Notes
Comm. F. S. Collins as No. 8005 under name Callithamnion hookeri
NY Barcode: 00899978
Occurrence ID: 8e35247e-2794-4349-8f03-3e3894d56d97
All Determinations
Aglaothamnion herveyi (M.Howe) N.Aponte, D.L.Ballant. & J.N.Norris
Type Details
holotype of Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
North America
Smith's Bay
32.3192, -64.713
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates on shore closest to geogr. center of John Smith's Bay. Measured from coord. to farthest extent of the bay to find linear ext. (174 m). Used MaNIS Georef. Calculator to find uncertainty (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
7/ a cZff. /^/%. Callithamnion Herveyi M. A. Howe, sp. nov. Plants dingy purple, sub- fuscous in age, gelatinous, forming tufts or cushions 2-4 cm. high, ramifica- tion densely and repeatedly decompound, for the most part irregular or ob- scurely tetrastichous, the ultimate ramelli more or less subdistichous or dichotomo-distichous; main axes with rhizoidal cortications for three fourths or more of their length, 0,3-0.35 mm. in diameter at base and in older parts loosely hirto-tomentulose with simple or irregularly branched rhizoidal ramelli; cells of the largest uncorticated branches 40-80 fi in diameter, sub- cylindric, mostly l|-2 times as long as broad, their walls 12-25 n thick; ante- penultimate ramuli cylindric-plumose, mostly 0.8-1.5 mm. long, and, with the patent or erecto-patent ramelli, 0.3-0.6 mm. broad; cells of the ultimate ramelli 14?'2 (rarely 3) times as long as broad, the terminal obtuse, 8-12 /u in diameter, occasionally piliferous; dioicous; antheridia subglobose or sub- hemispheric, 30-50 ft in diameter, usually crowning a short but manifest one- celled pedicel; cystocarps subglobose, 100-220 /j. in diameter, scarcely. lobed, % often geminate; tetrasporangia lateral, mostly solitary, irregularly scattered or occasionally subsecund, obovoid or subglobose, mostly 38?40 fi in maximum diameter, tetrahedrally divided or spores sometimes subdecussately paired; monosporangia terminal, frequent on cystocarpie plants, occasional on anthe- ridial and tetrasporic plants, scattered or irregularly clustered* solitary, some- times concatenate in twos (very rarely in threes), obovoid, ellipsoid, pyriform, or subglobose, 36?65 /®. in longer liameter. [ Phyc. Bor.-Am. 2046 as Cal- lithamnion Hoolceri (Dillw.) Ag.] Type from Smith?s Bay, December, 1913, communicated by F. S. Collins as no. 8005, and preserved in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. The species is named in honor of Rev. Dr. A. Jf". Hervey, author of 25 sfiss UOLO TYPE OF: Cauuthav^von neR.vea; YI.A-Hřwe IH : ih. u. * '1 ? ? p 52 ś 1 -A HAT\ H v ON \+?Ż? * QzfiMZ&O (yW), Vgfe 7. the popular book, ' flora of Bermuda. :,Rea Mosses,? and successful investigator of the marine v New York Botanical Garden O•. ^ l?VVV0^V'.WCQ|r\x J\JLfV ^ col o cuh B. O rz&i- A . fdO' ft SśVV Yo'?/c' BOTANICAL DEN ? %CT? if ¨aMdL, glb/Jcs r Jf/S Jftxr &iŻo. Vv- BOTANICAL 1 śArdś^J F ^/CA>rrl^Uy!^U' śk&. itf/S__.__?_ . ( SOT/ AL * r i di&fr' l /? 0 W ¨Qz/C/, jf / s 5^ (UcL \ ! I botanical J -P--- /Qcś> / ^ i 3 (hrUsvO. . Dia Jf/3 (chrrrio.) Ujt˘ f - fn - \ w c 1 00899978 JjARPEH; HERBARIUM OF THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEfi' (botanical j Yo^> BOTANICAL 00899978
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Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe