Halimeda lacrimosa M.Howe
Filed As
Halimeda lacrimosa M.Howe ( holotype ) -
M. A. Howe 5524, 11 Dec 1907
Bahamas. Mariguana [Mayaguana], Southeast Point.
"Dredged in 3-4 m. w." "From near low-water mark down to a depth, at least, of ten or twenty meters" (Howe, 1909, Orig. Pub.).
NY Barcode: 00887523
Occurrence ID: 9d521ed9-e061-4dda-81d8-8f8e3721b680
All Determinations
Type Details
holotype of Halimeda lacrimosa M.Howe
West Indies
Mariguana [Mayaguana], Southeast Point
22.2828, -72.7809
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coord. of geogr. center of Southeast Point. Measured from coord. to approx. geogr. center of nearest named place (Booby Cay); halved distance (3830 m). Input information into MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find uncert. radius.
Geodetic Datum
; M^tic^gy ¨sśZ. .' ¨?<^ C^— c^C^- ¨¨-'I fi^-rUsis <UJ^ . ' v y^J *CrC?tl*^i*<*^c* -4? ţ* ? €' $ V}l<rśc*śoc^ fd ś ¨f, "}-/ auhsi^ifiL*^ c*sLsyw,*-t+ C, A NEW HALIMtOA Halimeda lacrimosa sp. nov. Dark gray-green in the younger parts when living, becoming albescent or white with age, soon decumbent, weak and straggling in habit, estipitate, 2-5 cm- in height or length, very strongly calcified, the calcification soon involving the medulla and the entire length of the peripheral utricles ; branching irregularly dichotomous 01* trichotomous, largely but not wholly in a single plane, the nodes in decumbent forms now and then rhiziniferous, or somewhat stoloniferous : segments obovoid, pyriform, or sub- globose, occasionally subterete, 1-5 mm. long, 1-5 mm. broad or thick (those near base scarcely different or often a little smaller), solid, firm, and stone-like, or the larger very often more or less hollow or cavernose in the medullary region and easily crushed on drying, the surface compact, smooth, and commonly nitent : peripheral utricles mostly rather obconical, usually somewhat flaring at surface, 40-110 1 long, 33?37 /jŚ in average maximum diameter in surface view, truncate or very slightly rounded at apex with apical walls often incrassate, retuse 011 drying, lateral walls in contact for only --fa their length but commonly coherent on d‚calcification : utricles of the subcortical layer in a single series, clavate-capitate, their subglobose or obovoid heads mostly 66-110 ft in maximum diameter, each bearing 6-18 peripheral utricles : filaments of the central strand fusing in twos, threes, or rarely tours at the nodes, the resulting filaments sometimes again incompletely fused in twos, threes, or fours : sporangia unknown. [Plate 4, figure i ; plate 6, figures 3-11.] In the Bahama Islands) from near low-water mark down to a depth, at least, of ten or twenty meters : Mariguana (near the Southeast Point), no. 5524, type (11 December, 1907, M. A. H.), and nos. 5492 and 5304. ; Great Ragged Island, no. 5810 ; and Ship Channel Cay, no. 3947. A peculiar species, without close affinities among the species of the genus hitherto described. It is apparently more common in *'EAV ?] aOTANl Sard ţ¨> -6 oi1 No...Vv THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN North American Marine Algae u^, <3 ? tcf. COLLECTED AT SOUTHEAST P0,NT, MAR,GUANA, BAHAMAS by Marshall a. Howe, December, n, 1907. w.i, I , I VIM hi It. /A by Marshall a. Howe, December ! ^ t…uSUQ BOTANICAL rpp 6 o2 Q ? < o o m * cc o CO CM LO N 00 00 THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN North American Marine Algae NO...... Collected at Southeast Point, Mar,guana, Bahamas (VI ~T 7 l/pSHALL A? HoWE? December, 11, ,g07. I ^ UU, [Ta^x j
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Halimeda lacrimosa M.Howe