Endospora rubra N.L.Gardner
Filed As
Endospora rubra N.L.Gardner ( paratype ) -
J. N. F. Wille 1000 e, 11 Feb 1915
Puerto Rico. on old logs north of Mayaguez.
On old logs. On old logs.
Specimen Notes
Mounted with the hoplotype Wille 1916 a (barcode 00937825), and the paratypes Wille 1923 a (barcode 00937828), and Wille 405 (barcode 00937826).
NY Barcode: 00937827
Occurrence ID: ce796d42-04df-474f-b609-5a2bc7894a88
All Determinations
Anacystis montana (Lightf.) F.E.Drouet & W.A.Daily det F. E. Drouet, 1955
Gloeocapsa alpicola (Lyngb.) Bornet det F. E. Drouet, Sep 1945
Type Details
paratype of Endospora rubra N.L.Gardner
West Indies
Puerto Rico
on old logs north of Mayaguez
18.2371, -67.1403
Geodetic Datum
i o o >- 3 h- CM CO h* CO O) o o THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN DARIUS OGDEN MILLS FUND FRESHWATER ALGAE OF PORTO RICO COLLECTED BY PROFESSOR N. WILLE Mayaguez February 10-11, 1915 No. ItP.P <_ Si K'., ^ciK : jTAMICAI, CARDEN WÊrtt'YORK BOTANICAL GARE) EN cell in the colony, and in neither is there such a definite membra- naceous wall separating the protoplasts. Another method of re- production would have to be added to the Cliamaesiphonaceous genus Pleurocapsa in addition to its schizogenous method of pro- ducing gonidia, and likewise the Cliroococcaceous genus Chroo- coccus would have to he emended to incluude such forms produc- ing specialized resting cells. It resembles the typical species in the genus Anacystis in having a definite life cycle, at the end of which all of , the cells of the colony are simultaneously changed into resting spores, the so-called rejuvenescent period. It dif- fers from Anacystis in that the cell walls are membranaceous and adhere hy their entire surface until maturity, instead of be- ing cartilaginous, mucilaginous, or gelatinous, as in Anacystis, such walls expanding more or less and permitting the proto- plasts to migrate from each other to variable and considerable distances. THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN DARIUS OGDEN MILLS FUND FRESH-WATER ALGAE OF PORTO RICO COLLECTED BY PROFESSOR N. WILLE COAMO SPRINGS JANUARY ^¿^1915 ’XJttkV Yu BOTANICA. garden Determined by Francis Drouet and William A. Daily Tfrw il (i <* I Mir it t'uh ')*/i ‘X Determined by Francis Drouet Determined by Francis Drouet Endospora rubra colonies in various stages of IK A group of cells and development .................. x 500 THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN DARIUS OGDEN MILLS FUND FRESHWATER ALGAE OF PORTO RICO COLLECTED BY PROFESSOR N. WILLE Near coamo Springs march 21, 1915 BOTA No 2L Ÿ- f&fr- X“*' 31 /ÏA1. ENDOSPORA gen. nov. Cells dividing in three planes, approximately perpendicular to each other, resulting in cuboidal to more or less spherical colonies; cells more or less angular, with membranaceous walls; all cells in the colony at maturity producing resting spores by thickening on the inside of the original separating walls, the spores being liberated by the dissolution of the colonial wall. Type species, Endospora rubra. The genus possesses a combination of characters not found in any other genus of the Chroococcaceae. The combination
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Endospora rubra N.L.Gardner