Strigula melanobapha (Kremp.) R.Sant.

  • Filed As

    Strigula melanobapha (Kremp.) R.Sant.

  • Collector(s)

    H. Heatwole E-1, 01 Nov 2001 - 10 Nov 2001

  • Location

    Madagascar. Antsiranana. Masoala National Park, Baie d'Ambanizana, near Tampolo.

  • Habitat

    on leaves of Clusiaceae.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 756665

    Occurrence ID: ba3832e3-c96a-4f6d-8067-bb84d2a575ca

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region


  • Country


  • Locality

    Antsiranana. Masoala National Park, Baie d'Ambanizana, near Tampolo

  • Coordinates

    -16, 50

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden
Cryptogams of Madagascar
Strigula melanobapha (Kremp.) R. Sant.
+ Strigula subtilissima (Fée) Miill. Arg.
+ Mazosia melanophthalma (Miill. Arg.) R. Sant.
+ Mazosia phyllosema (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
Antsiranana: Masoala National Park, Baie
d’Ambanizana, near Tampolo, ca. 16°S, 50°E; on
leaves of Çlusiaceae.
det. R. Lücking
1-10 November 2001
Harold Heatwole E-l
The New York Botanical Garden
Cryptogams of Madagascar
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out	^Uclfi^e)
kl rvlcLa 'fhjstllAAjs? ftrcsruo?i-ejl
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Antsiranana: Masoala National Park, Baie
d’Ambanizana, near Tampolo, ca. 16°S, 50°E; on
leaves of Clusiaceae.
1-10 November 2001
Harold Heatwole E-l