Solanum clathratum Sendtn.

  • Kingdom


  • Division


  • Order


  • Family


  • All Determinations

    Solanum clathratum Sendtn. det L. L. Giacomin, 2013

    Solanum distichophyllum Sendtn.
    Note: [Filed under this name but not annotated.]

    Solanum schlechtendalianum Walp. det M. Bang
    Note: "In the many representatives of this species in the Kew Herbarium, the flowers are uniformly smaller and the indumentum less aureous than in Mr. Bang's specimen, but I can hardly regard the latter as distinct. It is the same as Spruce's no. 791 and near Schomburghk's 859, which has a truncate calyx and different anthers." [Determiner unknown; see duplicate for annotation label]

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • Locality


  • Coordinates

    -15.309, -68.2233

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Unable to find the precise extent of the complete area (municipio?) of Mapiri; Google Maps only provides the extent of the city. Georeferenced this locality according to the "Named Place: Undefined Area" method of the Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, as to avoid calculating an artificially low uncertainty radius. Georeferenced to the approximate geographic center of Mapiri in Prov. Larecaja, La Paz Department. Used the Google Maps - Earth View to locate the area of Mapiri. Used the Google Maps - What's Here Tool to find the coordinates of the approximate geographic center of Mapiri. Used Google Earth to locate the nearest named place to Mapiri, San José, then used the Google Maps - Measure Distance Tool to find the approximate linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates to the approximate geographic center of San José and halving this distance. Input coordinates, linear extent (2125.0 m), and measurement error (10 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

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