Sloanea garckeana K.Schum.

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Jussari Mun.

  • Locality

    Serra do Teimoso, 7.5 km N of Jussari on road to Palmira, then 2 km W to Fazenda Teimoso, then 45 min. walk W to Reserva da Fazenda Teimoso.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 300 - 450 m. (984 - 1476 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -15.17, -39.58

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The NiirlSril Botanical Garden
ife, 11728
WS jgaxstessi, Sm SSfcHfe-
jf|-#s JfflKEdfen if -fir* SOW?^
Brazil. Bahia. Jussari: Serra si* Teimoso, 7.5 km N §f
.latffari. ¡¡| ptssl Ji iMrfU, is® 5; 1«S W ¡K Fazenda
Teimoso, then 45 min. walk W to Reserva da Fazenda
Teimoso. 15o10’S5 19°35'W, 300-450 m.
Semi-deciduous iggBH*
Hpi* 14 m; Hims shiny dark pui itPPPf* fI|Si01f: plSf
beneath; flowers green; old fruit brown. SEPARATE
W* Thomas, A. M. Amorim & 1% TL PlSii
W Feb 1998
Supported bjf the John 0. and Catherine T* MacArthur