Microstachys heterodoxa (Müll.Arg.) Esser

  • Filed As

    Microstachys heterodoxa (Müll.Arg.) Esser

  • Collector(s)

    A. M. Amorim 700 with S. C. Sant'Ana, Ivan C. Nascimento & J. G. Jardim, 26 Aug 1992

  • Location

    Brazil. Bahia. Itacaré Mun. Itacaré estrada que liga Serra Grande. Ramal 13 que leva ao Campinho Cheiroso. Coletas entre o km 15 a 16 a partir do Distrito de Serra Grande.

  • Habitat

    Campos de restinga.

  • Description

    Subarbusto com ca. 1,5 m de altura. [see specimen label for additional information]. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 539295

    Occurrence ID: edd004f8-c419-4be0-8c05-af719eecab03

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Itacaré Mun.

  • Locality

    Itacaré estrada que liga Serra Grande. Ramal 13 que leva ao Campinho Cheiroso. Coletas entre o km 15 a 16 a partir do Distrito de Serra Grande

  • Coordinates

    -14.3559, -39.0087

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Georeferenced to 15.5 km (average of 15 km and 16 km) from the district of Serra Grande along the road that connects to the district of Serra Grande from Itacaré, BA 001, in Mun. Itacaré, Bahia. Using Google Maps - Satellite View, located the district/town of Serra Grande, and the road leading to it from Itacaré, BA 001. Beginning at the point along BA 001 closest to the approximate geographic center of the district of Serra Grande (-14.464900, -39.040231), used Google Maps - Measure Distance tool to measure approximatly 15.5 km (15.500 km) along BA 001 towards Itacaré. Using Google Maps -What's Here tool, found coordinates (final) for the offset. Used Google Maps - Measure Distance tool again to find the linear extent of the starting location of the offset by measuring along BA 001 from the selected starting coordinates to the furthest extent of the district along BA 001 (-14.459469, -39.039155). Input linear extent (616 m), coordinate precision (0.00001 degrees), datum (WGS84), distance precision (1 km) and measurement error (0.0005 km) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius (according to the Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Offset: Offset along a path). Note: an additional 500 m was added to the uncertainty output from the MaNIS calculator to account for the 0.5 km difference between the distance ranges provided on the label and the average distance used for measuring the offset.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Plantas da Regiao Cacaueira da Bahía
Sebastiania heterodoxa Benth.
Itacaré Estrada que liga Serra* Gránele^ Ramai 13
que leva ao Campinho Cheiroso. Coletas entre o
Km 15 a 16 a partir do Distrito de Serra Grande.
Subarbusto com ca. 1,5 metros de altura, bastante
ramificado. Folhas discolores, a face inferior
acinzentada. Inflorescencias cremes.
André M. Amorim, S.C. Sant'Ana, Ivan C. Nasci-
mento, J.G. Jardim et al. 700.
26 agosto 1992.