Amanita citrina Pers.
Filed As
Amanita citrina Pers. -
C. T. Rogerson Anchel Voucher #333, 21 Sep 1963
United States of America. New York. Delaware Co. Oneonta Vlei.
Collection Notes
Anchel Voucher # 342
Specimen Notes
Chemical data in N.Y. Library Archives
NY Barcode: 15108
Occurrence ID: 07033aca-7358-4ab5-a112-62e456b219eb
All Determinations
Amanita citrina Pers. det C. T. Rogerson
North America
United States of America
New York
Delaware Co.
Oneonta Vlei
BOTANICAL ?vien -W fifth bedroom. Walk-out $nt with picture window, ex- ORA DAVIS ;r REALTOR, PI*-3303 modern Kitchen with b0Ht-ln$; 2 fire- places. 1$ AREA—South of Mei.« St., Union District; PRICE—Askinfl »27,500. C. R. • REALTY SPeGlBEAUTY * 4ll 'has beautiful stone planter, } 4n has built-in vanity, huge fire Ml living room, covered patic built-in oven and range, tH. t windows, rug stays with hcui~ near new Maine-Endwell to&tii ? ‘ V«rrfWii\ sale. ^awious f ST., ENDICOTT, 9 TO 9 8-73C6 «lilts, tak*' advantage —...—~ he sold at - Owner is, out of town; Snd «flit accept reasonable offers, si lovely bedrooms and many more at-;, tractive features. Beautiful large land-! scaped lot with wooded Sear yard,; Priced for quick sate, omy x years old./ , For appointment only: L Phyllis Smfth, PI #39» ' Mary Loffus, ST 5*2134 >; I .ucllle Bush, Pi 8-256# t [ . Wary Robinson, Pi I-42K /iuftdItion,.3 rooms, bath <im. Netting over 13%. will flnanjte With , *» , rooms, semi, oil ' ’-'fy shade, trees, ga- |P Owner wyi carry a "?»tolcqtt, ^'smgle houses -ooms, bath In one; 4 : ~v*rtr-" F>a,h ?. Other, a good deal for : i. appointment oniv: ifrgi? ST5-U39# k iohn brain REALTOR,'; R| i-i52d *EW RAISED RANCH 1747 SQ. PT*. LARGE to VALKA B4JILD6RS, Mr. so uoajt WMbhj, Wftn^ubpoit nity. Buy this 3-bedroomrran®., modern kitchen with built-ins’A large living room, recreation room. Tout can buy hie with $1,500 down and assume present mortgage. Priced lower than the original cost at $18,500. COMPLETED 8-room split "level, stone and frame construction. 4-bedrooms, 3-baths.’ formal dining room, large living room, family room with fireplace, modern pleasant kitchen with everything. Plenty of closet softce. Excellent locA- tion. priced at * PASSES DON’T PASS up tm. cod with. 8;rooms, 2-haths. HP fireplaces, ,4 bedrooms. You’ll like this at $24,900. f'OR'A HOME— HVNT TOUCHDOWN JOyc# OWiski, 749-062$ WN TELL MS What VoUr rshi. John Fuller, 748-6735 '^uSff!SU,r listings. Brokt-r $ el/MER ANOCVINS, RSALIÄ DIAL 746 7346 IT have I 1924, oftus L. Hanley ttor Pit-7469 ?JANTICOKE VALLEY SUBDIVISION and *VfA financing. Mbik:haniéS. -W tmm tlsy/m-^T i2I,SOO: «*«-*«1 RE At» ESTATE OPEN HOUSE ri lKir\ A V ta z. b-E-e KEN W. BROWN REALTOR tic9i The Tpwn Through Brown » pi FUNGI OF NEW YORK The New York Botanical Garden
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Amanita citrina Pers.