Passiflora auriculata Kunth

Passiflora auriculata K. in H.B.K.
Det.: John M. MacDougal (MO) 2023
The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Passiflora	K.
¿¿ef, M- /t/i&t tWf
Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov, Ichilo, Parque Nacional
Amboro, along S side of Rio Surutu, 1 km. upstream
from junction with Rio Yapacani, 2 km. upstream and
SE of highway bridge over Rio Yapacani. Sandy
floodplain, with Salix humboldtiana, Tessaria
integrifolia, Acacia albocorticata, Gynerium
17°25fS, 63°49T30,fW. alt. 285 m.
Vine, edge of disturbed forest on slope at edge of
floodplain. Flowers yellow-green, sweetly fragrant.
Coll.:	M.	Nee	39891
10 Nov. 1990