Passiflora auriculata Kunth

Passiflora auriculata K. in H.B.K.
Det.: John M. MacDougal (MO) 2023
*7, VÎ
The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Passiflora auriculata HBK.
det. M. Nee, 1990
Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov. Ichilo, 2 km. W of
El Cairo and 6 km W of Buena Vista.
17°28'S, 63°43'W.	alt.	325 m.
Secondary tropical evergreen moist forest
remnants on flat area.
Vine over shrubs. Flowers greenish white.
Coll.:	M.	Nee	37963
5 Dec. 1989