Dracocephalum palmatum Stephan ex Willd.
Filed As
Dracocephalum palmatum Stephan ex Willd. -
NY Barcode: 5134111
Occurrence ID: e65b2d69-c2c7-4535-a770-f9fbf9b50f3d
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Northern Asia]
/ jl9>S Ute RANCHO SANTA ANA BOTANIC GARDEN ELahts of ffegadan Oblast, R.S.F.S.R., U.S.S.R. Lamiaceae Dracocephalum palmatun Steph. flowers dark blue, Kontakt River field Station. Upper part of Kontakt Stream, on west-facing slopes. 4 km E of Kolymskaia Water Balance Station. Hypoarctic zone at 950-1100 meters with Emus punila, ledum, Vaccinium and numerous lichens with underlying permafrost. bl 571~TT> 147 40' E Thomas S. Elias 11373 25 July 1988 D. Murray Twelfth field expedition to the U.S.S.R. under USA/USSR Gooperation Agreement in the Erotection of the Environment, Area V activity A - Threatened or Endangered Species of Elants and Introduction of Exotic Species. 05134111
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Dracocephalum palmatum Stephan ex Willd.