Rhododendron viscosum (L.) Torr.

Flora of Rockefeller State Park Preserve
Rhododendron viscosum (L.) Torr.
Del, Patricia Butter, 2022
United States of America. New York: Westchester County. Village of
Sleepy Hollow. Rockefeller State Park Preserve, east side of Swan Lake,
west side of Brother's Path, 122 meters southeast of the dam, 41.1097608
Lat, -73.8319488 Long (WGS84 ±30m). elev. 111m. border of lake and
Oak-Tulip Tree Forest, with Vaccinium corymbosum, Onoclea sensibilis,
and Solanum dulcamara.
Rare. Shrub restricted to shore of lake, to 1 meter tall. Flowers white,
fragrance sweet.
Photographs of plant and habitat uploaded to iNaturalist
Patricia Butter iff
8 JUL 2022